A "follow up" meeting?!?!

by DATA-DOG 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX

    In my old hall, before I moved to the foriegn language, there was an elder that was like my grandfather. My family was close to him, he studied with my mom and dad, and he is the one that visited to tell us my dad had passed because my mom was too shook up. We were very tight.

    Him and his son were "cool" elders. Then we had to answers questions about something that happened (long story, don't feel like rehashing - but it was not a JC, just questioning us for something stupid). And they both turned on my sister and brought up stuff that she had told them both in private, basically secrets.

    And yeah, you guessed it - my "spiritual grandfather" told everything, right in front of all the other elders. Just f***** her right there balls deep. I was aghasted and really hurt by that azz.

    At that point, I lost all respect for him and his dick son. I look back now, and I think that was the moment I started having doubts. Especially when they brought up the whole "We can't let Jehovah's organization be tarnished in the public eye" I was like, what?????? First time I had ever heard that, and it stuck.

    So I wouldn't trust ANY elder, at all, no matter how cool they are with you or nice to you or if you've known them for 50 years or they studied with you.

    They all have an agenda, and will turn on you to protect themselves and JW.org.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, do not ever let down your guard with them!

    They will send you to the wolves, or under the bus, or whatever illustration you want, at a moments notice!

    Remember that they will gladly 'condemn' one person under the guise of 'protecting the flock'.....so you are a nobody in the scheme of things!


    Let me be clear. I am not afraid of these men, but these men can destroy my family with the push of a button. I am not afraid of a 95lb weakling. If that person has a gun and is 10' away, or with a wave of their hand can call in 7 highly trained snipers, then yeah.. I am afraid. I would be a fool to underestimate the danger.

    I don't even consider these people my enemies. They are misguided mortals. They can, however, cause untold damage through their misguided ( sincere ) efforts. As one Elder said, sometimes things are said and done that are not exactly right, but protecting the flock is a just cause and the motives were pure.



    I agree that they MUST categorize me. Their own fears and dissonance demand a sacrifice. I must be "evil/wrong/weak/insecure, so that they may be good/right/strong/secure.


  • Focus

    As one Elder said, sometimes things are said and done that are not exactly right, but protecting the flock is a just cause and the motives were pure.

    Wow.... You really do have it bad.

    "Pure motives" of "protecting the flock" from learning the truth, that is...

    The truth being that they are being systematically Spiritually-Raped by a giant, greedy, MLM-oriented publishing corporation.

    These lowlifes ("Elders") are none other than Spiritual-Sodomizers. By the definition of "Spiritual Fornication" that the Watchtower itself published. Want the reference?

    The sooner you start thinking that they ARE the Enemy - a ruthless, untrustworthy, lying, despicable enemy too, pretending to be the opposite - the better equipped you are to deal with this filth.

    Their ONLY hold over you is due to the love you have for others.

    That is how low down and hateful they are. They will use something essentially "good" in you, in order to control you and make you do evil.

    Try to do it your "fade" way first, by all means.

    If it looks like it isn't working, switch to Plan B. A giant shift.

    Scare the life out of these rapists. Tell them if they impede your "fade", you will set up a website exposing the Watchtower fraud, and you will name them and have their photographs on page one of the site. Get your camera out and take their photos on the spot, while you say that.



    ("Practical Suggestions" Class)

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Me too guys, bu2b stuckinarut data dog, can we start a club?

  • Phizzy

    I have managed a fade but there were two occasions since I began my fade when I was in danger of being DF'd. The first was an "encouraging visit", which I handled well so they could hang nothing on me.

    The second time I forstalled any visit, and any attempt to DF me, I will not go in to detail as it will reveal who I am.

    But suffice to say, you do not have to meet with them, if you do, you are in danger of saying the wrong thing and being DF'd.

    How many times can you duck having to answer the "Loyalty Question" when it is re-phrased and asked again and again ?

    Say you found their loving visit encouraging, but it is sufficient for now, you will contact them when you need another.

    Don't be bullied in to meeting with them ever again.

  • stuckinarut2

    DHoH! Yes, we do all seem to be going through such similar situations!

    I guess that is what helps us all to hang in there? We are not alone!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    No doubt the next visit will open with: "Do you feel the Governing Body is directing God's Organization?" "Follow up" is code for, "what can we hang him with?"


    Watchtower Free: Even the cool ones can turn on you in a instant.

    The "cool ones" are the most dangerous. Take it from personal experience.

  • jgnat

    I want you all to be your own men, the elders a distant memory. A year ago a local fading brother texted me to get through a rough patch. The elders were riding him putting his anxiety disorder in to overdrive, and he was very worried he would lose his wife. I talked (texted) him through it and today he is in a much better place. Marriage intact too, with his wife supporting.

    In this man'a case, the elders were putting his mental health at risk. He simply could no longer afford to meet.

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