On a Scale of 1 to 10---How Devoted Were You To Being One of Jehovah's Witnesses?

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  • Angus Beef
    Angus Beef

    Started with a lot of zeal, convert 10... then after 20 something years, I was label spiritually weak. Now I realize I wasn't weak, I was just not buying into the crap anymore. Finally waking up, I'm a 0

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Agnus Beef you are no zero..i give you 100 and 10 for waking up.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Fade to black you made a bloody good point." when i finally moved to an other country and had time to think" ....i mean i moved to Sweden and couldnt understand what was being said in the K.H...so thats why i woke up.

  • straightshooter

    When I was 19, it was a definite 10. When I was appointed as an elder in my 50s, it started to drop until within 5 years it became 0. The church politics and backbiting done me in.

  • FadeToBlack

    @new_hope: I understand what they are saying (I'm in Poland) but they don't know that! First thing I did was stop associating with English speaking group in Warsaw. This was necessary because wife could not continue to do both (she was also trying to take her mother to Polish meetings). From there it was all downhill.

    I did a few bible readings in Polish on school (much appreciated) and service was no problem. Same in any language: Hello.. Person at door: Sorry, not interested! Me: Ok. have a nice day. I just couldn't sit there anymore and listen to the BS coming from WTBATS without killing myself.

  • pixel

    8...the most.

  • blondie


    I was never devoted to being a jw...a Christian, yes, and when WTS did not match, I disregarded. Why be part, because I felt other religions were worse and at the time I felt you had to be part of a group...I finally realized that that group dishonored the god they claimed to worship and I could not be part of it.


    Sliding scale for me.

    24 yrs ago= 10+

    from 1996-2002= 8


    2008=6 (I bounced back a little and didn't view this site for a little while

    2010-Present=varies between 1 and 2. This is because I am still technically in so I count going through the motions i.e. meetings, fake service, giving some parts as a 1-2.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Fadetoblack..i got a rail ticket that allowed travelling through Europe, and i went all over Poland...wow i love that country, its everything culture, pine, it took my breath away..

  • kneehighmiah

    I was an 8 at my peak. Even though I had priveleges I secretly did whatever I wanted. Then after having my life constantly micromanaged as an MS and seeing that "the truth" actually caused the most stress and that people were super judgemental I decided to do research. Now I'm a 0, even though I'm still MS (just to keep the peace). I do whatever I can to help those still in, and help them to stop chasing the dangling guilt carrot and live happier lives.

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