The Protect the Children Sham

by HildaBingen 123 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mystikool

    :Sweetie, what you are saying is that you BELIEVE this particular interpretation of the Bible to be fact. Unfortunately, bunnybutt, that does not make your belief, FACT.

    You do NOT know that these beliefs are FACT....they are opinions and more, no less.:

    Are you a relativist, dear? Shame if you are.

    Trinity is not biblical. If there is a place in God's bible that it is taught--then show us. Also how can three persons be in one substance? Give us a break, honey. The Trinity is false. Even trins know it.

  • herbert
    Just because a theory is falsifiable does not mean that when another comes along to take its place that it is false. Ptolemy's model was an inadequate explanation. It was not false. A better model replaced it that fit the data better. That does not mean that what Ptolemy said was false. The problem is with your perception, dear.

    What amazing stupidity. If a theory is falsifiable then, once falsified the theory becomes false. Otherwise it wasn't falsifiable to begin with. It's as simple as that.

    The rest of your post mainly amounts to nothing more than a histrionic statement of your beliefs. Although, I did have to smile at your gaffe on sex; obviously you agree with me that the WTS got it wrong on oral and anal sex. It's pretty obvious that they have gotten it wrong on sex in general. For example, in regard to sex outside of marriage, they do believe that it's ok in certain circumstances. If, for example, one of their elders has sex with a 4 year child then it's OK as long as he doesn't do it in front of two or more adults. Another example is the homosexual rape of a 10 year old child which qualifies one to be a special pioneer provided that one says that one is sorry.



  • dungbeetle

    Believing/Teaching that the Biblical God is a Three-in-one, a Two-in-one, a One-in-one, or a hole-in-one, is not an issue. The Bible is not clear which of these forms of religious expression, if any of them, warrants everlasting life or cutting-off.

    However, one thing is clear. If it was that important, Jesus when he walked the earth would have said something about it; yet he didn't.

    And another thing is clear. Regardless of which form of religious expression, if any of them, is correct and Bible mandated, how far do we go in expounding our adopted belief?

    Believe as I do or die die die?

    Bzzzzzzz..wrong answer.


  • RedhorseWoman

    I'm not debating beliefs, poopsie, I'm simply stating that you cannot state your "beliefs" as facts.

    Your original statement was that the JWs were absolutely factual as far as

    The wt has got the trinity, hellfire, sex issues evolution right. they also know God and his name. So there.
    My request to you is to PROVE that these "beliefs" are absolute facts. You cannot. Whether or not something is logical to your mind does not make it a FACT.

    Stating that these "beliefs" make logical sense to you, and therefore the WTBTS is to be followed as the purveyors of truth in all aspects of life is not particularly wise, IMO.

  • Dutchie

    Hi Mis:

    You said:

    "You can also conclude that Russell missapprehended God's bible."

    I understand what you are saying but it just doesn't make any sense. Anyway, why would you want to be affiliated with an organization who constantly "missapprehendeds" the bible? If the WTBTS really is Jehovah's earthly organization why would this be allowed to continue?

  • mystikool


    :What amazing stupidity. If a theory is falsifiable then, once falsified the theory becomes false. Otherwise it wasn't falsifiable to begin with. It's as simple as that.:

    What you overlook is that Ptolemy's theory was never proved false. Let us say that a theory is falsifiable. It does not follow that anyone has ever proved any theory to be false just because theory may be falsifiable. Neither has Ptolemy's theory been proved false.

    :The rest of your post mainly amounts to nothing more than a histrionic statement of your beliefs. Although, I did have to smile at your gaffe on sex; obviously you agree with me that the WTS got it wrong on oral and anal sex.:

    the wt did not get oral and anal sex wrong. they just missaprehended some things. They got it right now.

    :It's pretty obvious that they have gotten it wrong on sex in general. For example, in regard to sex outside of marriage, they do believe that it's ok in certain circumstances.:


    :If, for example, one of their elders has sex with a 4 year child then it's OK as long as he doesn't do it in front of two or more adults.:

    You misrepresent the truth.

    :Another example is the homosexual rape of a 10 year old child which qualifies one to be a special pioneer provided that one says that one is sorry.:

    It not just about saying sorry Repentance does not mean just saying sorry.


    :Your original statement was that the JWs were absolutely factual as far as

    The wt has got the trinity, hellfire, sex issues evolution right. they also know God and his name. So there.
    My request to you is to PROVE that these "beliefs" are absolute facts. You cannot. Whether or not something is logical to your mind does not make it a FACT.:

    True to your last sentence.

    :Stating that these "beliefs" make logical sense to you, and therefore the WTBTS is to be followed as the purveyors of truth in all aspects of life is not particularly wise, IMO.:

    Not only are my beliefs logical they are biblical. The trinity is not. And beliefs do not have to be proved to be factual. You have all kind of beliefs that are probably factual and they are unproved beliefs. You believe you are a woman. Can you prove it? No. You believe you have been living longer than 5 minutes. You can make an argument for your belief. But you might not convince a skeptic you are older than 5 minutes old. but your belief in this case is probably factual. I cannot PROVE trinity is wrong. I can show that it is an unlikely belief like you can show that you have lived 5 minutes unlikely belief.

