Today's WT study! So hypocritical!

by stuckinarut2 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    Paragraph 7: "' When you are going through trials, you need people around you.' David of old knew the feeling of being avoided.—Ps. 31:12."

    So why do JWs disfellowship and shun people that are "going through trials"?

  • Syme

    I believe this article was a 'buffer' between the usual fear-and-gulit-inspring articles that WTS is used to publishing lately.

    You can't always use the lash; you must use a 'soothing' article from time to time, if only to make the uncomfortable ones feel relaxed again, in order to remain in the sheep pen.

  • millie210

    I decided to go sit in the back and listen to the comments.

    All of you are correct in your appraisals. At least in the Hall I was at.

    Lots of people afterward saying it was "so encouraging".

    This article stood out to me as different. I am left wondering what it means....

  • Divergent

    The "best" part of the study was seeing judgemental & critical ones commenting on the EXACT things that they are guilty of!!! *facepalm*

  • skeeter1

    The most judgemental place in teh world is the inside of a KH

  • Divergent

    It is as though they are COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS that their actions contradict the point of the article!

  • Crazyguy

    "They know not what they do"

  • goingthruthemotions

    Good topic stuck.... I was thinking the same as you throught the meeting. What a joke and fake people.

    What about Romans 14;1-4

    14 Welcome the [man] having weaknesses+ in [his] faith, but not to make decisions on inward+ questionings. 2 One [man] has faith to eat everything,+ but the [man] who is weak eats vegetables. 3 Let the one eating not look down on the one not eating,+ and let the one not eating not judge the one eating, for God has welcomed that one. 4 Who are you to judge the house servant of another?+ To his own master he stands or falls.+ Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah* can make him stand.+

    Not to judge.......fake ass people. They will abondon you at the cliff


  • quellycatface

    So incredibly class conscious, it's unreal.

    I am less judgmental now than I ever was as a jw.

    There by the Grace of God and all that.

  • OneEyedJoe

    two things stood out to me in this one. We got a rare (in context) reading of one of the JWs favorite scriptures (james 2:17 - faith without works is dead). But this time (because the scripture actually applied for once) they read the preceding verses that put it in context and allow you to realize that the "works" in question have nothing to do with preaching.

    The other thing worked out to my advantage. The conductor went a little of script and proposed a situation where it came to light that a brother that was being used in the congregation had been watching inappropriate movies. He basically asked how the elders should handle the situation, adding "should they just immediately bench him from handling the mics?" The elder that answered said that they should have a conversation with him to try to help him and that he wouldn't necessarily lose any privileges. This, of course meet with approval and nodding heads from all in attendance.

    This was useful to me because, as I've mentioned here once or twice, my "privilege" of reading for the WT or book studies was revoked for failure to comment regularly at the meetings. When they did this, there was no discussion of attempt to help or understand my situation. Nope, they just told me how it was. Afterwards, I joked to my wife "I guess it's good to know that failure to comment regularly is worse than watching bad movies." She was a little confused (as I intended) so I reminded her of what they did to me, including the implication that was made that she also needed to comment more for me to have privileges. I could hardly have hoed for a better reaction. She was pretty upset despite throwing out a variation of the "imperfect men" excuse. I didn't push the issue, and a few minutes later she stated getting more upset and began naming others that are allowed to read, but comment even less frequently than I do. Then the thing about her commenting sank in and she started naming all the elders whose wives literally never comment and said "I guess they shouldn't be elders then." It was a struggle to contain my excitement. I managed to say almost nothing and just let her think it through and I just said "I guess that's just what happens when you have a couple men making a bunch of arbitrary rules."

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