New development in my life

by EdenOne 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • EdenOne

    I was expecting it, but nevertheless it was sad to see that what REALLY matters isn't what I believe or what the Bible teaches - what REALLY REALLY matters is if I accept that the Organization has the "truth" and the GB/FDS is God's sole channel and agent on Earth. It all boils down to that. Since I was willing to concede that hipothetically it MIGHT be the case (despite what I really believe), they let me go my own merry way as long as I didn't "disseminate" my ideas.

    Oh well. Blind organization worshippers is what they've become. One even told me: "I have my doubts and questions. But they are completely irrelevant. They don't matter at all, considering the big picture. I completely trust that Jehovah is using this organization, so what I personally believe or not is of no relevance."

    Duh, say that again??


  • minimus

    Eden, how are things now??

  • EdenOne

    Hi Minimus

    A few things have happened.

    The Elders let me off the hook. I feel that a couple of them are clearly avoiding close contact with me. Most others, all normal.

    My wife decided she didn't wanted me to prepare the Watchtower study or the Highlights with her because I make far too many remarks that were at odds with the teachings from the "slave". [read = she sees me as an apostate] She shuns any conversation that becomes critic towards the beliefs of the JW's, although she is receptive to critics towards the GB. Go figure.

    My son decided he doesn't want to be a JW anymore. Mind you, his decision has more to do with sheer lazyness than with my personal experience, which he isn't full aware of. He wanted to dissociate, but we persuaded him, for the sake of keeping the JW relatives talking with him, that he simply become inactive, to which he agreed. Nevertheless, this is causing great distress to his mother.

    I partook of the emblems on the last memorial, albeit in the privacy of my home. No lightning struck me, nor did I feel born again. All normal.


  • minimus

    Nice progress!!!

  • Bella15

    O Eden! Congratulations on your demotion!

    and yes, we will not trust no one!

  • EdenOne

    Yes, anyone fading should trust no one. That's the best advise i can give. It's a lonely place, but don't screw it all by trusting someone who's still IN. You just can't tell ultimately where their alliegence is.


  • MissFit

    Hi Eden any updates? How is your son doing?

  • EdenOne

    hey MissFit :)

    My son had a curious experience at school the other day, at a philosophy forum. Some evangelical colleagues stated that faith can solve every problem; he asked them why people of great faith have problems that cannot be solved. Their reply was that if a problem cannot be solved by faith, then such person is lacking faith. My son then went to tell his classmates that he has never known anyone of greater faith than his grandmother (JW) and yet she is being slowly eaten away by cancer. They told him that obviously she hasn't got enough faith, otherwise she would be healed by now. My son came home furious and commented that there are other religions that can be more ignorant than the JW's, after all. I thought it was a fair remark lol

    He doesn't go to meetings nor field service, but when there's some social meeting in the congregation he goes and manages to have a good time; I'm glad that no one is snubbing him.

    As for me, I file a couple of FS hours a month and the motley crew leaves me to my devices.

    The other week I had the n.2 bible reading and my ex co-elder had to give me the counsel from the School book. He was soo uncomfortable I had to laugh. I've usually been The top speaker of The congregation on The public talks :P I'm happy to report I made a "model reading" lol. How happyfying!


  • villagegirl

    OK to be clear - you discuss Christianity and your views on God and the Bible

    in an uplifting and respectful way and you are then kicked out of the Watchtower

    for this ? I went to the link. I saw no problem at all with it. Since you wife has proven herself

    to be your loyal friend, why don't you two just find another spiritual association that

    will praise you for your good work and not betray and degrade you ? The Watchtower

    is Anti - Christ , a cult of organization worshippers.

  • NewYork44M

    Great story. Thank you for keeping us updated.

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