Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"

by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneEyedJoe

    Thanks for the details. Looks like the trend that got me to completely stop donating years ago is only continuing.

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    Money, money, money........ I am not sure which is the more obvious sign of a corrupt religion, the pedophile cover ups or the endless pleading for money.

    On Saturday, instead of attending the 3 hour "Zone Visit", I think I will watch The Godfather or Goodfellas. You know, to spend my time with people who have morals and values.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Yeap... I can see some making that mistake and maxing out their credit cards. One of my relatives could be one of them, thanksfully she does not have a credit card, only debit. She does have, though, this self imposed "pledge" that she has not been able to comply with. I mean she has the money, but for one reason or another keeps on forgetting to proceed. She has meant to make the whole donation at once and this just makes it easier for her to finally do it.

    Makes me wonder if people will confuse this donation arrangement with the same they do at the local hall. If no arrangement is ever made to make electronic donations to the local hall, then this might well be a tricky move. See, if people do begin to experience the convenience of electronic donation, they may forget, or have less to donate locally. This would make the KH local account to begin drying. Then the elders would come hounding the cong because they are not making ends meet. This way, if you make an electronic, recurring donation, plus you are reminded to the commitment you made locally, its a double whammy.

    Just some food for thought there. I myself have stop donating. My last donation was somewhere around the time I realized how much more unexplainable expensive the assemblies were getting. When we started having assemblies in our own assembly hall rather then renting. This was somewhat unconcious... when the new construction arrangement was made and after seeing how overpriced our Hall renovation was.. I said, enough!

  • StarTrekAngel

    unfortunately I won't be able to skip the "ZONE VISIT!" (I hear those words in my head as I type them, with some horror-movie type of music in the background). I am supposed to help setup the video feed. An announcement was also made last night to remind everyone that no one should be using the Wifi that day. I hardly thing anyone understood what is that they needed to do with their wifi.

  • poopsiecakes

    Wow...they're not even trying to hide the the fact that they're just all about the money. From the assembly extortion to the ATM's and now online straight to the golden calf. Good grief.

  • sir82

    I beleive they will legally retire the legal entity of the watchtower and re-open as jw. By doing this they can insulate themselves from future law suits

    I don't see how renaming a corporation insulates it from future lawsuits.

  • sloppyjoe2

    I find it funny that ex witnesses get more worked up and excited about these things prior to them happening than active witnesses. They always think some hammer is gonna drop and then the organization is going to dissolve. It's like JWs always thinking their is going to be an announcement that the great tribulation has started at every major event. No one ever gets what they want.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I find it funny that ex witnesses get more worked up and excited about these things prior to them happening than active witnesses. They always think some hammer is gonna drop and then the organization is going to dissolve. It's like JWs always thinking their is going to be an announcement that the great tribulation has started at every major event. No one ever gets what they want.

    Yeah, but it makes sense - an ex (or awake) JW has much to gain and can't help but hold hope that they'll say or do something that will give them a chance to make thier exit or wake up a loved one.

    A currently indoctrinated JW has nothing to get excited for - best case they get some new literature that they won't read or someone tells them some new point of doctrine that they don't care about. Worst case they make some procedural change that's inconvenient. Regardless, it's going to be a dull 3 hours.

  • EdenOne


  • StarTrekAngel

    Provided that we are all just speculating and that no one know for sure if there will be any announcements at all, most of us are hopeful for the hints at the next 1975-like fiasco. You would see that the hype about 1975 did not come in one meeting of this sort. It was build up over the years, but certain key speeches or magazine articles, now in hinsight, gave all the understanding that it was coming. Had we been in that situation back then, we could have warned our loved ones. We are just in the lookout for those things.

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