Just sent letter to my parents that I no longer want to be a JW

by ?evrything 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You don't have to throw the whole trash can at them. I reckon it's better to do a thorough job on one subject than a half pie job on several. Pick one that undermines selection as God's channel as that is the sand the whole castle is built on.

  • ?evrything

    BlackSheep thats what I had in mind.. :) gonna only stay on that one argument until they bend or fold.

  • Bob_NC

    This will go differently than you imagine. Remember, your parents are hurting according to their belief system. You have a chance to show them what the new you is all about.

    Be kind, be gentle, be understanding, to them as people and as your family. But don't budge an inch on anything WT or organizational. Help them to see how smooth and nice your life is already. They know the stress from the congregation. Give them a breath of fresh air.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Stay strong. Anyone who repeatedly makes you feel guilty has a personality disorder....according to some grand puh bah i watched today.

  • ABibleStudent

    Black Sheep - You don't have to throw the whole trash can at them. I reckon it's better to do a thorough job on one subject than a half pie job on several. Pick one that undermines selection as God's channel as that is the sand the whole castle is built on.

    Hi ?evrything, DITTO what Black Sheep said. Whle I was studying with a brother at the insistance of a former friend who is a "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JW, I was able to prove that the Blood doctrine could not be justified with the Bible because the brother switched to trying to prove that the Bible states that God works through an organization. Back then I did not know how to handle that switching of topics. Now I know better and I feel I know how to disprove that Jesus Christ would want an organization to represent God.

    How would your parents respond to you if you asked them, "I love you more than I love the WTBTS. What would I have to show/prove to you to love me more than the WTBTS so that you do not shun me?" Life is too short to talk about the WTBTS.

    Best of wishes helping your parents to critically think for themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • caroline77

    Al of Christ's followers are commanded to take the bread and wine in memory of him. They are very wrong on this one. You could try to argue this one with them. There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.

  • ?evrything

    Thanks Robert. Will keep that in mind.

  • ?evrything

    So its confirmed they will be at my place tomorrow around 3pm. Wish me luck. Ill be sure to post the results after the visit. Already put stipulation that im not chaning my mind and if they try to I have no prob showing them the door.

  • problemaddict

    Hey bud. Read the articles Paul brought to your attention on JWfacts. They will help. Make sure to not let the conversation be an outlet for you. I agree with others to an extend. Have empathy for what they must be feeling, show them you are a success and happy, and also be prepared to make a stand for what you believe doing so with how they might view it in mind. Just because they most likely will not change their mind, doesn't mean you shouldn't try. They are your parents and they love you. My family knows my stance (in some cases to an extreme degree), and despite their level of loyalty to the org, they do not shun me and my role in the family has not diminished. I credit alot of that with HOW I made sure to communicate things and when.

    So keep it loving and empathetic, and be PREPARED. Have some print outs. Have some articles. Have some responses to the conversation stoppers. it ALWAYS comes back to obedience to the GB and just following them.

  • Ding

    Of course, you know your parents and I don't, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt.

    I'm just going by what I know of the experiences of others in your position.

    That said, I recommend asking them if they really want to know your reasons because it will involve their hearing and seeing unpleasant information about the organization.

    Make clear that you don't want to put them through that, particularly if all it will do is get them defensive and drive a further wedge between you.

    If they say they do want to know, make sure they understand that they are expressly giving you permission to show and tell them things they won't want to hear about "Jehovah's organization" and are likely to find upsetting and offensive.

    And be sure you have good responses for the issues Problemaddict mentioned as well as for the expected guilt trip they are likely to try to lay on you -- how you are hurting them, how they have tried to raise you to be loyal to Jehovah and His organization, how when you were little you were so devoted to God, where have they gone wrong, how they can't bear the thought of being in the new system without you, and so on.

    Those feelings are very real to them.

    If you can't handle all that, then don't get into it.

    Just tell them you still love them and hope they will always love you too.

    I wish you all the best.

    Remember that whatever happens we are here for you.

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