Proof - of what?

by Doltologist 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    The only thing the literature the JWS proves is that the Watchtower Corporation exists.

  • Doltologist


    You are correct. The existence of god cannot be disproved but belief can be eroded bit by bit and science and research can reduce the probability that god exists.

    Let's go back say 1,000 years. Science didn't really exist then. To say that the universe was created by god was a perfectly reasonable thing to believe back in those days. It wasn't as if any better theories existed then. NO other theories existed. Hell, even I would have believed in god back than. Back then, most people would have placed the probability that god existed at very close to 100%, if not at the magic figure itself.

    We are now 1,000 years on. We now have science. We don't just have one theory of how the universe came into being, we have a number of them. Not one of them contravenes the laws of physics and not one of them requires the intervention of a sky wizard. For me, the probability of god existing is as close to zero as makes no difference. Each year that belief in god is measured in Europe, the percentage decreases. I believe that it stands at about 60% currently, but it's falling fast.

    So, we may not need to disprove the existence of god for belief to dwindle to zero.

    Dawkins once said that we could see belief in god completely disappear within the space of a generation. Hell, I'll drink to that (and I don't drink).

  • Phizzy

    "You can't disprove the existence of god" is a fallacious argument that has been replied to many times.

    I found the two Brochures you referred to a real hoot to read, if those are the best arguments they can come up with then they will not make many converts amongst those with an education and a functioning brain cell or two.

    Fallacious arguments abound, and misquotes etc too, in those Brochures. If they have to resort to such evident dishonesty they are obviously aware they have nothing to offer that would convince the likes of us.

  • cofty
    just like no one can prove God doesnt exist on the flip side - millie

    That isn't true.

    As soon as you say anything specific about god it can be disproven.

    If - as always happens - you refuse to define god - then of course there is nothing to say in response.

    Good job dotologist.

  • telemetry11


    Re your, “… it must have been created spontaneously. Also, the chances of it happening are slim but they aren't ZERO. That's the point, if we have enough attempts to create life, eventually, we will succeed.”

    Richard Dawkins suggested that in spontaneous-origin-of-life theory the maximum amount of “chance” science allows is 1 chance in 10^20. Do you agree?

  • Crazyguy
    Your right about know one ever preaches to them challenges their beliefs. In the 40 years I was in the only challenges to my faith by others was over the trinity doctrine. Well there's enough scriptures going each way that know one can truly win that fight.
  • Oubliette

    I have a Chemistry degree and I have never heard of a 'non-living chemical'

    All chemicals are non-living.

    What is a "living chemical"? There is no such thing.

    It is true that all living things are made of elements combined to form a wonderful variety of complex compounds that in turn form the building blocks of cells which in turn are the structure of living things, but it is not correct to say that chemicals spontaneously form living things.

    We obviously now that life exists, and that we have studied it intensely and can even speak of the chemistry of life, but no one knows how life spontaneously began. To suggest otherwise is to teach another, different kind of religion.

  • Oubliette
  • Oubliette

    Here are some interesting articles on the chemistry of life:

  • Doltologist


    My apologies. I don't know enough about that particular aspect to comment.

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