by new hope and happiness 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Terry commented but didn't mention he has written an important book.


    Heaven forfend!


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    When ever i come to this site i get " adds with pictures of pretty women asking me to join a dating site"

    I hope ladies that the picture of " Terry" on his book cover, has addressed that balance.

    Ladies, ( not sisters) which of faces on Terries 2 books is most attractive?

    Only joking Terry....

    but i learnt the freedom to laugh after leaving the W. T. What a silly quality to learn, but witnesses must always be seriouse.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So as we are on page Two, for those don't read page one...my O.P. is forgetting the bad exsperiences of leaving the W.T, what are the good things not including beer, football,sex, love and friendship.

    For those that read page one, i hope we agree the blue pill was better than the red. ( You see leaving the W.T doesn't make freedom, it is what we do with that freedom that makes us free)

    More positive thpughts please...

  • humbled

    I love little children. And I love to remind adults of their innocence, joy and moments of childish optimism. And remind them that they should reclaim those traits. It is good to dig potatoes in the garden with a 4 year old.

    I think alot about what can I do when I meet someone who cannot remember such a moment in their childhood. Those people I like to teach how to make something wonderful in clay.

    I love the Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself.

    I love to knit seemingly random information together and think about it--(It got me out of the Cult!)

    I love my children since they've grown up--and I love that they nail me on my faults and love me. I love that they feel secure enough in my love to do it-- I will not hurt them for it.

    I lov that I got out of the JWs before my life ended.

    I love finding that people--strangers, some of them--helped me when I was broke and had cancer.

    I love people.

    O, and I DO love beer. India Pale Ale--kinda hoppy on special occasions. But I usually end up with Millers High Life.

    In a pinch, anything will do.

  • sunny23

    Oh right they come in the green medicine bottle shaped bottles right? I had their cream stout once

  • cantleave

    For me it's....

    My wonderful wife and family

    Making new unconditional friends all around the globe (you know who you are)

    Eating drinking and being merry - because life is short

    Building a business and having so much fun doing it.

  • bigmac

    ive spent most of the last 50 years womanising and drinking. the rest of the time was wasted.

    now i just hope my d/f son and his lovely wife continue to have success and happiness.

    pity about my other 2 stuck-in- the-cult kids--only time will tell.


    what is important to you and why?






  • Powermetal4ever

    To have fun and be quite happy. And thats all.

  • quellycatface

    Making my home a haven of peace and stability in a crazy world.

    Good friends and neighbours.

    Food and wine.

    Family holidays.

    The ability to laugh in the face of adversity.


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