Midweek Meetings no longer Necessary

by Tech49 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The extra night during the week is being lovingly provided by the FDS, so that the CO and his wife can get a job go out to dinner and a movie and financially support themselves bill it to the cong. as a weekly visit "expense" like the Apostle Paul regional corporate managers do.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The CO will probably need the extra night to fit in all the DO's duties he will find landed on him since the demise of said DO's.


  • Mum

    It may be, in reality, that the WT is running out of steam in creating new fantasies for their followers to "study." A certain level of intelligence and creativity is involved, and it does not appear that the current GB has either.

  • Tech49

    I dont want my original point to be lost: this new "arranagement" is a direct statement speaking to the lack of importance of the weekday meeting, as demonstrated by your fearless leaders in the GB... If it was important, they would keep it during the week of the CO visit. If it is so unimportant as to justify scrapping it and the accompanying talk by the CO, why should anyone attend the first 30 minutes of the meeting night any other week? If the CO and his wife NEVER have to attend the Bible Study portion again, why does anyone else?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Here's how things work:

    If Joe Average JW Publisher misses a meeting during the CO's visit, he's "unfaithful", "spritually weak", and "unappreciative" of Jehovah's™ provisions.

    If the GB decides to permanently cancel that same meeting, it is now a "loving provision".


    I hear you.

    The GB are delusional. It's like the 15 minute field service "provision", or the DF'd necessary business "provision." They say, " The GB are so loving! They go beyond what is written by making these provisions." The problem is, they go beyond what is written, and then undo the first screw up and claim it was a spiritual epiphany. The "meetings" are totally bogus and a waste of time as far as spirituality is concerned. If the C.O never has to go, why should we?

    Answer: Continued brain washing for the R&F. Soon there will be a slot for "family worship" on your time slip. They must find a way to control the sheep while they re-brand the WTBTS. All the waters would dry up, were it not for the constant bitching by "MOTHER." Just think about how long we have been using the same time slip?!? That's gonna change.


  • kneehighmiah

    Dictators always provide loving solutions to the problems they themselves created. Just like this weeks watchtower, "don't be discouraged because you can't meet our unrealistic standards." How loving! Now we have one less thing to do during the CO week. How loving!

  • alfredjones100

    Some have thought that the congregational book study could be in the process of being phased out. It may actually happen but not for the reasons you may expect. There is a actual big dollar saving if the GB does away with it. The "Draw close to Jehovah", the "Jeremiah" book and all the other 100-300 page books (as released at regional conventions) were designed for the congregation book study in mind. Conciderable development and printing costs could be saved if they abandoned this format all together. Only the "Song" book and one or two standardised "Bible study aids" are needed and it could be handled by small printing runs.

  • Magnum

    There is an inconsistency and illogicalness to their reasoning. We used to hear that the Congregation Book Study (meeting in small groups) was essential to our spiritual well-being and were given reasons why. That didn't even make sense at the time. What about JWs in prison? They were weak because they couldn't go the Book Study? What about people in parts of the world that didn't even have Book Studies? They were weak, too? But then the org goes and cancels the whole arrangement! But wait, I thought it was essential?

    As Tech49 mentioned in the OP, now the COs and wives will never go to Congregation Bible Studies. So are they somehow inherently stronger than the rest? Their wives, too? If not, then why is it they can survive spiritually without the Congregation Bible Study, but the rank and file can't? Doesn't make sense.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Magnum: We used to hear that the Congregation Book Study (meeting in small groups) was essential to our spiritual well-being


    I guess, logically then, in the 1900 years from Jesus to modern-day WT, every Christian was simply S.O.L., since no "Congregation Book Study" arrangement existed. Imagine Jesus having to reject millions of Christians for "spiritual weakness" because they had no WT meetings to attend. You'd think he would've seen that coming ahead of time.....

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