What do Americans actually really know about???

by invisible 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    >>removing Invisible ass from my list of people to visit when I go to Great Britain.<<


  • LDH

    REST of the world?!?!?!

    What rest of the world?

    There are other humans on this planet?!?!?

    Damn, you learn something new every day!


  • peaceloveharmony

    LOL @ Lisa

  • Europe

    "that all Americans are ignorant and stupid.That is just not true " I agree with that! In every nation you have ignorant and stupid ones.So your thesis, Celtic Mark, is not commonly accepted here!! Same with the UK, when they do or say something ignorant/stupid most people in the rest of Europe will say: Let them be, they are living on an island!!;-) But what Celtic Mark said I have heard before, namely from my best friend who is an American and lives in San Diego! But she has been fortunate to travel all over the world. Perhaps that's the problem. The USA is so big that perhaps it's not interesting to look beyond the boundaries! So like CoonDawg says: " most have become oblivious to the happenings in the outside world unless it directly effects them in some way" But who cares? Especially when a country is in need, who will they call?? definitely not the Ghostbusters, but the USA!!!! And that's so unfair! When we lived in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War, who was called to the rescue...indeed the USA!!!! But as soon as the war was over, they didnt know how fast to get rid of them, very hypocrite to my humble opinion!

  • dubla

    what is it with the attacks on americans lately? sheesh . well, the stereotyping is obviously just ignorance, but ill move past that.......

    my girlfriend is from canada (jeez i just wrote that on another thread), and she had some of the same ideas in her mind about americans when she moved here a year ago (americans only know america), and her and i used to go rounds about it. shed ask me about some geographical location in canada, and if i didnt know it shed say, "see, its right above you and you dont even know". of course, once she moved here and realized she didnt have a clue where most of our states were even located, the arguments evened out, lol. bottom line is though, that she admitted hearing from canadians in general, ALL THE TIME, about how stupid americans were, and how canada was better, etc, etc.......since shes moved here ive asked her "how many americans in this past year have you heard running around bad mouthing canadians?"....answer: zero. in fact shes heard nothing but good things from americans (my circle anyhow) about canada.....we love canada! now, before a canada vs. america war starts (thats on the other thread as well), let me say that im not generalizing canadians as people who hate americans, or think we are stupid, or whatever.....that was just her experience in her neck of canada.

    i think its funny that so many people accuse us americans for only believing what we see/read/hear in the media, and then some of these same people make sweeping generalizations based on limited knowledge of us. if you think we dont know shit, maybe a couple months in america would be a good start before you go lumping everyone together as "stupid".


  • TheStar


    Your post speaks volumes of how close minded YOU are. The Irony.....

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    the steady flood of immigrants coming to america proves that our values, our system, our freedoms, and our culture are irresistible and exceptional. where else in the world have the value and potential of the individual been more fully realized than in america? can you enumerate and explain all the things we are ignorant about...?

    "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
    Benjamin Franklin

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Invisable (Formerly Celtic),

    As an American that likes to learn about other cultures, I will resist the temptation in telling you to F**K OFF! ok?

    You know WHAT I find disgusting about Europeans? Those that lump AMERICANS together and call them IGNORANT.

    I live in an area that is visited by many Brits in the summer time. They like to come here because it's cheaper during the summer months and it's damn hot! (they love the heat)

    What they like:

    Friendliness of Americans and how they are made to feel WELCOME here.

    That we support and applaud a persons success. In contrast to the Brits overall resentment and suspicion of anyone who tries to better their circumstances.

    What they don't like:

    Too much litter. They think we should take better care of what we have here (I agree)

    Our prudeness


    *Getting ready to paint the Stars and Stripes on my face if some people don't f**king BACK OFF!

  • SYN

    There are dumbasses in EVERY country. No country is idiot-free. Not yours, not mine, not America. And you paint all Americans with one hell of a big brush!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i'm still waiting to hear exactly what americans are ignorant about...

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