Would Your Family Stone You to Death?

by cofty 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • suavojr

    They would stone me to death without remorse or compassion

  • Oubliette

    Separation of Powers, I think you aptly described the typical JW family and in so doing clearly define them as belonging to a high-control, authoritarian cult.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    My family is all out of the Watchtower.

    Some of my wifes family is still in.

    They probably would enjoy a good stoning.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Well if my family were quakers it would be " any act of violence against another is only hurting yourself" Now if i were a dedicated Quaker under circumstances i think i would hurt myself.

    For everybody there is a time to deside, thats when the brave person chooses and the coward steps aside. And quaker, islam, christian, J.w..end of the day its individual accountability. A person needs do what they think is right. Its what i think most often is the better way...

  • confusedandalone

    Yes, as a kid I was told multiple times that because of my disrespect I should be glad that we didn't live in ancient times because I would be dead.

    I was also beat nearly to death on multiple occasions so I can imagine if it was legal they would

  • Mikado

    happily, as I was told on many occasions

  • 3rdgen

    What makes a parent cheerfully tell a preschool aged child stories of she-bears ripping young boys apart who supposedly called Elijah a "Baldhead"? What makes these same parents angrily tell their young daughter "If we were living in the Isrealite times you would be stoned and we would cast the first one!" simply because she argued with her mother. My parents were card carring CULT members who made it painfully clear that their love was conditional upon my unquestioning obedience to them and the WTBT$......PERIOD. Guess What!? It worked! I fearfully overlooked the errors and hypocracy for nearly 60 years.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    ConfusedandAlone ... Have your parents ever apologized to you?


  • Giordano

    No for my Mother yes for my sister.

    If JW parent(s) would allow a young child to die without a blood transfusion they would be well on the path to being able to stone their child if told to do so by the WTBTS.

    If the child is taught by their JW parents that death is better then violating a made up rule and the child is 15 years old, even 12 year's old and they elect to die....... why would stoning be such a big leap? When certain death is the outcome I don't think there's much difference.

    "In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue."--AWAKE! May 22, 1994, page 2

    Posed together in a group portrait in the foreground of Awake!'s cover are three extremely photogenic youngsters. Fifteen-year-old Adrian Yeatts died September 13, 1993, after the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, Canada, declared him a "mature minor" and rejected the Child Welfare department's request for court-ordered transfusions. Twelve-year-old Lenae Martinez died in California on September 22, 1993, after the Valley Children's Hospital ethics committee ruled her a "mature minor" and decided not to seek a court order.

    Twelve-year-old Lisa Kosack died (no date given) in Canada after holding off transfusion therapy by threatening that she "would fight and kick the IV pole down and rip out the IV no matter how much it would hurt, and poke holes in the blood." (page 13)

  • 3rdgen

    Giordano, excellent point. The difference for me is the sick entheusiasm that my parents exhibited while telling me they would turn me in and lead in the stoning. I don't know of any JW who witheld blood from their diying child who seemed happy about it. For those of us who were verbally abused in this way, it left us with emotional scars as real as the physical abuse did-possibly worse.

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