The Protect the Children Sham

by HildaBingen 123 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • blondie

    JWs are afraid of your site because it appears to be an "apostate" site. Even when you show them the quotes direct from the publication after showing them it is a WT publication, they will still turn away saying it is an apostate publication.

    I have had people say that the publication was somehow altered by apostates although I am showing them the quote directly from a publication in their own KH library.

    I once heard a quote made from "The Way to Paradise" about 1925 made on an Ankerberg show. I wouldn't believe it wasn't a lie. So I looked it up in a relative's copy, and there it was. No lie and not taken out of context. That started my search for other such statements. I have quite a "quotes" library myself.

    With knowledge comes responsibility. JWs accuse others of choosing to remain ignorant of God's purposes to avoid responsibility. They do the same thing.

    "Don't confuse me with the facts, I've made up my mind." Unknown

  • AlanF

    Ah, the troll deigns to reply:

    :: Hildabingen a.k.a. Watchtower Legal Dept. Troll say:

    : My are not we the paranoid kind?

    No, I just know how you people operate.

    I note that you're not denying being what I said. Can't figure a way to convince yourself how to use "theocratic strategy" here, eh? Well, I suppose that's a point in your favor.

    ::: The same people who will act like they want to "protect the children" against the WT support a pedo culture everyday of their lives, especially men do this.

    :: Really. Which people? Name some names, troll.:

    : I am talking about people on this board, the people who gawked at the Brit video and there are a bunch or the men who gawk at Charlotte Church.

    I know who you're talking about in general, troll, but you still haven't given any specifics.

    : If there was not a market for such perverts, the videos would not be shown all over the tv. Are you that dense?

    Ah, I see. Nasty Britney videos appear on TV and you conclude that some people on this board get some jollies from watching, and therefore that all criticisms of the Watchtower Society about its mishandling child molestation cases are invalid. Yes. That's typical JW logic.

    This is about the biggest fucking red herring I've ever seen. And that's saying something, given that I've dealt with some big mutha-fuckin red herrings from JWs over the years.

    :: Yeah, the ubiquitous Watchtower "some". Some do this and some do that. But some are never identified.:

    : Let us take a poll on this list, shall we, because that is the some to which I am talking about.

    We don't need to take a poll. You claimed that you've already seen the antics of "some". But you can't name them. Talk about making false accusations!

    : I am 100% certain there are some on this board who criticize the wt while thinking it is so cool to watch a tennager prance around in a school uniform. Are you that dense?

    A perfect illustration of the red herring I described above.

    :: How about WTS officials who have trouble controlling their impulses when five-year-old girls get on their laps? You don't seem to have a problem with that.

    : I have a big problem with that.

    Not so's you'd notice.

    I'll let you put your money where your mouth is: If I name names, will you complain to your bosses and demand that the people who publicly display this attitude be booted out of Bethel?

    :: As for Britney Spears and Charlotte Church and other attractive women who receive a lot of media attention, they're certainly being exploited by some of the standards of Western culture. But they're not being abused.

    : Oh really? They are certainly being objectified, being unnecessarily elevated and they are the objects of sex desire for many pervs. That is abuse, sir.

    In your opinion. In their opinion, it isn't. They're willingly being exploited so as to make millions of dollars.

    :: Furthermore, when these young women were 16, they were for all practical purposes adults because of their exposure to the adult world of entertainment.

    : Give me a break. Now you try to redefine adult with such Clintonian terms as, for all intents and purposes, blah blah. Give me a break. The girls at 16 are teens!

    Yes, they're teens, but in the eyes of the law, 16-year-olds are quite different from 8-year-olds. That's a simple matter of biology, too. The law recognizes that there is a huge difference between a girl aged 18 + one day having sex with a boy aged 18 - one day, and a girl of 22 having sex with a 13-year-old. The 18-year-old is technically guilty of statutory rape, but no one in his right mind would claim that she is guilty of child abuse.

    Now take another extreme: Suppose an 18-year-old boy has sex with an 8-year-old. By the laws of all western cultures, this would certainly be child abuse. Now start moving the ages of the two parties around. Where does one draw the line between child abuse and simple unsavory conduct? No one can say, but many legislatures make an attempt. In Colorado, for example, I believe that if there is a difference in age of four years or more and at least one of the parties is under 16, that is defined as child abuse. There are other categories of infraction for smaller differences in age.

    :: What they do is voluntary, with the approval of their guardians and of lawmakers. This is a far cry from the innocent little girls and boys who have become the prey of certain JWs.

    : So you have no problem if jw teens choose to initiate sex with adults? You are a perv.

