This Board and JWs

by comforter 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    hi comforter,

    we can call jws "pedophiles"?????.....///////.... yes we sure can!!! .... to bad the pedophiles in your congregation aren't called pedophiles!!!!
    instead some of them are called "elders"........ cause if jws called them what they really are, they would get disfellowshipped.

    i think you should call a pedophile a pedophile, not an elder.
    it would sure help alot of little 5 yr old girls, whos lives are being ruined.

    i know, i know, it's not your fault, the gov body won't let you call them pedophiles.


    Hey SEAKEN2001,comforter is probably the same dam tro..(oop`s Simon would rather we did`nt call newbies that,although I doubt this is a newbie)I`ll try again..Hey SEAKEN2001,This is probably a person Simon has tossed off the board before,hopefully he`ll do it again.(LOL)...OUTLAW

  • simplesally

    Your statement about exJws allowed to cuss here cracked me up! Let me tell you: JW's cuss in real life, just not in front of the elders, ms's or pioneers. JW's will cuss in front of their spouses, cuss at them, cuss about them, cuss to them, etc..... but oooooohhhh not ever at the KH or out in service!

    You want to think that JWs are one sort of people. You are mistaken, they are all sorts of people....but mostly they hide who they are except within the 4 walls of their home: in front of their kids and wives.

  • curious

    Comforter... as to swearing the only time i can remember being called 'a bitch' to my face was by jw co-worker... so yes they can swear... but now i shun and you know what it feels sooooo good no wonder they do it...

  • mustang

    I’m not sure you are going to get very many welcomes to the board, comforter. But you have started in grand style.

    BTW, the entire JW experience is an adversarial one. They say they are to break up families (yup, they quote the Bible on this) and this is to be expected. (Self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe the only one they got right!!)

    They expect and look forward to persecution. Then they aggravate everybody they come in contact with beyond belief. (Something they deserve comes back to them; Wow, another self-fulfilling prophecy. Go figure. Oops, they have gotten a few scores!!!)

    And you thought this was a garden party!!! What should you expect but a FIREFIGHT??? Get a brain!!!

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I am working on swearing off cussing.

    LOL @ OUTLAW: that was first rate choice!!!


    All that I write or utter is considered to be protected by religious freedom under the Constitution of the United States, as the "free exercise" and "freedom of speech" clauses.

  • LB

    So I wonder if comforter is feeling comforted yet?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • comforter

    Some of you have claimed that you know jws who cuss. I have no problem believing that. But I don't care what others do. You will have two types of pottery in the Christian congregation. Some will serve a noble purpose and some an ignominious one. However, the Bible tells yours truly that he should not use filthy language. I am of the mind that what emanates from a man's mouth is a reflection of what he is inwardly.

    I don't have time for pointless debates tonight. Yours will return to this forum and provide comfort through discomfort. One person in this place has it all wrong however. Comforter is not here to be comforted, but he is here to comfort others by means of discomfort.

    Go Lakers!

  • moman

    FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a wonderful thing, something dubs know very little of!

    "God what a country!"...Y. Smirnoff

  • Hmmm


    But I don't care what others do.
    Then why even start the thread?
  • comforter

    Dear Hmmm . . .

    What is this Duns stuff?

    When I say that I do not care what others do, I mean that no matter if other Witnesses cuss or have cussed. The Bible urges God's people to speak that which is holy. So I do not believe that filthy speech is befitting a Christian. That is what I meant.

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