The King of the North is getting Angry...

by rhodesboy 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    rhodesboy - dismissing everybody who disagrees with you as "self-loathing and hate is pathetic.

    Most of us know the bible in more depth than you do. There is not a single fulfilled prophecy in the entire book. It is the ravings of a bunch of Iron Age nomads who had the moral compass of a Taliban warlord.

    This conclusion is not basd on hate but on extensive research.

    You don't like to hear criticism of your holy book. Too bad. We are not here to massage your ego.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Rhodesboy:"This forum is mostly about grievances"
    What do you mean by grievances? People complaining about their problems, or criticising the Watchtower and the Bible? At least explain what you mean by that. Be specific..
    Rhodesboy's pm buddy:
    "And you will notice, no specifics, just generalized negativity and hate"
    Trust me, I don't care enough about your waffling to have any hate. Typical persecution complex. Your writing basically said nothing of worth, just that a, b ,c , d, e , f may possibly happen, if l, m, or n decide to do x, y or z.
    Not sure why you thought that your list of guesses was worth starting a topic for. But as you mentioned, you like the publicity..

    Further, I was VERY specific.
    I specifically pointed out that your predictions were unspecific. ;)

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    rhodesboy - my suggestion is that you get a university education in history to equip you with the critical thinking skills to interpret historical and current events so maybe you can stop using your phobia fired imagination instead.


    Stop wasting your time on such poppycock. Get to university, get a girlfriend, get a life, and ditch the ridiculous JW's and their religiouis weirdo pie-in-the-sky mumbo jumbo. Don't make the same mistakes your stupid JW parents made, you need to be smarter than them.

  • BluePill2

    rhodesboy: My interpretations where specific enough. No offences, but they are as valid as yours. If you can say King of the South = China. I can say King of the South = Unemployed Mexicans.

    Prove me wrong!

    I think people process their grievances in different ways. Some with humor (like many here do) others develop hate (it is also a valid state of mind - why do we have to be all "pink and cozy"?) Hate is just the other side of Love, the pendulum swings both ways (we are not all the time hateful and we certainly don't have to be lovely all the time - that is the artificial world that the Borg is impossing on everybody and the result is quite the opposite.

    Let people be people. You came here, asking for comments and at the same time shutting off possible opposing views...

    What did you expect? You are talking to a crowd that for decades had to accept that opposing, critical views are wrong!

    I think you have the wrong demographics here - there are many other boards that would like to hear about Skeletons riding horses and hookers sitting on dragons stuff. Here? I think that is like trying to sell booze at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting...don't be surprised if chairs are thrown at you!

    I wish you well and happy forecasting days. It is surely a nice hobby (although I concur with the other recommendations - get a girlfriend or a pet or something to keep your mind occupied with healthy activities). Good day.

  • DJS


    The only reason I can think of why you even post this is to narcissistically show off your special knowledge of scripture and prophecy. Is RB now the new GB? ADCMS is likely right; you have tried to influence others with your 'knowledge' but Bethel or the KH really isn't the best place for this now, is it. Those pesky GB members are in your way, and they have worked tirelessly the past few decades to ensure that the rank and file don't discuss such matters.

    Your waffle words (thanks Shirley that was masterful), IMHO, are simply an attempt to show your Uriah Heep humility. I don't typically post on theist OPs, but I have a special loathing for those with 'special knowledge' of all things scripture. I've had enough of that for 10 lifetimes. So YOUR scriptural interpretation is the one we now listen to, correct?

    The bible is not, never has been, and never will be the inspired word of god. The GB is not, never has been, and never will be a prophet or an instrument used by god. But you are getting a lot of response, as you yourself admitted. Narcissists love that stuff.

    And golly gee, some people even like you, they really like you Sally. It's the world wide web. Any dumbass viewpoint will quickly collect to itself a cadre of like-minded dumbasses. Just because some people like you, Sally, doesn't mean you have credibility. It just means there are a lot of dumbasses in the world.

    AND, you get to report all of this as time on our monthly FS report. Way!!!!

  • sparky1

    All grievances must be reviewed by RHODESBOY before replying to any of his THEOLOGICAL SPECULATIONS and INTERPRETATIONS. Please understand that BIBLICAL EXEGESIS is a serious subject and must be treated with AWE and RESPECT. No facts, humor, credible critical reviews or personal experiences will be allowed to draw attention away from his fulminations and pontificating.

  • hamsterbait
  • LisaRose

    Since the day the bible was written people have been attempting to make some kind of sense out of it. Every generation has had people who were convinced it applied to their particular time, that surely the world was so bad it must be the time of the end. They came up with a theory, they thought everything fit, they eagerly waited for the end of the world. Yet those people died and the world kept going.

    Charles Taze Russel thought *he* had special knowledge (that he stole from someone else who thought *he*had special knowledge) . He was convinced he knew what it all meant, he thought the world would end in 1914. It didn't, he died, the world kept going. Undeterred, his followers came up with yet a new theory. Rutherford thought *he* had special knowledge, yes, the world was still ending, just a bit later. 1925, 1975, the goal posts kept moving, but still, *they* had special knowledge.

    Now you claim *you* have special knowledge. Well good for you. I was stupid once and believed the Watchtower and their claims, even though they had yet to make a correct prediction, and even though the bible clearly states that no man knows the day or the hour. I have come to the conclusion it's all meaningless, the world will keep spinning, people will be born and die until the sun dies, billions of years from now. The bible is nothing more that a book of its time, it has some wisdom, some stupidity (rape is acceptable if you marry your victim), some drug induced ravings. You can spend your lifetime trying to find some meaning in it, but you are simply forcing it to mean what you want it to mean. You are not the first to come here with your own special theories, you won't be the last.

  • BluePill2

    sparky1: Now THAT was funny You could have a brilliant career designing new forms for the Service Department! They love this stuff ()

    rhodesboy: Here is one forecast that would actually be of value. I am trying to figure out where this sucker is going:

    Gold Chart

    ...and you know what? Even this being so simple (in comparions to forecasting human developments based on an old book), very smart people (and their algos) get it wrong e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e t-i-m-e.

    "Experts" (or so called Anal-ysts) base their assumptions on past events ("oh, in the past Gold rised every time there was a war") and apply their "wisdom" to present times and get burned. And investors who follow their advice get burned even more. Just like followers of the GB or Bible or whatever prophecy.

    Can you accurately predict the price of Gold for say...the next 7 days and post here?

  • BluePill2

    ...reading the title again: The King of the North can LICK MY ARSE!

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