First Post - Emotionally Torn

by scaredtospeak 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ctrwtf

    Dude.............choose your life. If you are studying biology you will quickly find that the story of Genesis is a myth at best. Everything else is window dressing. Props to you for not wanting to disappoint those close to you. That shows that you have a heart and love and care. However, the life of a JW denies all freedom of thought. It denies self esteem. It negates personal responsibility. It seems from your post that you are just beginning your life. If you desire to have a family of your own, ask yourself, do I want to raise my children with this level of misanthropy and guilt?

    Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life...............

  • cofty


    I am convinced that science is a powerful antidote to WT indoctrination. The only response the organisation have is to tell you to stop studying reality as your mum tried to do.

    You must keep reminding yourself that you are not at fault for this. No rational person can be told to choose myths over evidence.

    Be strong. Your parents choices are theirs to make but you must live your life. Reality is wonderful.

    There are lots of us here who relish learning evolutionary biology. I look forward to your posts.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    "If anyone replies to this, I just want to know that someone out there has been through something like this and that maybe all this anguish and depression and feeling hopeless will go away. The only reason I feel so sad is because I have this dread that I'm choosing between my life and my family's happiness."

    Many of us spent years going through such manipulation by the cult and by family. Being a JW was terribly depressing both when I was the model bethelite and when I was fading. Now, things are much better after years away, despite the fact that my parents are still enslaved to the WT lies.

    Have you had a chance to read any of Steven Hassan's books? Although most of us may not be able to rescue all our families from the cult, at least it provides information to help us understand how cults work and how we can free our own thinking.

    Not sure if you've ready any of these, or if they'll help:

  • Magnum

    You're not alone. I wasted my entire life - the prime of my life - as a JW... over 30 years. And I'm sort of going through the painful withdrawals now.

    Be respectful with your parents, but not apologetic. Tell your parents you're searching for truth. If the religion of JWs is the truth, then what harm can your searching do it? Can't truth backed up by the Supreme Being stand up to a little scrutiny and verification? What do JWs fear about the stuff you're reading? Do they think the words have some magical quality that will put you under a spell? They're really just simple facts.

    She also asked me to stop reading all the material I have been that "contradicts God's word"

    Tell her you're willing to open-mindedly and reasonably discuss the issue if she will do likewise. If she says she doesn't want to hear evidene you have against her beliefs, then tell her it's not fair that she regularly presents evidence to others against their beliefs. Ask her how she knows that the material you've been reading contradicts God's word. What specifically contradicts God's Word? Make her be specific - no generalizations. JWs simply can't answer the tough questions, they don't have the answers they think they do, and they cannot defend the organization against its history of failed prophecy, craziness, deception, hypocrisy, propagandizing, etc. That's why they generalize and run from real arguments; they always want to be in control of any discussion.

    Again, don't be apologetic and don't let her (or anybody else) be in control. Why should you apologize or feel bad for using your mind and searching for truth. Read her 1Jo 4:1.

    Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. -New Living Translation

    Tell her that if she tells you not to test teachings, she's the one 'contradicing God's Word'.

    When I say 'don't be apologetic', I'm not telling you to be disrespectful. Be calm and in control of your emotions. Dont' get mad. Be reasonable. Maybe you will slowly win them over.

    The sun and the wind argued one day over who was the stronger. They decided on a way to settle the argument. They looked down and saw a man in an overcoat. They would see who could get the man to take his coat off. The wind went first. He huffed and puffed and strained, but the stronger the wind blew, the more the man buttoned up his coat and the stronger he held on to it. Finally, after the wind was exhausted, the sun took his turn. He simply smiled and very calmly and slowly shone on the man until... well, you can figure out what happened.

    The point is: Be like the sun, not the wind. If you beat your parents strongly with words, they will just hold on tighter to their perceived truth. But if gradually expose them to sound reasoning, you might get them to 'take their coats off'.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Yes...the infamous "Satan's grasp." One of the things that has helped me is to recognize that independent thinking is what makes the organization tick. It is true that you and I are not allowed to think outside the realms of the "organizational thought control." However, haven't you wondered where all this new light comes from? Yes...that's right! It comes from members of the GB and writing department who cautiously sit back in their meetings waiting for the opportunity to promote their independent thinking! In other words, they must not really believe in the same system that they are part of because how can you preach something for years, decades, a century and then simply say that it has changed? If you truly believed it, then you would never question it would you? It is a ruse.

    Think for yourself. Your parents fail to see that the GB have taken the lead in questioning their own beliefs. It is the epitome of arrogance for them to have acted like they humbly supported previous regimes only to make significant and might I say horrific changes to the basic belief system of JWs AFTER they took control. Now tell me, whose under Satan's grasp?


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    Welcome, and you are not alone! The JW's are some of the largest manufacturers and distributors of guilt on this planet. Do not let it keep you from your own personal truth.


  • Crazyguy

    There are two very good magazines that the wt has printed on on propaganda and the other about having to choose family over faith which they claim they don't do. Get them review them there in the cd library. Then you can use just their materials and the bible to completely destroy their teaching no apostate materials needed. Ask your parents how its fair that we go out in service and ask householders to be critical of what their religion teaches and we encourage them to do some research but we as JW's can't do this exact same thing? Also get yourself a greek interlinear and a nkj bible.

  • LisaRose

    Welcome. Yes, most of us have been in the same or similar situation. No matter how old you may be, it's tough telling the parents if they are still brainwashed. I was forty five before I wised up, it was still hard to tell my mom. No matter what you do or say, they will think the problem is you, not them. Stay strong, don't feel bad for seeing reality when they cannot, it's your life. Be good, don't give them anything to complain about other than your lack of faith. In reality they can't do much, other than pressure you. If things get too bad, see the counselors at school, they might be able to intervene.

    Trust yourself, you have a good head on your shoulders. Go to college, live your life, try not to feel guilty. You have been in a cult, it messes with your head, eventually the indoctrination will wear off and you won't feel so conflicted.

  • cultBgone


  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    Keep reading and asking questions. Take your time to look into many areas of study. You are doing the right thing by asking questions. Also, listening to people who have and are going thru what you are. It is painful, but freedom, self-esteem, and joy are waiting for you. Those things you will cherish the rest of your life.

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