Hello, I am new

by LillyC 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • joe134cd

    If like you said they are so polite and nice. Ask yourself this question? Why is it all of us here dont use our real names, have no photographs of who we are, and are pretty avasive to details about our identity. Been a person who is trying to fade I can tell you why and I am having a hell of a time.

  • FL_Panthers

    @Londo11 I googled those dates and got nothing. Sorry dude.

    what about Mark 13:32,33 ? You expected a imperfect man to predict when the end will come? As the scripture shows, men do not know when the end will come. It seems that most people here left because of these false predictions. So this tells me that you were only in the truth for one thing? Jehovah can read our hearts and see the inner person.

    I know false predictions are wrong but the bible is right and always right.

    @LillyC please go the JW.org and this is the only official and trustworthy place to find out more information.

  • NVR2L8

    Welcome Lilly. I am an inactive JW, meaning that I haven't been to a meeting or preaching door to door for almost 4 years. When I stopped going to the Kingdom Hall not one of my JW called on the phone or visited me to ask about my absence...some I have known for 15 years...people I went out for dinner with every week, traveled abroad for vacation with, some who would hug and kiss me at every meeting. I even see them going door to door on my street smiling and talking to my neighbors...they skip my door. I gave 50 years of my life to the Watch Tower organization only to find out they are a fraud and do not represent God. The comment by FL_Panthers really reflects how they use false reasonings to take control of people. Remember even liars tell the truth occasionally. Don't let them tell you what you believe is wrong only to replace it with their lies.

  • cultBgone

    Welcome, Lilly!

    All these comments may sound a bit wild to you but honestly, the reason so many are encouraging you to be careful is that their lives and their families have been ruined by these people who seem so nice on the outside.

    Please ignore FL_Panther, he is trying to recruit new people to join the Watchtower. Sadly, many have lost their ability to THINK and REASON because the way the JWs study with you leads you to a place where you believe only what they teach. Many very intelligent people like yourself have been misled and suffered greatly for doing so.

    BE CAREFUL and don't buy into what you see on the outside. Inside the JW organization is a group of people who force you to follow their rules no matter what! You are not allowed to think for yourself, or you will be threatened with expulsion. They call it disfellowshipping and if you have friends or family who are JW they will never speak to you again. Does that sound REASONABLE and LOVING? Ask yourself if Jesus would ever, ever treat people like that? You know he would not.

    BETTER TO CHOOSE a group of friendly people who love you no matter what you do or who you are or how you act. The folks here at jw-net, for the most part (again, please ignore FL Panther for now as he is newly arrived and trying to stir the pot) wonderful and loving and supportive. That's what you THINK you're getting when you sign up to be a JW but it's not true. Their interest is always in bringing more people under their control, and if you or your family have problems well too bad, don't ask them for help. They only love clones of themselves. Very sad.

    LOVE YOURSELF and make WISE CHOICES for the rest of your beautiful and wonderful life! You will find lots of compassion and honesty here and we hope you hang out with us and enjoy the new friends you've already begun to make.

    HUGS to YOU!

  • Londo111


    I’m not sure if you are a serious JW or just playing… but thanks for leaving me openings.

    The October 8th 1969 Awake says: “One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man's existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that "concerning that day and hour nobody knows , neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."

    The very same magazine says, "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them."

    So according to this magazine, those who set dates were guilty of false prophesying. And here in this same magazine they set another date: 1975. By their own words they condemned themselves. They even ridiculed those who mentioned the scripture of nobody knowing the day or hour.

    The Watchtower, in particular, the Governing Body, claims to be the Channel of God, to be the “faithful and wise slave”, “serving food at the proper time.” Was the October 1969 Awake food at the proper time? Was it faithful to God’s word? Was it wise or discreet? What does it show in regard to their credentials as God’s channel?

    Jesus said, “Watch out for false prophets.” Later on he said, “By their fruits you will know these men.” What fruits do false prophets make? False predictions!

    Deuteronomy 18:21-22 says, ‘However, you may say in your heart: “How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word?” When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’

    Did the word that the Watchtower speak come true? If not, then they spoke presumptuously. They are a false prophet that the Bible says we should not listen to.

    I was in the organization because I failed to do the proper research when I was growing up. I failed to hear both sides. I am no longer there because I started deep research, beginning with 607 BC.

    I agree, God sees the heart and therefore I do not fear, or have guilt and dread, doom and gloom, like I did as a JW.

  • designs


  • smiddy

    do not go to any other website. JW.org is the only official website for finding out the right information. Any other place will have false information and will not be true.

    This about sums it up with" witnesses" dont read anything other than WT approved literature written by the society , dont look at any other site than the official JW website .Its all about information control . Obey the G.B. even if you dont understand what we are telling you , you still must obey us.

    If that doesnt scare the hell out of you , it should.They truly are wolves in sheeps clothing , I know I was one of them for 33years . RUN

    By the way welcome to the board .Everybody here has firsthand knowledge of this cult , dismiss their warnings at your peril.


  • Oubliette

    FLP: ... if I wanted to find out more about Mercedes Benz as a company, would I go to the BMW website?

    Well that depends on WHY you want to research Mercedes.

    If you wanted to consider investing in them, you might try:

    If you want to know about their cars, you might try:

    If you want to know about their involvement in the Holocaust you might just google that:

    To continue your analogy, No. I wouldn't trust Mercedes Benz' marketing department to give me the straight story on any of these issues. Would you? So correspondingly, NO! I also do not trust jw.org to tell the complete, unvarnished truth about their faults.

    Why do you think the WT leaders are so adamant about their followers avoiding any information that is critical of them?

    Doesn't truth, real truth, withstand any scrutiny?

    So what is it exactly the WT leaders fear?

    - -

  • joe134cd

    NVR2L8 = I can relate to your experience. I find it puzzling how an organization is prepared to spend billions of dollars and man hours to find people like Lilly. They will note down the person name and address, to make repeated calls with the sole purpose of recruiting, and yet will do virtually nothing (oh except disfellowship) to retain it's members.

    When I learnt the TTATT, and began to fade. Only 3 people could be bothered to contact me. The 2 of the 3 that bothered to see where I was called in during field service. As both were pioneers I think the alterior motive may of been to count time on me, I was however happy to see them as people and one did help me with a new TV I brought. With in about 30 minutes of them coming they had to leave because of a person who may want a bible study in the territory. After they left I thought to myself (and this highlights the witness mentality). If it was a game of odds would it of been better to of spent time trying to encourage a person who spent decades believing a load of rubbish, or trying to find a person who may not even be home.

    Another good example I can give Lilly. If you subtract the average increase of publishers to what are baptised. You will find that for every increase in publisher one baptized person is walking out the door, and this is where the problem lies. They have simply got to have better mechanisms in place to retain it's members. As far as youth programs, team building events (other than knocking on doors), ways of caring for its members in physical ways, the WTBTS dose nothing.

  • OnTheWayOut

    JW's at the door are very nice. They are recruiting and using a method called love-bombing:
    (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_bombing) Love bombing is an attempt to influence a person by lavish demonstrations of attention and affection. The phrase can be used in different ways. Members of the Unification Church (who reportedly coined the expression) use or have used it themselves to mean a genuine expression of friendship, fellowship, interest, or concern. Critics of cults use the phrase with the implication that the "love" is feigned and the practice is manipulative. It has also been used to refer to abusers in romantic relationships showering their victims with praise, gifts, and affection in the early stages of a relationship.

    They refer to the Bible, but just in little snippets.

    Here's a shortcut if you don't want to read: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5JnngqQYvc

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