Are JEhovah's Witnesses reaching out to the Gay community ?

by Watchtower-Free 51 Replies latest social humour


    I can't, but I can here is some inspiration...

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Welcome Granada!

    I hope you have a successful fade.

  • Quendi

    I suppose it must have been nearly fifteen years ago when I received an interesting request from a woman in the congregation I really loved and respected. She wanted me to go on a return visit with her in a neighborhood in Boulder, Colorado that had multi-million dollar homes. I said yes, and as we pulled up to the house she gave me some background on the call.

    "Quendi," she said, "the reason I want you to go with me on this call is because this house is owned by a gay couple. I have met both men and they are two of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. One of them is a lay minister who serves elderly people in some of the nursing homes here in town. We've been talking about hellfire and he is interested in some of the scriptures I've been sharing with him. I want you to come because I believe that NONE of the other brothers in the congregation will treat these men with the respect they deserve but I know you will." We subsequently had a nice call and this man and his partner were on my list of return visits until they moved away.

    That experience has stayed with me even now almost ten years after being disfellowshipped for being a gay man. At that time, nobody in the congregation knew that I was gay. But this woman, who was very intelligent, kind-hearted and perceptive, had somehow divined that I was. She never talked about this with me, but always treated me with great affection and respect. She has passed away now and I think of our friendship as one of the few positive aspects of my life as a Witness. I believe the deeply entrenched homophobia she saw in the organization distressed her and was something she did not agree with. I was honored by her confidence in me and cherish the memory of our friendship. She never talked about my sexual nature with anyone else and that was another sign of the respect and regard she had for me.

    But she was a rarity among Witnesses, the majority of whom would sooner spit on a LGBT person than reach out in any kind and/or loving way. I have come to believe that one reason for the Governing Body's unrelenting homophobia is that some of them are gay men themselves and are filled with self-loathing and self-hatred. They project those feelings on the membership, some of whom are dealing with the same issues themselves. As for the rest, since they believe the Governing Body are really spirit-anointed men, they fall into line and parrot what they hear and read. As we have discussed elsewhere, these are the hallmarks of a cult, and so we should not be surprised. Jehovah's Witnesses will never reach out to the LGBT community unless it is with a sledgehammer. To expect anything else is only to deceive oneself.


  • Quendi


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I have come to believe that one reason for the Governing Body's unrelenting homophobia is that some of them are gay men themselves and are filled with self-loathing and self-hatred

    I wouldn't doubt this for a moment.

    Even though I'm not gay, I was always considered the "gay-friendly" brother who sisters would bring to their "gay calls". This was probably because I worked for a gay couple who a few of "the friends" knew of while I aux pioneered out of high school. I really didn't see them any differently than any other couple, and never really got what all the fuss was about. They were just normal.

  • Phizzy

    I was always respectful and kindly to the gay people I met in the "ministry", I remember one young man I met shortly after the AIDS scare had started, when Homophobia was at its height here in the U.K.

    We had an illuminating discussion (to me) on the positive things that gay people could contribute to the Christian community. As I left, I shook his hand, he smiled, I think because he knew many a fundie type would have shrunk from any physical contact back then, probably now too.

    I think the W.T has made its position plain, and will be hard pressed to change from it. Basically their attitude is based on the usual literalist interpretation of Scripture, with no real knowledge of the original languages and word usage.

    They are as ignorant and backward as the Westboro' Baptist Church "God hates fags" brigade.

    They are though Masters of speaking out of both sides of their mouth, and will appear to be making the right noises, whilst really retaining all their past ignorant predjudices, fears and condemnation of our Gay friends.

  • BU2B

    JWs including my wife and parents absolutely despise gay people, but mostly the flamboyant ones. I always tell my wife that she does not know who is gay since 10% of men are. They cannot grasp love or tolerance.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Awesome... So this guy can finally stop masturbating and embrace his homosexuality...

  • Vidiot

    It's funny; JWs have historically endured public disdain and prejudice, yet fail to see the irony or double standard in the disdain and prejudice they themselves display towards another minority.

    I often wonder how Californian JWs reacted to the outcome of the recent gay rights court case that used an old WT-won civil rights case as a precedent.

  • Quendi

    In answer to your question, Vidiot, about same-sex marriage in California, a Witness friend in Los Angeles told me that the WTS has scrupulously avoided the topic. I had asked him what directions had been given should a door-to-door canvasser encountered a legally married same-sex couple at the door. None has been given in print or from the platform and the matter is not discussed in meetings for the canvassing work. Circuit Overseers and District Overseers have remained conspcuously silent about this as well. I think this is true in all the states where same-sex marriage is now legal. It must be particularly galling for the WTS to be headquartered in one of those states, New York, where same-sex couples now have this freedom.


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