If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!

by Island Man 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy

    I got to figure out a way to get my wife to listen to this, if it doesnt wake her up then maybe atleast i can get her to serve me...

  • skeeter1

    Every sentance, he should be inserting his foot! No wonder women like Blondie or Barbara Anderson didn't stay in this group!

  • clarity

    This guy was a fulltime pioneer in 1958.

    Travelling overseer 1965 - 1997.

    As if by magic he became a governing body

    member in 1999!!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Sounds like what the GB still believe. They just don't say it out loud where it can be recorded anymore.

  • Oubliette

    Samuel Herd, Governing Body Member of Jehovah's Witnesses, "You know, scientists say that the cranial capacity of a woman is 10% smaller than that of a man, so now this shows that she's just not equipped for the role of headship. Her role is one of subjection to the man."

    Did he really just say that? Out loud? In public?

    What a fucking idiot!

    Naturally he didn't cite which "scientists" allegedly said what he claims they said. Also his conclusion doesn't follow from his premise. Typical lame assertion of small-minded misogynists and bigots.

    As a black man, he shouldn't be going down this path as those so-called "scientific studies" on the relationship between "cranial capacity and intelligence" are generally not too favorable to assholes like him.

    Disclosure Statement: I'm not supportin', just reportin'!

    Size matters: a review and new analyses of racial differences in cranial capacity and intelligence. (J. P. Rushton, C. D. Ankney, 1999)

    Cranial Capacity Related to Sex, Rank, and Race in a Stratified Random Sample of 6,325 U.S. Military Personnel. (J. P. Rushton, 1992)

  • Oubliette

    Samuel Herd is a perfect example of someone that wants to be something he is not designed to be: a spiritual leader.

    What a disaster.

    This guy is messed up. He is fixated on lesbianism. I heard him speak once at an elder school. He spent over half an hour denigrating lesbians as if they were somehow more evil than those that committed any other sin. It was weird for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it was obvious he was obsessed with lesbians because his rant had nothing to do with anything other than it being a bully pulpit with a captive audience.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


  • BU2B

    Here is the full audio from a "non apostate site" for those who want to share with their wives


  • williamhconley

    The degrading of women is nothing new nor should we be surprised by the Watchtower leaders. C.T. Russel didn't like to be overshadowed by his wife Maria as she was a better writer than him. He labelled her rebelious and not submissive although he refused to talk face to face with her. He also refused to call her "my wife". He imposed a "celibate marriage" on her according to the court records. When she left him because of his abusive behavior and she sued for alimony, he transferred his assets to another Corporation and moved his religious false prophesying scam to Brooklyn in 1909. She moved to one of their co-owned property and he kicked her out without prior notice and evicted the tenants she rented rooms to for income.

    Rutherford was also separated from his wife (no elder today would qualify if he were separated from his spouse) and he would PUBLICLY state in talks from the platform that women were " a stack of bones & a rack of hair ". Tipping your hats to women, standing up when a women walks into a mans prescence, celebrating mothers day were all condemned as demonic during the Ruthless Rutherford reign of terror.

    W.H. Conley

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    You know I howled with laughter when the clip below was first broadcast. Now, listening to that awful discourse, it just highlights how ludicrous the GB really are. Please compare the 2 youtubes!


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