The Watchtower 3/15/2015 Parables! New Understanding! plus More!

by wifibandit 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    The murk gets murkier!

  • sir82

    Perhaps a minor point, but I find it striking that they have analyzed data to the extent that they know the exact male/female ratios in their branch territories.

    They must be analyzing far more significant chunks of data - stuff that actually affects their assets & status.

    What information are they collecting on the R&F? Who is collecting it? What are they doing with this information?

    If they know the proportion of males to females in Colombia, why is it "too difficult" to produce documentation on the number of sexual molesatation cases that they requested the congregations to send to them?

  • Theredeemer

    What they are essentially saying is " Ignore our F%^& up history. They werent even the real F&DS. You can count on us now"

  • Apognophos

    They should have added on the cover: "The Faithful And Discreet Slave: Now 25% Discreeter"

    AnnOMaly: Actually I don't think this would affect their interpretation of Daniel 4. I haven't read the articles, but based on what I've read here, they are only disparaging the approach to antitypes where an additional future meaning is inserted into a literal account, like the example of Jacob's red stew prefiguring Jesus' blood, or assigning meaning to aspects of a parable which Jesus did not probably intend to be significant. Read this again:

    Where the Scriptures teach that an individual, an event, or an object is typical of something else, we accept it as such. Otherwise, we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so.

    So because Daniel 4's dream is interpreted by Daniel to be typical of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, the Society can also assign an antitype to that dream to represent the Gentile times. Does that make sense?

  • WTWizard

    Still a waste. And that final article, about marrying only in joke-hova, you are to seek joke-hova's will instead of marrying outside the cancer. This can mean marrying someone you are not attracted to or compatible with (sickly children often result). Or, not marrying at all. If joke-hova's will is for you to go to Israel, place as much as a waste of paper with a high ranking rabbi, and watch that thing use black magick against the whole human race in lieu of you getting married (to someone you are attracted to), that thing will ensure you will stay single while you complete this idiotic mission. Then, joke-hova will revel when the rabbi uses black magick to make "All sex is rape" the law through the whole world, starting a working on March 26, 2016 when Jupiter and Saturn line up perfectly with this (a waning moon to boot).

    And to think they are pushing baptism as a legally binding contract? They need to use legal force to get people to stay or to drag them back in?

  • sparky1

    How in the flying fu@k do the members of Governing Body 2.0 sleep at night? Have they never read the book YOU MAY SURVIVE ARMAGEDDON INTO GODS NEW WORLD published in 1955 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? The ENTIRE book is devoted to types and antitypes! Page 16 paragraph 16 says the following: "We need not be filled with fear, dread and horror as we take up an examination of Armageddon and what will follow. No matter how terrible that war will be, we can know its righteous purpose, and always we can let ring in our inner consciousness the cheering thought: 'I may survive Armageddon into Gods new world!' This thought is no self-deceiving dream. The same inspired Word that unerringly foretold the very situation that we face up to in this generation also drew many pictures, staged many prophetic dramas and presented many direct prophecies of the ones to be protected all through the war of Armageddon. 17. It sharpens our interest to consider that unavoidable war from the standpoint of those who will live through it into the grandeurs of Gods new world. In fact, it becomes an absorbing, delightsome, thrilling consideration for us. To share this delight with our readers, we hope in following pages to look into at LEAST FORTY-TWO OF THESE TYPICAL PICTURES, PROPHETIC LIFE-DRAMAS AND DIRECT PROPHECIES regarding the Armageddon survivors. All these are very instructive and vital for us to consider now, FOR THEY SHOW US in one way or another things that we should wisely do now in order to be of that favored class." (Capitals mine) There is even a CHART in the appendix on page 367 that is entitled: LIST OF 42 TYPES AND PROPHECIES OF THE EARTHLY HEIRS OF THE NEW WORLD. Interestly enough, this is the book my mother studied that sent her on the road to a lifetime of Jehovahs Witnesses religious fanaticism. If she were alive today I wonder what she would be thinking? Yesterdays 'meat in due season' becomes todays SHIT to flush down the toilet as the words in the Bible are 'digested' and reinterpreted by each succesive Governing Body and presented to the rank and file as 'new light' to be gulped down without question or critical thought.

  • eyeuse2badub

    "Marry only in the Lord" and "Do not become unevenly yoked with an unbeliever" are scriptural COMMANDS, not suggestions! Does anyone get df'ed for breaking these COMMANDS? Nope! Ever wonder why?

    Me too!

    just saying!


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow, these guys are something else. "We're the faithfulest and discreetest Faithful and Discreet slave yet!"

  • LostGeneration
  • wifibandit

    sparky1 Would you happen to have that chart?

    Edit: found it!

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