The Watchtower 11/15/2014

by wifibandit 101 Replies latest watchtower bible


    What a complete crock of shit. The Great Tribulation: translation...The moment that the WTBTS and GB are exposed publicly for covering up pedophilia, lying about their charitable status, and are publicly humiliated for their cultish and abusive behavior.

    When the shit hits the fan ( CONTI case and subsequent fallout) the GB will cry persecution. In actuality they can NEVER declare that the GT has started. Once they do, they have played their last card. Remember that. THERE IS NOTHING LEFT. The aim is to instill a perpetual fear of the GT and motivate the sheeple to be even more subservient. That way, when the GB get their asses handed to them, the majority of the faithful will figure that it's Satanic persecution instead of just reaping the fruits of corruption and legalism.


  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I'd like to see a photo that shows them still hunkered down in the basement 3 months later when nothing has happened yet supplies and brotherly love have become scarce and they've begun using the letters from the society as toilet paper.

  • jwfacts

    GBRN - I'm sure this has been covered extensively, but the whole 1918/1919 thing always confused the hell out of me. Does this QFR at the end of the magazine add on at all to their newer understanding put out in 2012?

    Great question, and I hope others add their thoughts. The QFR still shows the Slave was identified in 1919, but adds to my thought that 1918 is being phased out. Interesting how they now state the 1260 days "extended from 1914 to the early part of 1919. This period of time includes both the 1,260 days (42 months) and the symbolic three and a half days referred to in Revelation chapter 11." They do not specify the exact month it starts and ends in. I wonder if it has anything to do with an article I wrote, which shows the previous time frames never actually lined up.

    The "prophetic time line" image shows just 1914 and 1919, without including 1918 or specifying any months. It highlights well the discrepency between the length of time of the 3 1/2 years compared to the 3 1/2 days, the first of which is said to be literal, but the second of which is said to be figurative.

    From at

    1260 days

    At Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 11:3-6 it discusses a period of 3 ½ years, or 1260 days. During the 1800's the Watchtower claimed this was prophetic of 1260 years. Now it is said to be a period of days that roughly correspond to 1260 literal days. There have been at least 11 changes, spanning 9 different periods of time.

    1260 Days Source Begins Ends
    1 Zion’s Watch Tower Apr 1880 538 AD 1798 AD
    2 Zion’s Watch Tower 1898 Sep 1 and 15 539 AD 1799 AD
    3 Zion’s Watch Tower 1915 Aug 1 325 AD or 539 AD 1585 AD or 1799 AD
    4 Watchtower 1929 Dec 15 1 Oct 1914 1 Apr 1918
    5 Light 1 (1930) 7 Nov 1914 7 May 1918
    6 Watchtower 1951 1 Oct 1914 1 Apr 1918
    7 Finished Mystery (1969) 4 Oct 1914 26 Mar 1918
    8 Incoming World Government (1977) 28 Dec 1914 21 Jun 1918
    9 Revelation Climax (1988) 28 Jul 1914 Early 1918
    10 Watchtower 1993 Nov 1 pp.9-10 Dec 1914 21 June 1918
    11 Kingdom Ministry Sep 2006 Dec 1914 Jun 1918

    As the 1260 days do not line up exactly with any relevant, literal time period of importance to the Watchtower, numerous adjustments have been made; none compelling, most not even 1260 days. These have related to:

    • Papal Rule
    • World War One
    • The End of the Gentile Times
    • The arrest of Rutherford
    • The sentencing of Rutherford
  • AllTimeJeff

    That picture is horrible. i know what the GB wants the emotion of the girl looking back to be. "Will you be here? I'm scared, but I'm here." What that little girl is really thinking; "That JW photographer is a real dick!"

    Hey GB, if you want persecution, be an African American in Ferguson Mo. Spare us your pious bullshit. Noone really cares anymore. They never did. Hell if the Tea Party really takes over, JWs will likely be welcomed.

  • wallsofjericho

    Lots of food and supplies down there too

    wts are doomsday preppers too

  • minimus

    The GB will always be there for God's people. Their letters will be giving the faithful Witnesses the spiritual food at the proper time. Thank God that the Witnesses know who to trust.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Oubliette: Note, several people have Bibles, but no one has one open.

    This is a common feature is most WT pictures. Who needs a Bible (or Jesus) when an elder wearing a cardigan and cheap-assed tie is available?

  • daringhart13


    They lack no shame.........

  • Apognophos

    Conductor is the ONLY one with a tie.

    Now isnt that an amazing coincidence?

    Naw, they only have one tie so they give it to whoever conducts that time.

    The Vin Diesel comment cracked me up.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Who would want to belong to a religion such as represents??? Collectively in the picture of the people in that room, they look depressed, surpressed , downtrodden and traumatized, waiting for a better life to happen, sometime. None of them appear to be 'normal'. Normal people are not waiting for a WT/GB to tell them when it is time to go, run and hide??? From??? Normal people don't act that way. Normal people have planned out their lives and career paths, just like the GB have. Most normal people understand when they are being used to further someone else's game plan. In this case the governing body's.

    DATA-DOG I agree with you 100%.

    My version of what that little girl is saying is, "Mommy, get me out of here. This is scary and those people are crazy. Please, come get me now".


    PS has spent its life pointing their fingers at the Catholic church, saying that the adherents of the catholic persuasion are based on fear. They say Catholics are obedient and go to church and give the church money out of fear. Fear through the Catholic doctrine of hell fire. does not put the fear of burning forever in a fiery hell in its publisher's mind, but they do give them daily fear of the great tribulation and the war of armageddon . Example topic of conversation anytime with a JW. "Is your go-bag ready"???

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