Don't Miss the Meetings - Hebrews 10:24, 25 Re-examined

by Oubliette 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • B4Right

    Thanks "O" for that breakdown. I have used the same points in similar scenarios with the same results. Approaching it as you mention-" this what the bible say and teach".

    when I was a elder I myself would use other translations to hammer the point about making the meetings- one translation I can't remember now said "don't miss meetings" I used to use.

    I repeat what someone said about the book study being "axed" I recall at a convention the society saying that it's one of the most important meetings to attend it's the place we will need once the governments close our KH's hence forth that latest photo in one the study articles with the " friends" huddled in what looks like a basement.

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