  • mystikool

    :I understand what you are saying but it just doesn't make any sense. Anyway, why would you want to be affiliated with an organization who constantly "missapprehendeds" the bible? If the WTBTS really is Jehovah's earthly organization why would this be allowed to continue?:

    The org does not always missapprehend bible. they got lot things right. Israel was Yahweh's earthly org at one time. Look at things they got wrong. God allowed it for short time. Then he acted. Today God cleaning up org in time. But bride of christ will have all her spots removed by the end of system.

  • Cygnus

    This thread is a good example of why I gave up taking anything or anyone on the internet that is deeply involved with JW issues seriously.

  • D8TA

    I LOVE the way this TOPIC started out...wooohooo! Creative Writing time:

    Once Upon a Time . . .

    There was a kingdom called Free World, and the citizens were called Free Minds. Within this kingdom, was a little hamlet of sepratists called Jehovah Trolls.

    The Jehovah Trolls believed they were a speacial elect group. They believed that God selected them to be the righteous mouthpiece to speak to all the Free Minds.

    One day, a troll named HildaBingen had heard from a sparrow that the Free Minds have proven that the sepratist Jehovah Trolls had it all wrong, and wanted to go wandering outside the hamlet. She knew that the Free Minds would recognize her as a Jehovah Troll. HildaBingen was a cunning and smart troll, and devised a plan.

    "I know, I will use this magical "mystic" cloak as a disguise", thought HildaBingen, "And I shall change my name from time to time, in order to hide my true identity."

    HildaBingen with the magic "mystic" cloak ventured forth in to the Free World.

    When HildaBingen arrived, she was in such despair. For whenever she opened her mouth to speak, all that came out was, "blah..blah blah blah..blah blah." Free Minds all over were trying to comprehend what she was saying.

    Upset and dispondent, HildaBingen kept trying to speak.
    With a blah blah here
    A blah blah there
    Here a blah
    There a blah
    Everywhere a blah blah

    But still, not one of the Free Minds could not understand what she was saying.

    Untill, one day, a few Free Minds who were once a part of the Jehovah Troll kingdom reached back in to their memories and recollected the secret "blah blah" language. Upon remembering this old song and dance, they recognized key phrases and words HildaBingen was using. Upon this revalation, HildaBingen's true identity was uncovered.

    Poor HildaBingen, she kept believing the "mystic" cloak disguise was still working. She tried and tried to communicate with the Free Minds, but to no avail, her "blah blah" fell upon deaf ears. So she decided to return to her hamlet of Jehovah Trolls.

    Upon returning to the Hamlet, the "elder" tribesmen somehow were alerted to her wanderings in the Free World. That HildaBingen had been talking to those Free Minds that were kicked out of Jehovah Troll kingdom.

    "Bad little HildaBingen", the elder tibesmen had told her. "You know better then to wander from the hamlet and hear those nasty lies.", they added.

    This is getting boring! This is worse then a HildaBingen Topic Post...let me cut to the end.

    So this guy named Luke Skywalker got the plans to the evil Jehovah Trolls and blew up their organization...ending it's tyranny once and for all. And poor HildaBingen, at the moment of the final disinigration of the Jehovah Trolls thought "Oh my god...the Free Minds were right".

    And everyone lived happily ever HildaBingen.


  • Athanasius

    Hi Hilda,

    Thanks for being so prompt in replying to my questions. I take it that the Watch Tower has a CD that has the comments on Hans Kung. Where would I get this CD? Can it be ordered from the Watch Tower site?

    Regarding your mystic beliefs, have you read any of Charles T. Russell's works, especially his 1886 book THE DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES and his later (1889) THY KINGDOM COME? Though the present Watch Tower management has let all of Russell's works go out of print, his books can still be obtained from several small publishing houses. If you are interested, probably has them in stock.

    Though Russell founded the Watch Tower publishing house, on his death it was taken over by Joseph F. Rutherford, an unsuccessful Populist-Democrat politician/attorney. Rutherford had a political agenda which is why he banished most of Russell's teachings. Rutherford scorned democracy because of his failed attempts to achieve public office in Missouri. That is why he turned the Watch Tower organization into a virtual dictatorship with him in the leadership role. This organizational structure is still in place over the Jehovah's Witnesses and is the main reason why the pedephile problem has become such a prominent issue.

    I am sure that you agree that child molestation is a problem in all organizations, religious and secular. But the real issue is how it is dealth with by the leadership. Several decades back my Church had a problem similar to the one currently facing your church. But the General Convention made up of clergy and lay-delegates from all the parrishes in the country put in place a policy of no tolerance for child molestation. Your church should do the same. Have your clergy and lay-representatives meet in General Convention to iron out these problems. Let the discussion be open and free so that the those most affected, the victims, have a chance to voice their concerns. You can find the Scriptural precedent in the first Jerusalem Council, discussed in the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, by St. Luke.

    I hope these suggestions have been helpful to you, and I trust that you will take these issues up with your local Jehovah's Witness clergy and the National leadership. Perhaps you will be instrumental in reforming the Jehovah's Witness Church and bring it back to a Scriptural mooring.



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