Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?

by Finkelstein 164 Replies latest social current

  • lisaBObeesa

    The former would probably elicit more sympathy and support vs the latter which is accusatory and antagonistic and suggests intentional unfairness.

    There is nothing accusatory or antagonistic nor is there anything about intentional unfairness in the thing that the words 'white privilege' is the current label for.

    You are misunderstanding the meaning of the word.

    I have white privilege. I am not accusing me of anything, or antagonizing me and I don't think I am intentionally unfair.

    I wish I could explain this better.

    Please believe me that you misunderstanding the label.

    I have to go.

  • Simon

    We also have more entrainment options that reflect our culture.

    Black people probably have a disproportionate representation within the sport and entertainment industry (relative to population size) and there are even black-only award shows etc... I don't think there is any shortage of black people on TV.

    We also have more people control of the government that look like us.

    No, we don't. We have the same vote as everyone else does and the implication that we "pick white people" is easily dismissed by pointing at the current president. How did that happen with a black population of only 12%?

    Black communities typically fail to elect local government that look like them but it's unfair to blame other people who do chose to vote for that or use it as an example of unfairness.

    Yes, 50 years ago when people didn't have the vote, but not now.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Again, it is not about the WHY

    it is just a label for what IS

    nobody is blaming anyone for anything.

  • Simon

    There is nothing accusatory or antagonistic nor is there anything about intentional unfairness in the thing that the words 'white privilege' is the current label for. You are misunderstanding the meaning of the word.

    I wish I could explain this better. Please believe me that you misunderstanding the label.

    No, I am not. It is an insulting phrase often used in an accusatory manner and many find it insulting because of the connotations it implies as I've explained. Isn't how someone interprets a label applied to them surely up to them unless they are chosing it themselves?

    The other reason it's a poor phrase is that it seems to imply or suggest that all the problems are white made. There is only an attempt to push blame outward with no introspection.

    If you want to make progress on an issue and have a sensible discussion then it simply makes sense to use less controversial expressions.

    Insisting on using that expression could be seen as betraying different motivations than wanting to make progress.

  • Simon

    Again, it is not about the WHY. it is just a label for what IS. nobody is blaming anyone for anything.

    Then why not simply use different language that isn't interpreted in a negative way?

    (sorry, posts got out of sync - I was typiing the above while you were replying)

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I am from U.K, but now live in Sweden.

    In my town of Linköping, we have many immergrints, and i have noticed 99% of shop workers are white.

    It is image show and superficiality, catering to the predudice of the " Svensson" Swedish consumer.

    As to the O.P " was justice served fairly in the Mich....." . I think justice is never a closed door...

  • lisaBObeesa

    we can use whatever word you want for privileges that white people have that African Americans do not have.

    What would you like to call those privileges that come because of white skin?

    Most people in my government look like me. Most people on TV look like me. Not my fault, not blaming anyone, and not saying WHY, just saying it is. And it is because I have white skin. What is the word you would like to use for this?

    I'll have to continue later because I really have to go.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    the word i would use is " Background"

    Some have a more privaliged " background" regardlass of race or skin.

  • Simon

    What would you like to call those privileges that come because of white skin?

    I have already explained that a) they are not privileges and b) they do not come because of white skin.

    "White privilege" would apply to America before the 60's and to South Africa during Aparteid. You got something others didn't purely for being white.

    You do not have that now - the laws were changed, there are no rights or privileges afforded to white people only.

    So if you insist on using it then your motivation will be clear, it will not be accepted and no progress will be made.

    Would you object to people wanting to talk about "black failure"? Of course you would. It implies an opinion and a judgement simply through it's use however much someone may try to back it up by facts and evidence.

    It is not helpful to the conversation or to making any progress because it's unacceptable to the people that the discussion has to engage with.

    Until people stop using labels and starting any discussion from a place of confrontation there will never be any change.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am not going to read 7 pages, but will comment for those that will.

    I read the opening post and will comment on that.

    Tailing someone is not as easy as the movies and cop shows on television show. You suggest backup to apprehend an "unarmed" criminal. So it is highly likely that criminals will get away even if one police officer could intercept them, it that suggestion is followed. I think you actually suggest that police try to apprehend someone, but then determine if they are cooperative. If not, they should wait for backup. Should they ask the resistant criminal to wait while more officers come?

    Some people are for, some people are against tasers. Regardless, a police officer would have to carry a gun and a taser and a club, and then someone would say they should carry the beanbag rifle. They can only have so much. Knowing that they typically do not carry a taser, a criminal should be prepared to be shot by a handgun. MB seemed to know that.

    I try to be fair. I do believe police need more training to attempt to get people to surrender and not to shoot them. But I doubt MB would have qualified for someone to talk into cooperation. And just because racial tension does exist in Fergeson, it doesn't automatically make this a situation of injustice against blacks again. This is a prime example of people falling for press hype, mentioning that MB is a "teen" and showing a 12 y.o. MB picture instead of his current 18 y.o. mugshot, then saying how a policeman gunned down an unarmed teen.

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