BOTR- Announcement

by Band on the Run 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    See you around BOTR. Not sure what went down - but you do sound mighty upset. Look after yourself.

  • DogGone

    Best wished BOTR. Sometimes a thick skin is needed around here. Especially if you are trying to bring perspective to a topic where passions run high. I will miss your input.

  • scary21

    BOTR just take the good with the bad. You have the kind of personality that people either LOVE or HATE. My sister and I are the same way. My sister even more so than myself. Her feelings get hurt easily, but she has a very strong personality and some people can't handle it. Other people LOVE LOVE LOVE her . I would rather be like that than be boring and everyone just kind of likes you . You know she's nice or she's ok.

    Please don't let those few chase you away. I always read your posts and learn from them. Thankyou !

    Sherry ( like you, a lover of books )

  • Stealth

    If you see lawyers as money grubbers, it might be a two-way street

    I have hired a lawyer twice in my life. The first gave me bad legal advice that cost me over $10,000. When I brought it to his attention that his BAD advice cost me $10k, he got snotty with me and said maybe I should just fire him if I didn't like what he was doing for me. I would have liked to fire him, but we were in the last phase of the divorce case so firing him would only have cost me even more $ to hire another and time. My hands were tied to really do anything except suck it up.

    The second lawyer I ever hired cost $3,000 retainer and he made one phone call. When I asked him if we would get any of the retainer back he laughed at me.

    On the other hand, I have never ripped off any lawyers. (ohhh I see where your going... we are ripping you off by getting free legal advice that you post of your own free will?) Really?

    DOC: We all know it's unfair to lump them all together. 99% of all lawyers give all the other good ones a bad name.

    This has been the case with my limited experience with lawyers. I understand that 2 in not a large enough sample, but that is my experience.

    Why do you think there are so many negative lawyer jokes?

    I would think a lawyer who has 7 years of education and real world experience would have a little thicker skin then getting all upset and want to leave this community over some idiot talking out his ass. Insead of setting the idiot straight, you instead throw a tantrum because someone dared to disagree with you?

    BOTR, I like reading your posts and I have also become educated along the way due to your posts. Leave if you must, but there is no reason to insult everyone on your way out.

    *** Resisting temptation to post my favorite lawyer joke. ***


  • clarity

    Wow, that is the second time you have taken a strip

    off all these dear people here!


    Funny, I don't have any idea what career anyone on

    here has chosen or how valuble they think themselves!


    But I can not recall even one of your posts where

    you did not mention your great LAWYER position.


    Dost thou protest too much!


    Sorry we aren't good enough for you dear!


  • Apognophos

    A discussion forum is the great equalizer. People can't see what age or gender someone is (as seen with some people here thinking BOTR is a guy), so they can't adjust the way they address a poster according to the factors they would use face to face. Nor can they see how many diplomas someone has, nor can they always read the tone of someone's voice accurately from just text. For those who have led successful lives and are a bit older, it's a real test of humility to interact with people on a forum who don't give them any extra consideration for their accomplishments, social status or seniority. It's also a test of their ability to recognize that other posters may in fact be as well-qualified in certain areas of life as they are, without being able to rely on signifiers like letters after the poster's name, or a diploma on the wall.

  • Viviane

    BOTR is a lawyer? I must have missed that in every post were she mentions she is a lawyer. Personally, I think a lawyer as prolific as she she claims to be would have better communication skills and a thicker skin, but what do I know? I am now a lawyer.

  • steve2

    Apognophos, nicely said. I do like your well expressed responses. You take care to be as even-handed as possible, even on less straight-forward threads where it's easy to come across as black and/or white.

  • ShirleyW

    Oh brother, we have heard this before, may the Amighty Jehovah make sure it sticks this time.


  • ShirleyW

    Hey Viviane i agree who would willingly hire such a thin skinned attorney?

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