On a Scale of 1 to 10---How Devoted Were You To Being One of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    Update to previous post: Now I'm a -1

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Mostly 3. Never more than a 4. Once I discovered the vagina, .005. I thought most of it was true, but hoped it wasn't. I always ALWAYS resented being raised as a JW, but followed along because it was all I knew. You could say I was destined to become an apostate.

  • Ucantnome

    I was devoted, dedicated in the way that being a witness permeated my life in thinking and decisions and actions people knew i was a witness sometimes without telling them.

    I wasn't devoted to reading the literature or being or doing anything at the hall.

    If i had stayed i would have been a hypocrite as i could no longer preach/witness concerning what we believed regarding 1914 whereas i still have faith in Christ, so as a devoted witness i left.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I would say that when I was as teenager and young adult, I was as devote as a person could be to the "religion". Much like minimus comments I had much the same feelings. The real eye opener for me was the failed prophecies of 1914, even though I still gave them a chance but the more and more I read and studied the more holes I could see in the WTBS dogma. What I am saying is I did give it a chance as at first as I thought it was just me that was missing something but through scrutiny of their beliefs it just didn't hold up.

  • smiddy

    I was a 10+ as a convert in my late teens

    I am now a 100- in my mid seventies


  • Phizzy

    I don't reckon I was ever much more than a 5.

    Born in, never swallowed all the B.S

    Didn't read the mags, didn't prepare for meetings etc, sporadic in F.S for most of my life. The odd burst of "zeal", which maybe took me up to five and a half, it never lasted.

    Mind you, I was a very good Meeting attender, never missed, and being a natural Billy Bull***t I could answer up with the best of 'em after just a speed read of the crap they were going to talk about, so I gave the impression I was an O.K JoVo.

    Now I am minus 1000.

  • jookbeard

    quite high, probably an 8, auxillary pioneered, reaching out to be an MS, I even declined to go to certain parties becuase the group may not have been "spiritual" enough ! the problem was that I had crept into leading a double life not long into the Dub career, sexual encounters, I hid it perfectly.

  • bigmac

    dipped at 14 to please parents and peer pressure.

    pioneering at 16. MS at 18.

    I never believed in god. but liked the adulation from the audience in the many talks i performed. i guess a 3. but i was a total fraud.

    quit at 23. ---so a 0 by then----- but occasionally attended cmeetings/assemblies to please the wife.

    we divorced in early 1981--and that was that.

    now it totally baffles me why anyone with any intelligence could possibly stay in the cult--other than fear of losing family. what a crock of sh1t.

  • minimus

    This shows me that people can be zealous to the extreme or eventually see their fervor dwindle in no time at all. Jws can never count on their so called strong elders pioneers or ms's to be dependably faithful to the end. People DO smarten up, thank The Lord!

  • NewYork44M

    I swallowed it all, hook, line, and sinker. Sad but true.

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