    You're a fucking liar, as are so many of your fellows. You don't know how to deal with truth without using smear tactics. But I'll illustrate your hypocrisy by showing the trap I set that you fell right into:

    In Israelite culture it was the norm for girls to be married off shortly after they began menstruating. That means that it was normal for girls age 10 to 15 to be married and start having babies. This was all done with God's approval. So, just as with the teenage rock stars you're pretending to complain about, what these young Jewesses did was voluntary, was done with the approval of their guardians and even of the supreme lawmaker, God. As someone who approves of Biblical morality, I'm sure you also approve of these ancient practices. Your hypocrisy is in approving the one situation but condemning a nearly identical one. Talk about having an agenda! But again, both situations are a far cry from the innocent little girls and boys who have become the prey of certain JWs.

    : So there are supposedly two cases of persons being persecuted FOR being victims of molestation in the Wt and a bunch of other anonymous cases?

    Not supposedly -- certainly. There has been a good deal of media coverage of the Rodriguez case, and some coverage of the Berry case. Erica Rodriguez's molester, an elder named Manuel Beliz, was convicted of molestation last August and sentenced to 11 years in prison. The story was well publicized in newspapers in eastern Washington. Rodriguez has filed a civil lawsuit against the elders of her former congregation and against the Watchtower Society for various crimes including threatening her with disfellowshipping if she went to the authorities. But you already know about this case.

    ::: Right. Are you sure that is why these victims are being troubled by the wt, as you think?

    :: Yes. By advocating the protection of child molesters within your organization and beating up on whistleblowers.

    : I do not advocate any of the things you mention.

    Oh, but you do! By defending a religion whose policies tend to protect child molesters, and that actively beats up on whistleblowers, you are most certainly advocating these things.

    Tell me, so that we can see your true colors: Do you approve of the Society's attempts to disfellowship Bowen, Anderson and the Pandelos for whistleblowing?

    :: So? Lots of things are pagan and you think nothing of observing them. JWs normally observe wedding anniversaries, wear wedding rings, etc., and think nothing of the pagan roots of these things...

    : You do not even know me. How can you say what I observe?

    I didn't, dummy. I said what "JWs normally observe". Obviously, you're a dyed-in-the wool JW, because you take offense at my general statement.

    Are you claiming that you do not approve of observing wedding anniversaries, wearing a wedding ring, and so forth? If so, you're a nut. If not, then your protest is pointless. Which is it?

    : Jws normally wear rings. Does that mean that this mystic does?

    You tell me.

    : Jws observe anniversaries, does that mean that I do? No it do not.

    It doesn't mean that you do it, true. But you're still not saying whether you actually do it. So tell me, dear sweet legal eagle: do you observe wedding anniversaries?

    : And I could care less what other people think. I answer to God alone, baby dear!

    Suuuurrre! That's why you've swallowed the Society's bullshit blood doctrine hook, line and sinker.

    :: As for blood, what's riskier? Bleeding out profusely on the operating room floor, or taking a 1-in-100,000 chance of getting a blood-borne disease?

    : Better to die for a good cause than for a bad one.

    True, but dying in accord with the Society's blood doctrine is not dying for a good cause. There is nothing whatsoever in the Bible about blood transfusions, but there are some very strong arguments that it is a very good thing to make a small sacrifice like donating blood to save the life of one's brother. For a detailed look at why, visit . You'll be glad you did!

    :: How you gonna feel if your kid dies from lack of blood?:

    : Obviously, sad.

    Then why go along with a deadly policy that has no scriptural support?


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Worship the symbol
    Discard the life.

    Worship the 2 witness rule
    Discard the spirit in which it was intended

    Worship the organization
    Discard the truth that would bring reproach

  • SYN

    I'm with Quotes on this one! It's a shame that all his work has gone down the drain! Don't worry about it Quotes, some people are just too far gone to save...the mind-meme has become so entrenched that there isn't really much of the original person left, only echoes of their personality remain. This, I think, is the case here.

    The wt has not taught false things. Maybe they have missapprehended the truth at times.

    You've hit rock bottom, and started to DIG! [b]God is in the Pleiades (SP?) and he talks to us in our dreams! Woohoo! I want to have my life in the hands of insane people like that too!

    I promised myself I wouldn't feed the troll anymore, but this was just the straw that broke the camel's back!

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • mystikool


    :So........... God is lying ? God is making false prophecies?
    And God told the Watch Tower leadership that they should make the same false prophecies ?
    Very confusing stuff !:

    No we are not saying that God is lying. We believes GOD'S prophecies are true. However we peoples sometimes misunderstand GOD'S prophecies. The problem is epistemological and not ontotheological.

