X-JWs Who are now bible Christians

by clash_city_rockers 169 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Oh no, here it comes, Clash is calling me out, sort of a 'London's Calling'....lol

    This is exactly at the same point we ended up the last infamous thread that we exchanged issues in a while ago. You remember the one where AlanF and others boxed your ears theologically?

    I repeat for posterity alone that I will not do your studying for you, you lazy little boy. Before you set yourself up as educator of the masses, it would surely help if you indulged in some yourself.

    Now, at this stage you call me a 'liar' in your customary fashion and we part company until your next attempt at converting the world to Calvinism.

    Let me save you the effort, I am a liar you are a slanderer.....lol. Now get some sleep before you start having a vision or two.

    Best regards - HS

  • clash_city_rockers


    to box my ears in theologically you need the bible to do that and yet you have not nor do you have the ability to litteral-gramical exigete a single passage. In if you go back to our thead with AlanF he got smoked. I documented my references Author book chapter and page just like it was end notes and those referenses distroyed his silly claims. Where are your referenses I see you havent given me any pages. Your a weak apologist for paganism. You make a claim back it up with references it is the intellectually honest thing to do unless you are just as dishonest and crooked as the WT.

    sloppy agape,

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea
    In all your wisdom you should have a clear, detailed, thoughtful and cogent response and a detailed presentation of the alternative to my position. All you gave was an emotional response. Pouting does not contribute to a fruitful dialog. Finally what drove you to the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the love for your own sin and the love of evil. Sin and wickedness are moral characters that go well with the Watchtower.

    First off, you know what, Clash??....You can BITE ME!!!
    ...And yes, THAT was an emotional response.

    Second, the gist of my response was this: that being judgemental IS arrogant and stupid. And that you, by making the snotty remarks regarding the salvation of others on this forum (first plmkrzy and, now, you have the audacity to judge me...as if you EVEN know either one of us), are being judgemental. Nothing emotional there...just a FACT. Even God, according to his word, does not approve of judgemental pricks, such as yourself. So, take it up with him if you have a problem with it.

    Third, this is not a classroom; it is a forum. I can present any information here in any form that I wish. If it is emotional...well, that is my choice. I am human, therefore I am emotional. By YOUR saying that I went with the dubs because I love sin and evil, only proves part MY point...that you are a judgemental jerk. Sounds like you don't even need God. You seem to be doing his job for him.

    If you confuse pointing out obvious facts such as the effects of "holier-than-thou" christians (like yourself) contributing to the reasons why folk may run into the arms of a cult as pouting then you, my friend, are the one who needs to check their emotions.

    Good day,

    "Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
    -Walter Kerr

  • SEAKEN2001

    stocwach, borgfree, ThiChi, Billygoat, Oreopandabear, FRUSR8TD, JeffT, Dawn, Adonai438, lv4fer, NeonMadman, mouthy, LittleToe, Dino, AuntieJane, jst2laws, PointBlank

    All you Christian folk have joined in here and some of you seemed pleased to associate with Clash as a fellow Christian when he offered this thread as a place to acknowledge your common faith in the Lord. Are you still here? What are some of your thoughts about Clash's bold statements about the eventuality of all who don't believe as he does?

    Trotafox, Unclepenn1, RR

    You guys have been among the most vocal in defending the faith of Christians. What are your comments? Are you still glad to be Clash's associate? Or, are you a little embarrased by his bombastic "you're going to hell" rhetoric?

    I really have enjoyed this thread. It has given me a real roller-coaster ride. I've been angered, surprised, incredulous, appalled, amused, giddy, and downright ecstatic with uncontrolled laughter. The whole gambit. I can't figure out yet if Clash is for real or is just playing games but I must say I am leaning toward the idea that this guy is convinced he is good for Christianity. This is a great start toward a study in the psychology of an elitist. I have great sympathy for you who are Christian and really do love your fellow man. I know you are trying. I only hope you realize that you are still a long way from maturity and have not yet found the salvation you are looking for.

    My own salvation came when I finally jetisoned the idea that religions are to be taken seriously. The gods you "worship" are not real. Their purpose is to lead you to your own inner spirit and to help you grow up. But at some point you're supposed to realize that the superstition and mythology is metaphorical and only to be used in ritual. Please, grow up and stop this rediculous diatribe about everyone going to hell or revelling in their own sin. It is little wonder why some folks get so pissed off at you guys telling them they are sinners and going to die at god's hands damned forever in the firey pit of dispair.

    I just can't bring myself to say the words I want to say to Clash in this public forum. I have too much respect for you folks who would be offended by my language. But if I were confronted face to face with this guy it would not be a pretty site. I was brought up to be well behaved but I never held back from punching a bully in the nose. It sure would complete this flood of emotion if I could give this guy a good whack! Ha!


  • gumby

    Quote: "God will see to it that person has every opportunity to come to Christ. The one who refuses to be of assistance when called upon, however, has more to worry about this than the one Christ is calling".

