i wish more churches would preach truth like this

by unstopableravens 258 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    Comatose, I always enjoy your positive comments thanks

  • designs

    Thor has a much better plan...

  • cofty

    Thor promised to rid the world of ice giants.

    Yahweh promised to rid the world of wickedness.

    I see no ice giants.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Ravens 8-8

    Broncos 13-3

    I forgot to rub it in!

  • unstopableravens

    Dazed, yeah I deserve that lol, we blew it bad




    ..................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • unstopableravens

    Outlaw, yummy lol


    Outlaw, yummy lol....unstopableravens.

    ......................The Chicken or the Blonde?!..


    ................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • unstopableravens

    Haha I plead the fifth lol

  • tec

    Peace to you, Unstop.

    I didn't get past the prayer either, Unstop, and there were things in that... well, not all he prayed for/about was truth. I thought perhaps he was going to give thanks, which is acceptable to do in public. Christ did so also. But a prayer like the one the preacher gave is one that Christ said should be done in private, behind closed doors, as dazed quoted Him as saying.

    That he has not listened to that very small command from Christ... well, should give one pause regarding his claim to speak the truth, shouldn't it? Christ did say, "If anyone loves me, they will obey my commands. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with them."

    Even the smallest. Perhaps especially the smallest. Because... "He who is faithful in least, is faithful in much."

    That doesn't mean people are not going to mess up, because we do, and we can find forgiveness in Christ; but that man is standing on that stage and he is about to give a speech about people not doing what Christ taught to do, while himself not doing what Christ taught to do. Calling that out is not judging him... it is simply speaking to the truth.

    As well, he prayed that God would soften the people's hearts to receive 'biblical' truth. Why add that condition? Why not ask that God open their hearts to receive God's truth? (who is Christ) Perhaps, Ravens, he does not KNOW that Truth, himself... and so does not know to ASK for that truth, for himself or for others, and so cannot teach it.. either to himself or to others? That doesn't mean he will be wrong about everything. But the wts is not wrong about everything either, and that makes them no less of a false christ, false prophet.

    He also prayed that God struck Uzzah down for touching the Ark. But if he knew Christ, he could ask if there was something more to that account that perhaps people did not understand because it does not seem to be in accord with Christ... who is the Truth of God, and he might hear something quite different than what he has been taught and now teaches himself.

    Again, not judging him. Just some impressions I got less than five minutes in, since everything he states is, as he said, based on IF he is speaking true. But within moments of that speech... he does opposite of something Christ taught. And it is not like he had to PRAY to get his message out there. He could have simply'preached' his message. Then prayed in private, as Christ told us to do. Praying in public like that is to show HIS righteousness before men. Note in his prayer, he is praying that God open THEIR hearts (not his), because THEY can't do that on their own.

    As for people being 'broken' or 'sinners'... which is an element that came into the thread from Cofty (I don't know if it is in the video; I can watch it all if you want and then discuss it with you)... sin is in this world and in man. Setting aside for a moment the sin in the flesh that causes this flesh to get sick and die. Sin is also wrongdoing, coming from a lack of love (and if truth comes from love, then what comes from a lack of love?). Otherwise, there would be no one abused, murdered, mistreated, starving, wronged, treated unjustly, lied about, persecuted, shunned (be that by religion or something else); no racism, prejudices, homeless men and women told to 'bugger' off, or simply not be seen countless times every day that we can see that they need or may ask for help; abused children, abusesd wives, abused husbands, abused elderly, corruption, theft (the NEED for theft by some who might commit theft just to feed themselves or others, in a world that should be GIVING enough to all who NEED, to at least allow them to survive).

    Yes, there are also beautiful things that come FROM love as well. Love of God, and love of neighbor as oneself. Truth also comes from love, but some people don't want truth, despite their claims to the opposite. But there is love in this world, there is charity, there is forgiveness and mercy, there are those who would give their lives for others (often for their own, mind you... their own country, their own loved ones, their own 'kind'), there are acts of kindness, there are those who selflessly give their time and energy to help those who have been abused, to feed the homesless and the hungry, to help those in need who cannot help themselves for whatever reason.

    There are stories and examples of these good things all over the world. But there is also sin.

    Peace and love to you, Unstop, and to all... not as the world gives peace and love, but as Christ gives peace and love.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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