New Star Wars movie trailer

by poopsiecakes 61 Replies latest social entertainment

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The sith are back...? That just invalidated the first six movies, the whole premise of which preported to bring balance to the force by the distruction of the sith.

    Kind of like when "new light" invalidates a century's worth of doctrine. . . .

  • _Morpheus

    Stars a new hope was cinema gold. Emipire was pretty darn good. Down hill on a rocket sled after that

  • Pacopoolio
    How typial. Slavish devotees slurping every ounce of drool that falls from jabba lucas jowls. Be grown ups and admit the franchise has sucked ever since the empire was defeated by ewoks.

    Did someone forget to tell you Lucas has nothing to do with this movie, or that much of the stuff released post Lucas (later seasons of Clone Wars, Rebels) has actually been quite good?

  • poopsiecakes

    I'm not sure why when excitement is expressed about something, some people feel the need whip out their big dicks and piss all over it. Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for not being as cool as the cynics.

    At any rate, it's good to know that I'm not alone in looking forward to this!

    CaptainSchmideo, I totally agree about GOTG - that movie kicked ass. :)

  • Pacopoolio

    Also, that's not a hilt guard, but a found, ancient lightsaber that needed to "exhaust" some of the enegy that the blade produced.

  • _Morpheus

    Im well aware that jabba sold out to disney who in turn hired jar jar abrams. I referanced that earlier.

    also, as noted my dear poopsie, i am true fan and want nothing but the best from the movie and the franchise overall. However, if the best we can do is "ancient lightsabers venting energy in a way that makes it look like a broad sword", as if somehow there is "extra" energy in a weapon composed of pure energy, then we are already reaching Illogical and illconcived conclusions. Its not my fault the last four installments have reeked of garbage. And as for the clone wars..... They were decent but enough.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I agree with you, poopsiecakes. I think the new film will be fantastic - I can't wait to see it.

    Although I said that I hoped this new film will be better than the prequal trilogy, there were some great moments in those three films, too, especially in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

  • nowwhat?

    I also was worried that armegeddon would come before return if the jedi ! Well the rest is history

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I really thought the franchise peaked with Empire. It was hands down the best one. There were some great moments in Jedi, but I agree that the Ewoks ruined it. I'm hoping JJ Abrams can actually breathe some new life into it, and not just make it about the visual effects.

  • Twitch

    I have to agree with The Empire Strikes Back being the high water mark. After that it was downhill where it could've been so much better.

    Still, I'm a huge fan and look forward to the new movie with anticipation. JJ Abrams did well with Star Trek, I suspect he'll do the same with this

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