Don't Miss the Meetings - Hebrews 10:24, 25 Re-examined

by Oubliette 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SuperBoy

    So are all religions wrong to have meetings?

  • label licker
    label licker

    Superboy, your answer is yes! If you want to learn doctrine and not the bible then go to your meetings. There are some really good Messianic Hebrew scholars that teach only the bible and the language along with the culture. So far, everyone of them say the same thing, get out of all religion. All religions have a golden calf that their followers have to follow.

    These teachers don't ask for money, beleive in the resurrection, no hell, no trinity, believe in only two comings of the Messiah, ect... These are extrememly humble beings that just put it out there and use the scriptures to back up their teachings. And yes we do it in our home or other exjw's homes. We're in a relaxed frame of mind and afterwards we have great association. None of this robotic, miserable,cold, rude association. No false fronthoods. And yes we keep our weekly sabbath from Friday after sundown to Sat after sundown and keep the seven feasts. It really isn't burdensome at all.

    What we do with what we learn is up to us. We have that freewill. Unfortunately, what we learn the jw's can't answer therefore call us apostates. And there's no timeslip to fill out.LOL We just follow what the bible commands us to follow and that's it.


  • Crazyguy

    I believe also the word Incite in Greek means or can have the meaning to argue. So how many meetings have you gone to where there are people arguing their opinions about a bible subject back and forth??? Nope just indoctrination...

  • WTWizard

    No wonder the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger insists that witlesses follow their own doctrines no matter what. Even if you can prove them wrong using their own Bible (to which they are bound, because they haughtily proclaim the monopoly on abiding by it), you still have to abide by and teach the bad doctrine until they themselves fix it (or, if they choose, make an even worse doctrine--then, you abide by and teach the even worse doctrine until they change it again).

    Mandatory attendance of all boasting sessions under threat of Gehenna is one of those bad teachings from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. The witlesses are supposed to teach that bad doctrine, and abide by it, even if they can be proven wrong using their own holy book. And they will defend the bad doctrine--as they are "supposed" to.

  • abbagail

    Good job breaking down Heb. 10:24-25 with your friend, Oubliette.

    If anyone can ever get a JW to READ SCRIPTURE IN CONTEXT, it could even be easier. IN CONTEXT means, WHO was speaking TO WHOM exactly? And does what they said apply to ME in the Here & Now? Usually not!**

    For instance, you could ask the JW:

    1. The book of HEBREWS was written to WHOM? ...da da! THE HEBREWS! It says so right in the Title! Are YOU a Hebrew? No? Then it doesn't apply to you.

    2. Ditto Deuteronomy 31 - TO WHOM was it written? Ah ha! Ancient ISRAEL. Are you a member of Ancient Israel? No? Then it doesn't apply to you.

    3. Ditto Acts 2 - WHO were the "players" during the timeframe of that chapter? ALL JEWS! Who was Peter speaking TO in his famous speech right there in Acts 2? Men of Judea, House of Israel, etc. Says so plain as day. Since there is no longer "either Jew or Greek" but all are ONE in Christ Jesus, then nothing about Acts 2 applies to you, dear JW.

    **What DOES apply to us in this age of GRACE? Paul's prison epistles. Get to know those first & foremost to understand your position in Christ already & you will no longer need the WT as your "Go-To Nanny" because Christ is your HEAD.

    It's a beautiful thing for believers to get together for fellowship, meals, &/or mutual study, prayer, praise, singing, etc., but no Christian is "condemned" for NOT associating with believers. What if you have a disability & cannot get out? What if you live somewhere where there is a lack of Christian association, etc.? The WT's "guilt trips" re "earning your salvation via KH meetings" can be a killer burden to carry & is not a *mandatory* requirement.

  • smiddy


    Thanks for this post, and to all who have responded . Food for thought.


  • Lied2NoMore

    Once again it is the JW / WT hypocrisy at work here because it is actually THEM who forsake the gathering together with one who is "weak" or "lost" or "inactive"...they will seek out associates who are by appearances "spiritual" .....they actually withdraw from ones who actually may need the gathering the most....

  • factfinder


  • BU2B

    thanks for this.. So true

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    So then, if meetings are SOOO important than why is it acceptable to "forsake" the meetings to work with the RBC, Bethel and other "spiritually" oriented tasks. Paul did NOT make any concessions here.

    Another point, and I don't think anyone has touched on it, is the fact that many do not believe that Paul even wrote the Hebrews. So, when the "writer" speaks of "forsaking" what exactly does he mean. One might extrapolate from other Pauline writings just what Paul might have meant, but if it wasn't Paul that wrote it, no comparative ability exists. My take on the whole thing, get together with like minded believers, worship, encourage, the writer simply means, "Don't be a spiritual island." Nothing wrong with that. Problem is, the JW meetings are typically far from a place to be encouraged "all the more so" as the expected end "draws near."


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