Don't Miss the Meetings - Hebrews 10:24, 25 Re-examined

by Oubliette 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

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    "not forsaking". Forsaking (Gr. egkataleipo) does not mean to 'miss' as in 'miss a meeting'.
    It means to forsake, leave behind, give up on, desert.

    What Paul is saying is not to 'turn your back entirely' on the gathering of yourselves together.

    It has nothing to do with missing the occasional meeting, since it's as much a state of mind.
    You could be away from the meeting ill, but you have not forsaken the meetings because you still desire to be there.

    But this true definition really doesn't help with guilting people to keep attending, so that's no good!


  • bruh2012

    Yesterday at the meeting- it was said during the congregation bible study to learn about Jehovah we need to study and be at the meetings.

    Thinking- wow how amazing how 3,000 folks, 5,000 folks heard the message from the apostles and got baptised all in one day without being at the "Kingdom Hall" !!!

  • leaving_quietly

    Yesterday at the meeting- it was said during the congregation bible study to learn about Jehovah we need to study and be at the meetings.

    This sort of thing really blows my mind. It's completely contrary to Hebrews 8:11,12 (quoting Jeremiah):

    “‘And they will by no means teach each one his fellow citizen and each one his brother, saying: “Know Jehovah!” For they will all know me, from [the] least one to [the] greatest one of them. For I shall be merciful to their unrighteous deeds, and I shall by no means call their sins to mind anymore.’”

    Why do we need to be a the meetings to "learn about Jehovah"? We don't! That wasn't the point of Heb 10:24,25. The point was to build up in love and fine works (works of the spirit, no works of studying, preaching, etc.)

  • BU2B

    Adamah, do you have a name on that bombshell??

  • FadeToBlack

    Marked. Needed for discussion for wife this week. She was very disappointed that I did not attend the meeting today (conclusion of CO visit). We had a brief discussion before she left and agreed to continue our bible reading/discussions. She said she also has some scriptures she wants to get my viewpoint on, and this for sure will probably be the first.

  • Phizzy

    I am still not convinced it was a first century custom to meet on a weekly basis, it may have been of course. Let's assume it was, then that is the precedent for JW's to follow, one weekly Meeting at the most.

    The Hebrews scripture does not demand that everyone attend every week either, just that meeting together as a practice is not abandoned by individuals.

    As Hebrews was written more than likely around 80-90 C.E many may have been drifting away from the faith due to the promises of a return of Christ not being fulfilled, so this instruction has the same motive as the WT has in quoting it, to stop cult members from leaving.

  • Crazyguy

    Thats a good point Phizzy, even in the 1st century they were being told Jesus would be back very soon. Jesus himself said it so yeah people were probably getting impatient and leaving. Its also interesting that after 325 when christianity became legal many/most? people were forced to convert into it. They christians went from being persecuted to the persecutors.

  • Oubliette

    Bumpin' it for the newbies and lurkers!

  • Esse quam videri
  • EdenOne


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