If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!

by Island Man 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    Have some respect folks, it's exactly his condescending propagandist drone tone that got him elected to the Sanhedrin (aka GB).

  • Strangelove


    Very shocking, but of course, not surprising. I have little to offer or say on this matter. Only that the treatment of women in this organization was one of the core and primary reasosn I began to doubt, and inevitably leave.


    Sure it was the 70's, but JEEHOOBERS channel should know better. It just proves that there is no HOLY Spirit guiding these Watchtards.


  • Mum

    It is appalling that anyone in this day and age could actually state outright that one human being's purpose in life is to serve and placate someone else. Mr. Herd should know that is not even plausible as an outlook on life!

    In his next life, he'll be a woman!

  • LisaRose

    If bigger brain = greater intelligence, then an elephant with a brain that weighs ten pounds, must be smarter than a human.

    Yikes, it's like something you would have read 100 years ago, before women were given the right to vote. His ignorance is astonishing.

  • clarity

    The 70's were not that long ago, it was a happening

    time ...with the end of the world coming in '75 & all!

    Don't excuse this fool on that basis ...he knew exactly

    what he was saying!


  • Hairtrigger

    Holy Crap! Whey da heck Dis Nigga dun get his medical deegreee? Dats some reel annointed crazy shit he dishin out dere . I sure gotta go an get me som gill-e-ed minestree school eddicashun. Dey givin out Pee-haich-dees in dung-hole punchin! Herd is fust to score a gee-nee-ass-hole-in one!!

  • sparky1

    "His ignorance is astonishing." No truer words were ever spoken!!! Speaking of brain size as equal to intelligence, there is another way scientists measure brain size. A human has a brain mass/weight to body mass/weight of approximately 1/40. A hummingbird has a brain mass/weight to body mass/weight of approximately 1/25. Therefore the hummingbird actually has a huge brain for its body size. According to Sammie the Scientists' reasoning the human race should all be in subjection to hummingbirds.

  • zeb

    WTH! Where do you start? the bloody moron.

    10% smaller which race? some are smaller because they are littler people. Where did he get that figure?

    and; the quote alleged "If i were a man "etc are saying "If i was in the position of power"

    and "Homosexuality is spreading" perhaps it is homosexuality is being talked about, appearing in the media, tv sitcoms, street marches etc. Again no facts no information.

    What about the men in the biblical times were they trying to be women dressing unisex as they were?

    10% smaller eh? another wt outburst based on no education, a fear dominated sect the 'leaders' of which live in splendid isolation devoid of any of the realities of life. May be Helen Degenneres (did i get that name right?) would like to interview this idiot on tv..or "60 Minutes".

    He has just knocked another plank out of the wt structure!

    Now that my boiler pressure has dropped: what of Mary, Ruth, Esther, Priscilla, Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene, Rahab, Naomi ? If he was asked to list all the women of the bible he wouldnt know where to start.

  • frankiespeakin

    AS far as the brainsize analogy this guys Herd only understrands simple math and leaps in logic. Not a very good trait to have when you are CEO of a corporation.

    Which proves the Watchtower Corporation is scrapping the bottom of the barrel to find this 'Ethiopian in the wood pile':


    Both the 'fence' and 'woodpile' variants developed about the same time in the period of 1840–50 when the Underground Railroad was flourishing. The evidence is slight, but it is presumed that they were derived from actual instances of the concealment of fugitive slaves in their flight north under piles of firewood or within hiding places in stone walls. [2] Another possible origin, comes from the practice of transporting pulpwood on special rail road cars. In the era of slavery, the pulpwood cars were built with an outer frame with the wood being stacked inside in moderately neat rows and stacks. However, given the nature of the cars, it was possible to smuggle persons in the pile itself; possibly giving rise to the term.

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