First Post - Emotionally Torn

by scaredtospeak 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • clarity

    I can tell you for sure, 99.9% of us who leave jehovah's

    witnesses ....are afraid to speak!

    Love your name & a huge welcome to you.

    There is no need to rush this thing ... slowlyslowly

    wins the race. Try to balance everything on your plate

    right now ... above all get out in the fresh air for a walk.

    Think about how your brothers can be your support.


    Your mother asked you to stop reading all the material that

    "contradicts God's word" Sweetie your mother thinks that all

    the watchtower magazines etc...ARE gods word.

    I doubt that much of what you are reading is contradicting

    the BIBLE!!!


    Lots of food for thought, from all your new friends,

    hang around here and keep posting... all the best!


  • clarity

    A shout out to Sporece ....another new escapee!

    Wellcome to you too! Hope you are finding some

    answers. Keep digging!

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Welcome, I'm glad you found I spent awhile trying to find something inaccurate on the site and finally ended up here :)

    Carpe Diem!

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Quote from DOC- Emphasize to your parents that you are NOT leaving Jehovah, just that you have lost confidence in the promises of the F&DS/GB because of all of their past failed prophecies. (YES, they have claimed to be today's "Ezekiel Class" prophet!) Thus, how can you make all of your decisions about your life on their promises. Tell them you must stick to the Bible and what it says. Demand that anything is supported by the Bible. JW publications never really do this.

    DOC really like how you broke that down.

    Once you put down their publications and just read the bible you wanna kick yourself practically eveyday. Wondering how you could of been so blind, but after that, the guilt starts to go away.

    Reading John 8:32 and the "truth" shall set you free takes on a whole new meaning.

    Welcome and thanks for sharing. Just remember to thine own self be true. You are the only one who has to live with the decisions you make and no human can comment on your relationship with Jehovah.

    How does not wanting to follow man mean you have left Jehovah? Doesn't not wanting to follow man help bring you closer to Jehovah and the one whom he sent forth; Jesus Christ?

    Relish in becoming guilt free.

  • Spectre

    Welcome! Interesting how you have awakened because of biology. I was taking a class about California Indian history that made me say, "waitaminute....."

    If you have time, I would recommend watching the dvd set by Joseph Campbell about myths (I can't think of the name right now). It gives you a lot to think about.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    SPECTRE - was it "the Power of Myth" with Bill Moyers?

    I remember watching that as an indoctrinated teen and thinking, Hmmmmmm. . . . . . . ..

  • villagegirl

    You do not state how old you are. This is a factor in your feelings

    of guilt and dependency on your parent's approval. You also did not

    state whether or not your parents are in contact with your brothers

    who said they were not interested anymore. Are your parents shunning

    them ?? If they are not, consider the fact you could ease your parents fear

    by revealing less to them. If your are in high school, you have time to develop

    an exit strategy that will not involve elders or get your mother all upset.

    Keep a low profile, get excellent grades, and take all courses necessary to

    enter university, hopefully on a scholarship due to high grades, but don't

    discuss every single thought with your parents.

    Make peace with them, hold your cards close to your chest and

    proceed with caution. Study many sciences, chemistry, physics as well.

    Science is wonderful, study Physics, it may restore your faith in God.

    Stop spilling your guts to your parents.

    Someday you will see them as fragile old people

    who do not understand their own life, let alone yours.

    Thats called being an adult, when you finally see yourself as no

    longer an extension of your parents.

    Its the separation that is at first painful, but you will hopefully grow up

    and develop your own talents and find your work.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome, scared:

    It's good that you've found new friends who will help guide you through this difficult time of awakening.

    I'd like to share some words of Thomas Jefferson, words that have influenced me.

    Best regards.


    Bill Establishing Religious Freedom in the State of Virginia

    Truth is great and will prevail if left to herself, that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate; errors ceasing to to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them.

  • Spectre

    Yep, BoC. That's the one.

  • Finkelstein

    Welcome to the forum scaredtospeak

    You said .... I came clean to my parents about everything I've been reading about.

    May I make a suggestion that you keep some of what you find that opposes religion and particularly the JWS

    closer to yourself.

    Let your parents slowly be aware that your thinking outside the proverbial JW box.

    The JWS/WTS. has a strongly articulate way on how its members are to deal with people who are questioning their doctrines

    or basic religion in itself, ie. spiritually weak, siding with Satan's wicked system of things etc. .


    This is a highly controlled cult from the inside out, from the top down, that makes any kind of outward dissent

    a real problem for people.

    For example there are perhaps into the millions now of people who have been ostracized from their families just

    for simlply saying " No Thank You " to the WTS.

    Being that this is the reality of this social behavior, one might personally serve them well to keep any objections

    to themselves and simply fade away from the religion, so that you can still sustain some reasonable relationship

    with your still in family.

    This is what I did 30 years ago and to this day I have a pretty good relationship with my family members who are still

    devout JWS.

    Something to think about , take care.

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