Describe What a Jehovah's Witness Elder Is Like

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    Tornapart: ... he feels stepping down will just be letting the others down and be giving them more to do.

    And so your husband let's himself be used and manipulated by guilt.

    It's the WTBTS's stock in trade. I know, it worked on me for two decades. Once you get yourself free from those controlling bonds, you wonder why you let yourself be used so long!

  • jgnat
    jgnat think the elders look joyful? No. I've seen patience, warmth at best. At worst, the evil eye of doom.

    Are they serious bible students? No. No time. They know the rules.

    Do they enjoy being elders? Some do. As others have noted, it may be the most authority they will ever exercise.

    I think once an elder wakes up to the senselessness of their activity, it gets easier to leave the load for others. After all, some won't wake up until the load is ridiculous. I say give the elders lots of useless activity to do. Point out the liable situation they are in and that they should carry personal insurance. Let them feel the true cost of serving this corporation. So that they can move on and do more worthwhile things. Like take their children and grandchildren to the park.

  • tornapart

    @ Oub... that's exactly how I see it and it drives me mad!! (and he's one of the well educated ones too! A degree and a good job, shame he doesn't use his intelligence to see through it all).

    Just wish some bomb would drop and he wakes up!

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    The majority are very much like Frank (Fancis) Underwood - all syrupy on the outside but a seething mass of virolic hate and selfishness on the inside, especially when crossed.

  • L3G

    This is a good thread. Thanks, minimus. I've seen and still see a real continuum. I think the joyful ones are still around (I know a number) but I cannot help but wonder what the real source of their joy is, whether it's real joy in Jehovah's service, self-delusion, being genuinely deluded by others, intentional faking, or some combination of these, or yet other factors I can't know. Once they lose someone's trust bc of waking up to TTATT, that person cannot help but be skeptical toward them, distrust them.

    Splash's comment sure fits plenty I know or have known. I'm not active like in the past so it's hard to know how much things have changed but one thing stands out from the turthfulness of jgnat and Laika's comments: the publishers see them go around in a corporate mentality, the "we" thinking before the congo. Years ago one would see some deviation here and there with some elders speaking freely to publishers about individual opinions. It may not be as prevalent today but I doubt that this has completley disappeared. Indeed some here have told of recent experiences where they witnessed such individuality. Of course, in elders' meetings such individuality is often prevalent, sometimes extreme. But whatever dissonance or even infighting goes on there, putting on that unity face before the congo is frequently all the publishers see, just as the holy org so dictates. This may best explain the "we" mentality that jgat and Laika note. I wonder how well they got to know individual elders personally. Tornapart's comments possibly show some intimate knowledge of a lack of "we" thinking.

  • OnTheWayOut

    To become an elder, a "brother" is typically someone who managed to underline his magazine study article and comment at least twice during a two-hour meeting. He showed up at recruiting meetings and was known for at least trying to use the suggested presentations at the door. He may have bought a minivan, but at least bought a four-door sedan or SUV.

    Once he became one of the elders, this man is typically too busy with "theocratic" stuff to help someone move or paint their apartment. He only studies so far as it takes to complete his meeting parts, but probably still underlines his magazine so he doesn't stumble others. He tries to look joyful, but really looks stressed because he has another meeting part and because someone in his group didn't turn in their time or because he has to go to the meeting after the meeting.


    To become an elder, a "brother" is typically someone who managed to underline his magazine study article and comment at least twice during a two-hour meeting. He showed up at recruiting meetings and was known for at least trying to use the suggested presentations at the door. He may have bought a minivan, but at least bought a four-door sedan or SUV.

    Once he became one of the elders, this man is typically too busy with "theocratic" stuff to help someone move or paint their apartment. He only studies so far as it takes to complete his meeting parts, but probably still underlines his magazine so he doesn't stumble others. He tries to look joyful, but really looks stressed because he has another meeting part and because someone in his group didn't turn in their time or because he has to go to the meeting after the meeting.

    I think this is the most accurate comment.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Just picture a Nazi SS Officer...only not as nice.


    Some elders are genuine, but by and large it is my belief the position attracts a certain personality, one that is making up for their own insecurities by dominating others and being a general Richard Cranium type.

  • suavojr

    Elders are just like they were back in the late 70's,80's,90's and 2000's

    • Elders will pretend to care just so they can get a better seat to watch your struggle.
    • Elders say they care about you and are the ones who tear you down when they get the chance.
    • They share the secrets of sinners and enjoy the gossip.
    • They like to backstab people and promote their holiness.

    The nice and humble elders usually get the boot and are not allowed to make any decisions.

  • scotoma

    The problem with the "body" of elders is that they are all "body" and no "brain".

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