The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

by comforter 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    Hello Comforter.

    Trying your hand at a little snake charming I see. That's been a hobby of mine for quite a while. I wish you the best, but be reminded of what Jehovah's word says about the practice:

    The wicked ones have been perverts from the womb;

    They have wandered about from the belly onward;

    They are speaking lies.

    The venom of theirs is like the venom of the serpent,

    Deaf like the cobra that stops up its ear,

    They will not listen to charmers,

    Though someone wise is binding with spells

    / You Know

  • Undecided


    You should listen to the modern prophet YouKnow, he can give you new light that the GB doesn't understand yet. According to the WT, why should I care what Christ says, he is only for the benefit of the Anointed anyway.

    Ken P.

  • comforter

    Hello You Know

    You are right. I should know better. But I cannot argue with the reminders you give. They are on target.


    You really distort our beliefs. Where does the WT say that Jesus is only for the benefit of anointed ones? And don't go back to the 1800s for this one, ok?


  • Francois

    I agree that the carpenter of Nazareth is on top of the heap, wisdom wise. However Buddha also was wise and effected the lives of hundreds of millions, as did Lao-Tzu, Confucius, and Gandhi. Jesus was not the only spiritual genius to live, only the best. He said he came to make the Way more clear, to illuminate the Path.

    There has always been a Way to God, and spiritual geniuses have know about it since the beginning of the human race. But they saw the Way through a glass darkly. Jesus illuminated The Way.


  • Farkel


    ???He wasn't smart enough to keep himself from being killed.???

    : To the contrary, he was smart enough to submit to a death that glorifed God and provided liberation for the human race. If Jesus was not smart enough to die, we would all be lost. Byn his stripes we were healed.

    That's precisely the problem: your God's solutions to all of man's problems always involves murder and "stripes." Such beliefs are so twisted that murder "glorifies" your God. Your God glorifies in murder and even sets up murders to "glorify" himself. Any rational human being can see something very seriously wrong with this picture and your God. Of course, braindead Christians are oblivious to the idiocy of it all.

    You've got a pretty bloodthirsty God there. You are welcome to him, but I ain't buying into it.


    Edited by - Farkel on 14 June 2002 11:45:2

  • Bang

    The wicked ones have been perverts from the womb; They have wandered about from the belly onward; They are speaking lies. The venom of theirs is like the venom of the serpent, Deaf like the cobra that stops up its ear, They will not listen to charmers, Though someone wise is binding with spells

    Hey Youknow, you said it.


  • Farkel


    : You really distort our beliefs. Where does the WT say that Jesus is only for the benefit of anointed ones? And don't go back to the 1800s for this one, ok?

    Why not? Was Jehovah inspiring Chuck Russel, or wasn't he? Since all of the unique doctrines Chcuk Russel came up with are now considered demonized and apostate, I guess the answer would have to be a resounding "no!" Same is true with Joe Rutherford: a resounding "no!" Since none of Fred Franz's books are now in print, another resounding "no!"

    Because of that, one has to just wonder exactly WHEN Jehovah decided to do any "spirit-directing" with the Watchtower Printing and Flip-Flop Corporation.

    That aside, the Watchtower belief you doubt exists is alive and well and is decades old on this matter: Jesus is ONLY the mediator for the anointed. He is NOT the mediator for the Great Crowd. Only by the Great Crowd associating with the anointed can they gain the benefit of Jesus' ransom. The New Covenant excludes the Great Crowd as the Watchtower Society teaches it was not a covenant for them, but for the anointed only.

    You want references?


    Edited by - Farkel on 14 June 2002 12:46:3

  • Undecided

    Yes, He was pretty smart, he waited until he was 30 years old nefore he started preaching.

    Ken P.

  • Jewel

    >>>Jws also rejoice as they till their gardens and mow their lawns with sunny countenances.<<<

    Shoot, and my doctor just reminded me yesterday that I should always wear sunscreen and a you tell me I should garden with a "sunny countenance." Who to believe, who to believe...

  • cyrano

    The watchtower was real wise when it came to vaccination, how many children were blessed with that wise counsel?

    Such wise geazers at the watchtower can't make up their mind if a woman should scream or not while being raped.

    Wisdom is flowing in watchtower land in predicting the end, even though Jesus warned against doing such thing.

    Yes, the watchtower has proven wise beyond all things.


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