Nitpicking the JW Brotherhood

by IslandWoman 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    Besides, if they DON'T know deep-down inside that their religion is a pile of bullshit, then they are so lost and stupid that they don't deserve a whit of help of sympathy.

    Thank you for that Farkel. You said: " if they don't know deep-down inside that their religion is a pile of bullshit, then they are so lost and stupid that they DON'T DESERVE A WHIT OF HELP OF SYMPATHY." (caps mine)

    Tell us. How long were you a JW? How long were you out? What responsibilities did you carry? What year did you stop attending meetings?

    I ask because I believe this information is relevant to you comments.


  • crawdad2

    hey whole wheat and island woman,..........come get me, .....what's your problem?????

    i want to taste your force......

  • D8TA

    It is obvious that you hate women. You mistreat them, just as you did DJ in the chat room. You are one sick 'dude', and I feel that even though there are men in here that are no longer witnesses, they most assuredly are not going to stand by and watch you bash a female. You are a coward!!

    I'm an equal opportunity basher...someone tells me what to do? I don't care if they are a guy/girls or from what part of the world they are from...they get "bashed" equally.

    Besides, hypocrit...I'm not the one whose "Jehovah" dictates whether I should be on a message board with known "apostates", and converse with them. Buh-bye....come back when you have "credibility".

    Now as to me being a "coward" are aware that I do know where you live and what hall you attend, I say we meet? Where and when is up to you.


  • D8TA

    And for IW

    I'm still awaiting a demonstration of your so called "pull"....please provide such power before going on to post that only further the B.S. you spreading allready.


  • IslandWoman

    Hi Ozzie,

    I will agree that there are many, if not most, JWs who are decent folk,

    That's all I was trying to say!


  • crawdad2

    island woman,,,,,,,,,,, where is your pull?........... did your pull, pull back?????

  • IslandWoman


    I'm still awaiting a demonstration of your so called "pull"...

    Don't you know that women have no pull? Back up and see the roses. Women are nothing remember? LOL


  • lastcall

    If I may say so, "All Y'all is a TRIP!" I am truly amazed at the level of complete and utter crybaby bullshit I read on these types of threads.

    Oh I have to say I see SOME points on all sides, but what pisses me off is how arrogant some have become against average JW's.

    Crawdad says:".... the reason alot of jws are still jws,... is because their hearts are not "bothered" by the hypocrisy of the things they see going on around them....... they don't take a stand for truth and love. soon as they take that stand, they are either kicked out, or they leave on their own............ no one who is in favor of truth and justice and love can remain one of jehovah's witnesses.............. they are sentenced to reap misery in the jw cult...... till they wise up............... they will reap what they sow, till they learn their lesson."

    What about YOU Crawdad, and YOUR lot. You are so freakin' enlightened now it blows my undeserving mind. I just hope the rest of us can keep up with your ultra progressive pace!

    How far you have come! When you were a JW you were a lying, unloving, unjust hypocrate. But NOW that you've left you have magically morphed into a wise man, who reads hearts, full of love and TRUTH! BARRRRF!

    I'm not at all saying criticism isn't justified. But I think some of you need to look at the big picture: Ummm, like, umm, you WERE one,and like umm ,that makes you FORMER asshole?

    In my opinion there is nothing worse than someone who has an unforgiving attitude toward people who have made the same mistakes and been misled in the same manner they have.

  • crawdad2

    hi last call,...........yes, you summed that up nicely............ when i was a jw, i had to keep learning the same lesson over and over...........till i took a stand for truth and justice,.......... then i was about to get kicked out, but i left on my own.............. and as far as how "enlightened" i am now,............... i'm done with that lesson at least....................... yes, i was an asshole, the gov body was teaching me how to be unjust and cruel and unloving.......just like the pharisees.

  • VioletAnai

    D8TA, you are venomous and cruel and you get angry cos some don't wanna listen to you. You're another hypocrite.....

    This is childish behaviour:

    Soooo, you want to start in on this too? All right.

    1. I never said nor dictated for her to "agree or listen" to my opinion....nor had I questioned her right on doing so.
    2. Dont tell me who are who not to "diss" for what or any reason. and if you find "no reason to get venomous" ...again you follow your own advice and don't proceed on such a path...dont dictate to me on what "reason" is.

    Besides, there are those here that welcome to baby the attention whore that you are Violet. I dont have too. I dont care what your pathetic little "feel-sorry-for-my-abused-life" routine is here, and I also see thru some of the shit that you post as well. But if you like to jump in on me, then take accountability on doing so.

    You are an affable person Violet...affable with a self pity trip.

    Point here JW's and apologists....there are people in this world who don't give any JW a quarter, and it's our RIGHT to do so. I've stated that I agree that YOU HAVE A RIGHT to be all touchy touchy feely if you want to be....just DONT TELL ME how to deal with JW's....regardless.

    Morons. I think I've found the one cause of problem for JW's and JW's called reading comprehension.

    By the sounds of it your the touchy one, cos I don't care and find it rather amusing that you're getting so hot under the collar

    Lucky I don't give a shit what you think.....if you call it're just as much a parrot of the other childish people here.....much like you think jw's are parrots....

    and I think it's YOU who wants the attention.....

    Edited by - Violetanai on 2 July 2002 22:7:12

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