How long did you know TTATT while attending the meetings?

by Iamallcool 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truthseeker677

    How long did I know the TTATT while attending meetings? Not long I left in 1985 or as they say forcibly removed for asking questions. You know there is no such thing as a dumb question.

  • designs

    I'm a Pre 1975er, it was a long hard journey.

  • snapdragon4

    Had doubts, researched on internet, ordered Crisis of Conscience from Amazon, couldn't put it down, read it in two days, made my decision, never went to another meeting. Explained to concerned elders I was taking a sabbatical, which so far has lasted 12 years!

  • Truthseeker677

    snapdragon4 It was a little more difficult to figure stuff out pre internet. Now there is just no excuse for falling into a cult like the Jws. I am not critisizing anyone still in, I know how hard it can be when the witnessess society holds you hostage and you risk loosing all Familly contact.

  • AnnOMaly

    Hubby about 20 years (learned ttatt pre-internet). Me about 10. It's been complicated. JWD/N has helped keep me sane throughout. Been a year since we stepped inside a KH.

  • label licker
    label licker

    A few months and stopped cold turkey. Elders didn't hunt us down until nine months later to finalise the process. Had we known of this site and TTATT before they came to our door, we would have never joined. We will never be apart of Babylon the Great and that's exactly what hubby called the two elders who were sitting outside our property for three hours that morning to df us. And yes, that's exactly how they df'd him. When he tried telling them that the apostles were no longer the fds according to their doctrine, the one idiot pointed at him and called him an apostate and said he was df'd right there on the spot. They told him the apostles are most definitely the fds. Hubby walked back towards the house waving bye bye with his back towards them yelling out glad it's not you that will be my judge.

  • pbrow

    About three months for me. I was a born in. I had just gotten back in (df'd for smoking cigars twice a year) and realized that I really needed to know the deeper things so that I could teach my kids to be good Jdubs. About three months into my research learning about why we didnt do birthdays, why sports and extra curriculars were so bad and why I had stood in front of a Dr and told him that we wouldnt allow blood tranfussions (the single largest regret in my life (my kid is just fine now)) I realized that this was all litterally... just made up.

    Started to look at skeptical websites as well after this and put up christmas lights and that was the end. I was still a believer for a while after that but now its fairly obvious (to me) that gods are made in Man's image

    truthseeker.... I completely agree. No excuses in this day and age.


  • Phizzy

    I knew that 1914 was bunkum about a year before I actually walked away, but for many of those months I had been waiting for an Elder to visit me, as he had promised, and defend the doctrine to me, he never called back.

    Similar to many above, for the last two or three months before I walked, I had been on the Net reading on sites such as this and learning a bit more TTATT.

    In the first few weeks after I left I spent much time reading early posters on here, Alan F, and Leolaia being two that spring straight to mind, but there were many more.

    I did not doubt for one moment that my decision was right after that bit of research, the whole House of Cards that is WT/JW teaching and belief tumbled down.

  • Pyramid God
    Pyramid God

    About three months. I had doubts and didn't believe a lot of things for a year or two before that. I was going to fade slower but I was kicked out of my house before that. After I was on my own I never went back.

  • Finallyfree12

    still 'straddling' the fence... just dont wanna disappoint my mother...

    I hate how it makes me feel.. I told her I would go to the Memorial.

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