by BucketShopBill 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparky1

    Typical "Blame the victim" response from any Body of Elders. That is how they REALLY work. Protect "MOTHERS" reputation first and then protect "MOTHERS" representitives (the ELDERS) at all costs second. This is an old and sad story. In the early 1950's Fred Franz gave a talk at the International Conventions on Disfellowshipping and keeping the Organization clean. He said 'LOOK for and root out sin in your congregations. Get rid of it in order to keep Jehovahs Organization clean!' It's hard when you are an ELDERand have an IQ of 85 or less to think on your own. Why bother to think........."MOTHER" will do your thinking for you!

  • label licker
    label licker

    Lying is the most detestable thing out of the seven god hates. Did you tell them that? None of this suprises us. We were slandered, lied about and kicked out because we made these idiot lame brain cleaners who still live off their parents at the ages of thirty and forty look like asses to the bethel. But bethel was no different .

    In front of all those idiots you should have asked them if they heard or saw you spiritually associating with the df'd family or critizising the disfellowshipping arrangement with them. That's in chapter 10 of their elders handjob book. According to these two rules you can still talk to a df'd person as long as you are not spiritually associating with them or critizising their disfellowshipping rule. And really play it up and start whimpering as you say it. Play real stupid. Would have loved to seen those idiots catch what you had just said. They probably don't even read what's in their book due to how they act. What do you expect? They don't even read their bible or their watchtower.

    Look at it as though they just got their reward in full and get the hell out of this cult!(If you can)

  • sparky1

    Perhaps John 8:44 is missing from their personal editions of the 'Silver sword' bible?



    You expect Truth in the WBT$?..LOL!!..

    You need to lower your expectations..

    Dig a hole 6ft deep,then place them there..LOL!!..

    ............................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Dis-Member

    Why the indignation? You act as though you'd be ashamed to have ever done such a thing. I thought it was something serious for a second. Unless you too of course view disfellowshipped people as lepers.

    In a sense they are right because your associating with a whole bunch right now by being in this forum. The conscience works in mysterious ways..

  • JWdaughter

    I'd be indignant that I was lied about. Subject notwithstanding!

    Then I'd ask the elder how it is that HE knows where this x JW family is living and start accusing him of associating with them. He started it.

    I mean REALLY!

    I guess no one would write to HQ or th CO/DO whatever and ask the about the appropriate response to the elder who flat out slandered you and lied about you and tried to get you into trouble? He may have admitted in the end that he was just trying to help but the reality is he didn't tell the elders that, he just maligned you to them and tried to get you busted for it.

  • JWdaughter

    Go make the acquaintance with the family and see how they're doing. The elders won't soon be accusing you again and you already had to sit though the trial once.

  • AlphaMan

    Then they said a prayer, again praising Mr. Liar and praying that we not be offended by loving counsel but consider it a growing potential.


    Seriously.......you have the perfect excuse to fade. Let them know you are really seriously offended about this and stop attending meetings. They will let you fade, because you caught the elder in a lie, called them all on it and they will be too prideful to admit they offended you. They won't bother you at all.

    A similar situation actually was the beginning of my leaving the cult.

  • ruderedhead

    Bill, isn't there a scripture about bearing false witness that you can point out to them?

  • hoser

    I hate to say it but you played their game. these three elders are bullies and bullies bully to get a reaction. You gave them exactly what they needed. The best thing to do with a bully is to ignore them and walk away.

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