    Spur man:

    :Hmmm then I wonder why they've referred to themselves as prophets over and over. So often they had to change the meaning of the word prophet to mean teacher :

    Prophet has more than one meaning like Mr F said. The wt are prophet in one sense (like the pope say) and not prophets in the foretelling sense. Got it?


    :Anyone who comes to a board like this full of rape and molestation survivors and sh*t stirs for their own pleasure and minimizes our pain and suffering and anguish must be molesters themselves.:

    I am not here to stir dung, dear. I actually thought this board was for jws. After all, it is called If it is not for jws--the owener needs to change the name and I will leave. Until then, I express my free speech.

    And btw your logical fallacy is amusing. Just because A complains about B does not mean that she approves of C. Got it, dear?

  • mystikool

    :Interesting....very interesting. If I read you correctly, poopsie-honey, you are saying that the "direction" received by the GB is not, in fact, "inspiration" and that "all" christians receive this same direction.:

    That is pretty much what we are saying.

    :Therefore, any christian should be able to discuss freely their personal "direction" from God without fear of repercussion within the congregation? Is this not true?:


    :Has there ever been a case where a christian has openly discussed his "direction" from God with other members of the congregation and has NOT been disfellowshipped for apostacy? Not to my knowledge.:

    You dont know me. I have done this thing you talk about.

  • mystikool

    :You deny that this is not true, Hilda? When is the last time you were at the Kingdom Hall?:

    Last week??

    :This statement is absolutely, uncategorically true! That's what makes us so upset about the WTBTS in general. They claim to speak in the name of Jehovah, yet they make predictions in Jehovah's name that don't come true, they condemn their followers to death by not allowing blood transfusions, they encourage the dissolution of families by their shunning requirement and they continually change their "truth" and disfellowing ensues in you do not accept the latest "truth". They do all of these things in the name of their God and yet you say that the above statement is not true?:

    The wt has not made any predictions, much less any which did not come true. They promote family unity but tell us we need to put God above family. they only come to understand truth better and DF occurs when one breaks bible principles or is an apostate.

    But one can ask genuine questions humbly. The wt also said we should only obey them as they obey Bible.

  • ignored_one


    Mystistool = Hilda.


  • mystikool

    :Here's an example of how you can clearly outline this for us:

    I, hilda, think allegations of child molestation should be dealt with in a congregational setting only and secular authorities should not be notified.

    Or, you could say:

    I, Hilda, think the authorities should be called immediately. I think a congregational judicial commitee should also be formed in conjunction with the ongoing secular probe.:

    We are in favor of doing that which is just, true and beautiful. We therefore encourage obedience to Caesar's law with the least amount of reproach on God's name. We are willing to adjust our policy in the light of further enlightenment and the advancement of positive law. We pray this help you out.

  • herbert

    MystiFool the Trollette said;

    : Have you not heard about prople getting diseases from blood transfusions or were you sleeping during all these years? I do not take blood in any form.

    I note that you avoided my question which was about how the WTS's policy protects against disease. I really am uninterested in your own stand on blood since that is irrelevant to WTS doctrine.

    The point is that your beloved Society's rules offer zero protection from diseases transmitted by blood because it approves of a JW accepting any part of blood. Thus, it can take no credit for supposedly protecting its followers through its teachings. Your clumsy attempt to muddy the waters is very typical of WT Legal.

    As usual, the WTS wants to have its cake and eat it too - it claims that JWs don't accept blood transfusions. That is correct in the sense that they don't take transfusions of whole blood. However, the WTS has succeeded in associating transfusions with blood borne disease as opposed to the blood itself. Transfusions themselves have become the bogey man as opposed to the blood itself. By allowing the medical uses of all blood parts in some form or other the GB affords JWs no protection from diseases transmitted by blood. Further, since their new teachings violate their own understanding of Acts 15 then they put people's health at risk without any basis in scripture or in medical science. That is criminal irresponsibility and amounts to issuing medical advice without having medical qualifications. Not only that but this "advice" is enforced by shunning. This is all done in a cowardly attempt to disguise the fact they very clearly do not speak for God.

    Face the facts Hilda-the-Trollette - you have no argument and your obfuscation is just plain lying. Lives are at risk from insane medical directives and predatory pedophiles and all you can do is try to save those old buffoons who think they speak for God. As AlanF says, one would think that your own self-interest would make you press for change. But, it may already be too late for that - in your case I confess that I hope it is.


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