What do Americans actually really know about???

by invisible 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    This day in History

    1968 Apollo 7 launched
    Apollo 7, the first manned Apollo mission, is launched with astronauts Walter M. Schirra, Jr.; Donn F. Eisele; and Walter Cunningham aboard. Under the command of Schirra, the crew of Apollo 7 conducted an 11-day orbit of Earth, during which the crew transmitted the first live television broadcasts from orbit. The crew also successfully performed a docking maneuver with a lunar module as preparation for the future manned lunar landing, which was accomplished by Apollo 11 in 1969.

  • roybatty

    As a youth, I went with parents often to Europe (and other places) to visit friends and family. I've spent time in Holland, Germany, France, Belgium, the UK, Switlerland, Austria and Italy. Even went to Morroco one summer, Tahiti one winter and a few times to Taiwan. I made friends at each spot. Americans on average might not know the capital of Turkey but one wont find a more industrious and trusting group of people.

  • metatron

    I recall a poll done in England some years ago that suggested that Brits weren't too aware of the outside world either.

    You can express a similar frustration with Europeans - always willing
    to criticize and pontificate about what to do - but usually gutless
    and academically naive despite their pretensions.

    Example: Years ago, Reagan wanted to bomb Ghaddafi into submission.
    Europeans put on a great show about how terrible this was. In private
    they asked the American military to hit him hard and kill him.

    another example: Articles appeared saying how dim Reagan was and
    how utterly brilliant Andropov (USSR) was and what a great advantage
    this gave Communism. Result? The USSR got fooled by missile defense
    tests, ran out of money, its elderly leaders sank the nation in
    corruption and the Cold War ended with them defeated. Not bad for
    a man with Alzheimers...!

    So, here we go again - Bush is a nitwit, Americans are dumb,
    blah, blah, blah. Europeans will continue to preach, safe in their
    welfare states, about How the World Ought To Be Run - but they won't do
    much more than talk. America will do the dirty work - which will
    be protested in public and applauded in private.

    and so it goes.


  • LDH
    i'm still waiting to hear exactly what americans are ignorant about...

    LOL, apparently we're so stupid, we can't even figure THAT out, LOL.


    Where is Europe on a map???? Class

  • Naeblis

    Disappointing Mark. If I said that all British women have 4 teeth, the face of abulldog and the cooking ability of a starving Ethiopian I would be blasted and rightly so. What makes it ok for generalisations to be made against Americans and not the rest of the world. Is it some kind of country wide penis envy? I'm Canadian so to you I may be just an unarmed American with health care, but I find your comments to not only be stupid but incorrect. How many times have you been to the U.S Mark? Are you forming your opinions on Americans by what you see on T.V?? I've been to the States many times, and each time I have been surprised by how friendly, warm, humorous, and intelligent the average person is. On the other hand, yesterday I went to an all day music festival where 10000 drunk canadians pelted a band they didn't like with water bottles until the band was forced to quit. When I visited Europe when I was 12, one of my fondest memories is of the pure contempt that our group was treated with (Canadians mind you - loved. *snort*) Did I come back home loudly berating hundreds of millions of people because a few cab drivers charged us 600% his asking price while threatening to dump our luggage in the alley? Maybe following your logic I should have.

    Edited by - Naeblis on 2 July 2002 12:30:13

  • hillary_step

    First let me state that we are here dealing necessarily with the language of generality, which can be accurate but also very insulting to those not confined within the boundaries of the norm. I will say that starting a debate on this subject by making this comment is unsound :

    it has been commonly accepted by many, that Americans in general are the biggest ignorant fools residing almost anywhere on the planet, yet they still do their damndest to have everyone believe what a great nation they are.

    Commonly accepted? Well, not by me, speak for yourself Mark.

    I will not get embroiled in a long debate about this. I just wish to state that I have lived in the US and the UK for long periods of time over the past thirty years and have found the 'average' American to be hospitable, generous, open-hearted and accepting of the vast multitude of nations that make up its people. The US, despite its financial and social problems is still the focus of many immigrants dreams, for the reason that is still offers opportunity rather than oppression to them. I remember that Ireland, which has 78 million of its descendants living just on the East Coast of the US and is also well renown for 'America bashing', was offered extra immigration visas one particular year from the US. Fifty-eight per cent of the population under the age of 25 applied to live among the ignorant fools.

    The US has blood on its hands for the way that it dismantled its First Nations population, often by slaughter. The UK, Australia, Spain, New Zealand and if you want to go back far enough Norway.lol have nothing to be proud of in this issue either.

    As a nation the US is not beyond criticism, but it does get more criticism than is fair, and I often think that this is born out of a traditional and contemporary jealousy.

    Just a small example of this is the military experience. Since WWI, the US soldier was always better paid and better equipped than his European counterpart from which animosity developed that became part of its culture. Remember in WWI, the UK soldiers would regularly finish-off a mortally wounded US soldier just to get his foot-wear! The Overpaid, over-sexed, and over here mentality was ingrained in many of us by our parents. The US is still the land of plenty compared to many of its critics. Immigrants still have an opportunity to rise from the gutters into the sky. After all, how many people opt to emigrate to China, or Russia, or France, or Ireland each year? A sprinkling I suspect, whereas the US is deluged each year with millions of 'visa' hopefuls from most countries around the world.

    Any country that produced Miles Davis has to be respected.....lol


  • SixofNine


    And now, Hillary, we Meerkins are reduced to killing our fellow patriots for their Nikes And to think they're not even made by American orphans! How far we've fallen, to be on top.

    That Miles Standish could play too, from what I hear.

  • Francois


    There is no such common agreement among Americans about any such thing.

    Personally I wonder how someone can stand in the ashes of the greatest empire the world has ever known and find fault so insultingly with ANY other country. It took you Scots HOW long to throw off the British yoke? Or does Celtic refer to Ireland exclusively? In that case, you really have no case.

    I note the entire world wants our help and our weapons and our good offices when it suits them, and as soon as you smug little bastards are nice and safe, you turn like a pig to rend those who have helped see you safe.

    If not for America, you would certainly be speaking German right now, you ungrateful ass. Perhaps you should visit the Normandy Cemetary.


  • Simon

    I think, almost without exception, that most people in any country do not know much about what is happening in the world other than the dumbed-down but sensationalised stuff that appears on the news that will affect them.

    Sure, Americans may not be as generally aware as what is happening in the rest of the world but then they live in a much bigger chunk of it than we do in Britain where anything more than a short drive away is another country!

    I think America does make some mistakes and should be more willing to be more accountable for the power that it wields but I doubt many other countries would do any better. Certainly not the UK.

    I think a better division would be us in the west who could and should make our governments change their policy to one more ethical and the poor souls who have to live in the world that our governments have created.

  • 144001


    I'm surprised at you. Is this really how you think or were you just looking to create controversy?

    Take that flame thrower and finish torching what little credibility you have left.

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