The Protect the Children Sham

by HildaBingen 123 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Dutchie

    Aroarer, you said:

    "The reason they are different is because they Hide Who They Really Are, and What They Really Do."

    Profound statement. Truer words were never spoken!

  • LDH

    You'd have a problem with Britney, too, if your name was Hilda Bingen.


  • HildaBingen

    Again you people overlook the main thrust of the post submitted.

    The same people who will act like they want to "protect the children" against the WT support a pedo culture everyday of their lives, especially men do this. Some guys who talk about how wrong it is for an elder to molest a teen--and it is wrong--were some of the very ones salivating at Britney Spears video that she made as a teen in a Catholic school outfit.

    Some of these same perverts salivate over Charlotte Church. How sick! Buncha hypocrites.

    :Instead they threaten their victims with shunning to protect their precious reputation. (By the way, that reputation is only precious within their tiny community. The rest of the world sees Witnesses as nothing more than a slightly wacky fringe group who don't celebrate holidays or take blood.):

    Where is the evidence that JW victims have been punished FOR being victims. Do you have any hard evidence?

    And as far as the world goes, I would rather please God anyday than this satanic world. Why observe holidays or take blood? One practice is clearly pagan and the other could be risky. How you gonna feel if your kid gets a disease from blood?

  • HildaBingen

    :Wow! Satan causes the GB to falsely prophecy.:

    Satan has never made the governing body prophesy falsely because the governing body has never propheside before. So they cannot prophesy falsely.

    :Satan turns good JWs into pedophiles.:

    No the good ones oppose the devil (James 4:7).

    :Satan blinds the minds of elders so that they hide these pedophiles within the organization, while shunning the victims.:


    :Satan also causes the JWs to act just like every other false religion on earth.....amazing!:

    jws are not like other religions. they discipline the evildoers in their midst though some elders do act like priest Eli for a time and wrongly overlook wrongdoing. But God makes sure that these men are eventually fixed one way or the other. He never fails us. The wheels of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small.

  • Cassiline


    Why are you overlooking my post to you?


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • HildaBingen

    It is funny that when young men seduce they teacher, they are applauded by the masses. Oh, boys will be boys. Or way to go boys. Englishman left that part out.

    Also we are supposed to trust in a system that lets pedos go because a kid intiates sex with an adult? Who is running the world? Kids or adults?

    You people unknwoingly support a pedo culture everyday. You don't have to thank me for open your eyes to the truth.

  • herbert


    :One practice is clearly pagan and the other could be risky. How you gonna feel if your kid gets a disease from blood?

    Please explain, precisely how the JW blood policy protects JWs from diseases transmitted by blood. Keep in mind that there is not a single part of blood that a JW cannot accept; while a JW is supposed to refuse intact blood cells he or she can accept preparations made from such cells, etc. A large number of the HIV infections related to blood were due to Factor VIII, which a JW can accept.

    On your other ridiculous argument; pedophilia is often the sexual abuse of pre-pubescent children. In one case that I know of a Ministerial Servant was routinely abusing girls as young as 3 and 4 years old. Of course, he was protected by the ludicrous WTS rules.

    It strikes me that you have crawled out of the woodwork to try to do some damage control for your cult, even though you seek to create the impression that you aren't a JW. However, as you are discovering, attempts at damage control in these areas fail totally - simply put, the WTS is a house of fools standing on a foundation of sand. Go home to the House, trollette.


  • RedhorseWoman
    they discipline the evildoers in their midst though some elders do act like priest Eli for a time and wrongly overlook wrongdoing

    Dream on, Hildy-poopsie....dream on. You really enjoy fairy tales, it would seem.

  • SYN

    HildaBling: GOSHDARN YOU TO HECK! It's like we're talking, and you're talking, about the same thing, but neither party is hearing the other party. Goodness grief. I honestly can't believe some of the stuff you as a purported "Christian" with supposed "morals" are saying. You carn't possibly be a Dub (you do know what that is, don't you? That's a name I have for really bloody-minded Jehovahs Witnesses on this site), because you would long since have realized that chatting on this board threatens your chances of eternal life in a paradise, except minus the seven virgins that Taliban suicide bombers are promised by Osama.

    Satan has never made the governing body prophesy falsely because the governing body has never propheside before. So they cannot prophesy falsely.
    This statement alone should be enough to dash the infintismal (SP?) amount of credibility you have here against some very high rocks. Damn, but you have truly proved yourself for what you are. You haven't been to Quotes' site yet, have you? I doubt you'll ever go there, even though I can see nothing wrong with reading unmodified Watchtower literature.

    Haha, a Society that only allows you read it's new literature. LOL. History is written by the winners, eh Hilda? Did you know that the Society changes it's literature when it republishes it to change doctrinal errors in the Watchtower publications? If that isn't hard evidence, then I don't know what is.

    God, there I go again, feeding the troll...eeek.....

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • HildaBingen

    :Please explain, precisely how the JW blood policy protects JWs from diseases transmitted by blood. Keep in mind that there is not a single part of blood that a JW cannot accept; while a JW is supposed to refuse intact blood cells he or she can accept preparations made from such cells, etc. A large number of the HIV infections related to blood were due to Factor VIII, which a JW can accept.:

    Have you not heard about prople getting diseases from blood transfusions or were you sleeping during all these years? I do not take blood in any form.

    :On your other ridiculous argument; pedophilia is often the sexual abuse of pre-pubescent children. In one case that I know of a Ministerial Servant was routinely abusing girls as young as 3 and 4 years old. Of course, he was protected by the ludicrous WTS rules.:

    Where did I limit pedophilia to a certain age? You must have me cornfused with somebod else.

    :It strikes me that you have crawled out of the woodwork to try to do some damage control for your cult, even though you seek to create the impression that you aren't a JW. However, as you are discovering, attempts at damage control in these areas fail totally - simply put, the WTS is a house of fools standing on a foundation of sand. Go home to the House, trollette.:

    Try to change the subject all that you want. You support the pedo culture going on around us and you know it. There is no need for me to do damage control. The truth will prevail, dear, whether you or I do anything. We can do nothing against the truth--only for the truth.

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