    "God will "SEE TO IT" that person will come to christ".

    OK......how many people on this planet have NEVER heard of Christ or at least had an honest description of him? Billions....a few Billion?

    Let's say the lord comes soon. What will happen to these BILLIONS that haven't excepted Christ? Will they burn in hell because the way to the father is thru Jesus? He IS the WAY and the life.....correct?

    Lets give an example:

    A muslim mother is trying to scrape up some food for her three little
    babies.......whom she LOVES very much btw....
    First, she prays to 'Allah' for help in the matter. He dosen't help with her plight and they continue to starve to death.

    But wait!!! Here comes Jesus in the clouds with all his angels with him. He has been noticing this Muslim lady and her three babies and all the rest of her people for quite some time. Surely he will save her and all those suffering with her.......he loves mankind!

    What does he do? Low and behold.....this lady sees these other going up in the sky ( this would be the RAPTURE) to be with this man she has NEVER seen or BARELY heard of.....if at all...

    She hopes maybe this MAN IN THE SKY will help her and her three starving babies. Well......does he help her?
    No.....he starts killing all her people and.... her three starving babies.

    She looks at him with terror through her watery filled wide eyes and asks this man..... why are you doing this to my people and my family?

    The man in the sky says..."Why? You ask why!!!? Because you are not 'Christian'. Because I am the way and the life. Nobody can come to the father EXCEPT thru me" ... and you and your three starving babies didn't do that! Jesus says he has to leave now because he has 'billions more to go wipe out'...such as non -trinitarians, JW's, Mormons, and all the others that have excepted some other christ they should have known about.

    The lady wants to tell Jesus something before he kills her. She say's to him...." If I would have KNOWN that YOU are the the way.....I would have 'come to you'... I thought I WAS DOING THE RIGHT THING! Jesus say's....well...too bad chickadee....you were wrong!

    So then.....is this what the bible Jesus is all about folks?
    Is Jesus going to kill ALL the billions that think they are doing the right thing?

    CCR and all those who think like him......should anylize this idea....Good Luck

  • hillary_step

    Many Fundamentalists view anybody who does not agree with their bombastic, prejudicial and intellectually blighted views as 'pagan' and deserving of an eternity spent being prodded by demons within the barbecue that God built and that Satan then purchased at a 'knock-down' price.

    They stumble around in a doctrinal prison where the true Christian ethics of mercy, kindness and compassion are options.

    You must understand that wearing his Calvinist straight-jacket, Clash is at the extreme Right of rabid fundamentalism, a millimeter away from a black uniform and thigh length leather boots.

    It never occurs to them that there is more than one way of interpreting Scripture. One views things their way, or one dies, it is as simple as that. In this they make the GB look like true Christians....lol I truly believe that the fastest way to make an atheist is to expose them to people like Clash, whose shredding talons leave decent people reeling, and gasping for clean air.

    Taking people like Clash seriously feeds their spittle-foaming need to make a mark on the world, and they are best played with than listened to. Every family has an embarrassing relative that they would rather hide under the stairs, Clash is ours...lol

    Best to you all - HS

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea


    I just wanted to say, I love your wording. I wish I could be so suave. You have managed to put into words (so eloquently) my thoughts exactly.


    "Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
    -Walter Kerr

  • Mulan

    Gumby..........good points. I had to change many of my beliefs about salvation when I was a loyal witness, because I just could not fathom a god of love killing innocent people, who truly thought they were worshipping the right way. It made no sense to me.

    Sean.......welcome back from you long absence from the board!! I agree with you, as you know. These discussions are tiresome and I rarely read them.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • SEAKEN2001

    Hi Mulan,

    yeah, been busy -- too busy! I get a few days off but am leaving town.

    It's funny you said you rarely read these threads. Me, too. But I was looking for something to get me jumpstarted while waiting for the Dateline thing. A good fundamentalist argument always gets me going some way or another, hah!


    good analogy to what many millenialist Christians believe about judgement day. Of course, reasonable Christians see the foolishness of this interpretation of the apocalyptic passages in the Bible. It's only too bad that many Christians take this kind of commentary personally and get defensive. It really is not necessary to believe in this "judgement" theology and "kill the un-believers" to be a Christian. What is needed is a mature world view instead of childish foolishness.

    Still haven't heard from the other Christians on this thread. Did you all decide to distance yourself from this guy? What's up?


  • RR

    Well seaken, Although I consider myself a devout Christian, and am running for the prize of the highcalling. Born Christians like Clash, would never accept me as their brethren, because I do not grasp orthodoxy, I don't believe in the Trinity or triune god, I do not believe in hellfire, the immortal soul or the be saved now or burn foprever later theology. So I don't represent his brand of Christianity, and he doesn't represent mine.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! . http://www.food4jws.org/testimonies/rr144.htm

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