I had breakfast with 50+ JWs on Sunday

by zimunzucz 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • pronomono
    Kudos. A mighty fine witness you gave there, especially with you being able to keep your cool. Now they're going to be wondering how a mentally diseased apostate can make so much sense. How much else has the Watchtower been wrong about?
  • zimunzucz

    I got off the elevator and 2 Hispanic women were waiting- I asked the younger one if she spoke English- she did. I used the same special talk 1914-2014 line- she had a puzzled look-

    I repeated 1914 to 2014 , it's been a hundred years and nothing has happened yet. I had to literally explain what the WT said was going to happen in 1914 and how they have been predicting the end was just another generation away for 100 years, Finally, I could see the light bulb light up in her eyes. She turned to the older woman (her mother?) and translated everything I had said back to her.It was obvious she didn't know anything about WT history.

    "Look it up on the Internet"- then other JWs showed up, so I left.

    One of the teens I gave the paper to was sitting at the breakfast table next to us with a girl looked to be in her early 20's- that girl was telling another JW brother about a guy from Cleveland who was driving down to this assembly in TN to meet her that morning. The younger girl looked to be around 15-16 and she was just looking at her smartphone. I ran into her in the hall later and gave her one of the slips- "don't let anyone see this- this is your freedom". She wasn't offended, looked at it and said , thanks.

    These two girls appeared to be Hispanic as did about 50% of the JWs at that hotel.

    For a long time now, I have seen that JWs are craving one thing the most from the public, R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

    So it's a bummer when they get a wake up call as to how the public really views their religion.

  • Tazemanian-devil

    You my friend, are a rock star. I hope one day I have the courage to do the same thing!

    Awesome! This made my day.

  • FayeDunaway

    Thanks for the correction oppostate!

    Cojones :). I will not forget! Unless I want to tell someone they have some very big boxes. Then I will use cajones. :)

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    Keep up the good work. I wish I were with you.

  • steve2

    Announcing an important correction to thread title.

    It should read: "I Had 50+ JWs for Breakfast on Sunday!"

  • Clambake

    I love ask them completely dumbfounded and quietly ask "Do you know what the understand of the faithful slave is this week ? " and I do it totally serious. Just like I am cheating on an exam.

    You should see some of the looks I get.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Hey Mr Z! I like your style!

    Are you having a special talk today?"

    "yes we are", he smiled

    " I'll bet I know what it is- pause- It's called, 1914-2014, 100 years and nothing has happened , yet"

    I am really going to try and practice thinking in these terms, short, funny, to the point, no wriggle room. Good idea about approaching the teens. they cannot resist being 'in the know.'

    Thank you for posting! Cha Ching

  • Oogie
    Good job, a person can only take so much bull before they say 'enough', I'm guessing this was your 'enough' moment.
  • zimunzucz

    Yes- I had my fill of JWs this year. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.

    While I was on vacation, I stopped to visit a friend up north who is dealing with an adult daughter who has gone over to the the JWs. It became obvious to me, she is in it for the social aspect, as any negative facts he tries to share with her go nowhere. She has learned to employ the standard WT though stopping tactic=, I didn't come over here to argue about religion" ,to weasel out of an honest dialogue with her father.

    Plus, for some reason they have really been hitting my neighborhood, like 3 times in 6 months. Before that it was one time very couple years.They have never talked to me at my house, but I would come home to the tract in the door. So, I would go for a walk with the dog and find them close by. Stop and chat with them. They would love to get away from me, but I just walk down the sidewalk with them and talk away.

    "Would you like to see my original 1920 WatchTower? I can go get it. It's really great. It has a cross on the cover. The main article is the brand new truth from Bethel, "millions now living will never die". Except they all did. That was the 1914 generation. I'll bet JWs don't believe that generation is still alive-- do they? Only a dope would believe that, right? Have you ever looked up "Beth Sarim" on the Internet-- that's the big mansion the WT built for Abraham, David and all the ancient worthies who were getting resurrected any day, right after Armageddon. Can you believe the stupidity of the WT, they even made the deed out to them!

    Gab, Gab, I just get on a roll-after a minute I'm the only one talking, haha. I won't let them change the subject to something in their comfort zone-- no sirree.

    How long you been a JW? Over 60 years! Wow, then you remember the "stay alive until 1975" hoopla, don't you? You don't? Now don't be joshing me, I know better, I heard it myself. Look up Charles Sinutko on the Internet-- he gave a talk at a WT assembly in 1969 and used those very words. I even called him up personally one time- he never denied saying that. He spent over 70 years pulling the plow for the Watchtower-- and today he lives in a trailer park-- some retirement- right?

    Well, by the time they get back to their car, they are a basket case from the can of whoop ass I unloaded on them. I'm not mean about it, just concerned for their life. If there is an elder type in the car, well, I am not so nice to them. They get the 1914-2014 treatment and more-- as Mr Elder puts the car in gear and makes a quick getaway for a the KH-- service time is over.

    Well, I see my 2 hour upgrade to Windows 10 on my laptop is finished-- time to see how it works

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