Muslim loses contract because of his religion

by usualusername 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    Years ago, I worked in hotel reservations in Nevada. In the department next to ours (hotel management), there was a female supervisor over a male Muslim employee. He, the Muslim, had serious issues about being supervised by a woman. He finally quit or got fired. I just remember that one day he wasn't there, and this is the story I was told.

    Being non-discriminatory religiously is a tricky business. In the book entitled The Orwellian World of Jehovahs's Witnesses, a case is presented in which a young jW woman worked for a gynecologist. She turned a "sister" who had an abortion in to the elders. I don't know the end result or this story, or even if it is related in the book. The point of the story, of course, is tht religious discrimination might be justifiable in some cases.

    If you haven't watched the movie Persepolis, I recommend you go to Youtube and do so. It is about educated Muslims and the fact that they know some of their teachings are BS. I recall in particular a scene in which a mother is trying to keep her son from joining the military. She states that he was given a plastic key to open the "door to paradise."

    So, usualusername, you may think the guy was a jerk, but, like a JW, he thought he was being "righteous."

  • WingCommander

    These people need to stay back in their own county, with their Dark Ages barbaric religion. However I will say this: You don't extend your hand to shake in the arab world. I forget which hand anymore, but one of them is typically used to wipe one's buttocks after defacating. So it is considered a rude gesture to shake with that hand in the arab world. However, when coming to terms over a deal, using the other hand and shaking until a price is agreed upon is proper. So it's part religious, and part cultural barrier and ignorance.

    - Wing Commander

  • androb31

    Mikado, blah blah blah blah blah pc bullcrap blah blah. Send em all back to mecca. Eff them.

  • quellycatface

    Muslims are rubbish. They think they own the world.

  • androb31

    Rubbish is a fitting description.

  • AlphaMan

    but all the man did was choose not to shake hands and explain why...THAT is exactly why we need to have laws against religious discrimination.

    a while ago it would have been he was a Jew, or a black etc etc....


    You are completely wrong on this. It has nothing to do with religious discrimination. It's about common good manners and respect. HIS family custom is that when someone enters HIS home, HIS family extends a warm greeting involving a handshake. The asshole Muslim never even had the common decency to explain his religious position. He had to have another woman explain his position. Why can he not shake a woman's hand, but allow a woman to speak for him about his Muslim beliefs? The Muslim showed no respect whatsoever!

    You were way off to bring Jew or Black into this. Neither of those two groups believe all Western people are evil Satan, and want them all to either convert to Islam or die. Neither of those two groups have the position that the Muslims have concerning women, nor would they act like an asshole and refuse to shake the hand of a woman that just invited them into her home.

  • Phizzy

    I think some of the comments on this Thread are breaching the Posting Guidelines.

    I think too it is the height of ignorance, bigotry and intolerance to say "All Muslims ....blah blah". One Point One Billion people cannot be described in a sentence. And as to the usual dick-head "they should all go back to their own country" nonsense, many are, and many will be born here, wherever "here" may be.

    What is needed is proper education, so they are not indoctrinated fully into the Islamic bubble of ignorance, come on folks, we all were in a similar bubble, and not so long ago, cut 'em some slack.

  • confusedandalone

    "These people need to stay back in their own county" Why should those swarmy muslims listen to those words. I am sure when the NAtive Americans suggested this to the palefaces who came with their murderous religion and customs no one listened to them either

  • ilikecheese

    I'm not trying to start a fight, but it's against Muslim rules for a man to touch a woman he's not related to. That's probably why he wasn't doing it.

  • Pistoff

    The concern I have with Islam is that it does not tolerate criticism of the prophet or Allah.

    The US is built on and around freedom of speech; criticizing and ridiculing religion are part of our culture.

    How can the US tolerate a religion that threatens violence to those who criticize it?

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