Seen on Etsy - wtf!

by poopsiecakes 80 Replies latest social humour

  • poopsiecakes
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  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Should complement the "JW.Org" lapel pins, tote bags, umbrellas, neckties, rulers, coffee mugs and bumper stickers nicely. Oi Vey.

    Watchtower: the religion of chachkies

  • poopsiecakes

    I never would have thought it would come to open commercialization - something they've historically condemned other religions for. What's the real difference between wearing this and a cross? Maybe we'll start seeing silver torture state pendants with etched in them.

    Also, Pinterest is hilarious (and by hilarious, I mean omg who are these people) when you do a search for jehovah witness. The fun part is that they seem to be immune to irony.

    sooo...basically this is admitting that no armageddon is coming any time soon. Cool!

  • OneEyedJoe

    poopsicakes -

    To be fair, only one of those kids is a future pioneer/servent/elder. going by the current statistics, the other two will eventually leave.

    The rampant idolatry is disgusting. A few weeks ago was the first time I saw a woman wearing one in preparation for serve-us and I just kinda froze in shock. The next time I see someone wearing one I'm going to ask how it's any less idolotrous than a catholic wearing a cross.

  • poopsiecakes

    LOL Joe - please post back here when you've done that. If you get more than a glassy eyed stare, I'll be shocked. *giggle*

  • millie210

    They didnt even fit the words inside the border.

    Just one more way accuracy is not a factor I guess!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    To be fair, only one of those kids is a future pioneer/servent/elder.

    My guess is it's the drunk kid on the far right who's taken way too many blows to the head and eats paint chips. What a fine elder he'll make...

  • poopsiecakes

    This one is disturbing, to say the least.

    Caption: Guilty :D LOL.. I cried like a baby ♥ Thank you Jehovah for our Wonderful Gift !! I even felt it all the time so soft. One sister even said that she slept with hers.

  • OneEyedJoe

    They certainly seem to be sniffing something, these days.

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