Two Jehovahs Witnesses Beheaded!

by deceit 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst_me


    Yes, but those effects aren't brought about by force such as these deaths were. Unless these religous fanatics are forcing people to follow them they do not deserve anything more than being exposed and then ignored. These actions certainly don't match beheading people for not following your belief.

    My point is that they were preaching in an area that looks upon proselytyzing as an act of war upon their traditional governments. They were not beheaded for "not following beliefs", but for insisting on engaging in an activity that has 400 years of evidence showing that it leads to the overthrow of traditional governments. I suggest that they were viewed as invaders, and that is why they were executed.

  • amac
    They were not beheaded for "not following beliefs",

    The news reports said the following:

    "a note was attached to one of the heads, saying: 'Those who do not believe in Allah will suffer the same fate.'"



    "Tolentino said notes were attached to the remains referring to 'infidels' and spoke of a holy war, or 'jihad.'"


    According to these, they were beheaded for "not following beliefs."

    I understand your point of them basically being where they shouldn't have been, and I agree to a certain extent. However, the crime of beheading these two people far outweighs the JWs bad decision of where to preach (or sell avon, whichever they were doing.)


    Hey amac,I see you got your panties in a knot,LOL..I`m an idiot and my font is too big?Thats quite a rebutal..What do`s a drunk driver killing parents and children have to do with dubs lying to authorities so they can get into a country to preach?You have a hard time staying on topic eh?I guess it`s easier to change the subject than to address the topic at hand.Oh yeah,I`m not an apostate.Is there anthing else you don`t know about,me that you would like to tell me?..Your not that bright are you?..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Dia

    For the record, they never got out of the minvan.

    Surely only their closest friends and relatives knew what they were up to out there.

  • Xander

    they never got out of the minvan.


    They just got in their little cargroup and drove straight to the area they were attacked?

    Don't you think it was more likely 'they never got out of their minivan' at the particular point they were attacked - but had actually gotten out several times previously to do their work?

    And I agree w/ the poster who complained about the media blaming every violent - sorry 'terrorist' - act on Al-Queda. Just because someone is a Muslim extremist does NOT make them de facto Al-Queda members.

  • amac

    dubs lying to authorities so they can get into a country to preach?

    Have you not been reading the posts in this thread or the news articles you continue to comment about? The JWs were from the Phillipines. They weren't from another country. But if they were, how on earth do you know they lied to the authorities? If they did lie, what in the world does that have to do with the fact that some religous freak chopped their heads off for being a different religion?!?!

    I guess it`s easier to change the subject than to address the topic at hand.

    I don't know, maybe you need to take an adult education class on reading and comprehension because every single post I have made on this thread have been about the same topic of JWs that were beheaded in the Phillipines.

    Is there anthing else you don`t know about,me that you would like to tell me?

    Again, you are lacking a tad bit of comprehension. I prefaced the statement with "I imagine..." which denotes that I was imagining it, therefore it wasn't a stated fact. But for the sake of clarity let me rephrase the sentence. I imagine that if you were ever a witness, you were a jerk witness and now you have simply evolved into a jerk.

    Your not that bright are you?..

    Obviously not as bright as you, with your stellar spelling and grammar.

    P.S. The word would be "You're."

    Edited by - amac on 23 August 2002 12:42:59


    Hey amac,nice cut and paste job,your almost as good as friday,and about as smart..Lots of talk about comprehension and my ability to spell,but not much else..How do I know Dubs posing as avon salesmen were lying?..Your question pretty much answers itself dumbass..LOL...OUTLAW

  • 144001


    Blaming the GB, the WTS, the US government, Avon, the decedents, other posters on, etc., for the horrific deaths that these two Witnesses experienced won't bring them back, won't bring peace to their families, and won't reflect positively on the apostate community. These folks were either trying to earn a living or trying to follow their faith or both. In my opinion, they were brave people who paid a severe price for their beliefs. The focus of the negative energy ought to be on the barbaric cowards that committed this terrorist act. I hope they suffer a fate that is exponentially more painful than the one they inflicted on those Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Where is the condemnation of this cowardly, barbaric act from the Islamic world? It's time our government took a closer look at the Islamic institutions in this country who are encouraging and supporting terrorism.

    Edited by - 144001 on 23 August 2002 13:4:24


    Hey Kenneson,I just read your post .I was raised a dub..I was taught from a baby that my life might end violently in my service to WBTS,and I was to mindlessly accept this.Your always taught to expect the worst before armagedon comes.I personaly never believed this.Why? I was too young to totaly grasp that idea,and I live in a fairly peaceful country...OUTLAW

  • amac

    OUTLAW -

    Your arguments are as empty as your head. Since you have a hard time other words, your posts contain no arguments, just shifting insults.

    You have yet to defend your insensitive and moronic statements. I guess you would prefer a world full of murdering Islamic Abu Sayyaf's then JWs going door to door. Again, a little too consumed with bitterness. Get over it. See a therapist.

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