Experiences: CAA needs to emotionally vomit... catharsis... release ... etc.

by confusedandalone 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • KateWild

    What a story, CAA. I am glad you have a wife who can let it go. I am so glad I am out that cult and not contributing to Sister Slutface and her luxury apartment at NY HQ of the WTBTS.

    Love Sam xx

  • confusedandalone

    " Sister Slutface and her luxury apartment at NY HQ of the WTBTS."

    ROFL this is a quote that I will treasure

  • BU2B

    Thanks for sharing CAA... You have definetly had some ups and downs in your life.. Some of it sounds pretty exciting though. Glad you have got through all of this.

  • humbled

    You were young. All of us were pretty helpless under those circumstances. Talk about hitting the "ON" switch!

    Elders don't need to read smutty magazines to indulge their fantasies--the young are there to chew up and spit out.

    I feel bad for you--but I think you were more sane than not in your reactions--normal. Maybe they laid the screws to her (!!!!)enough--because she sounds less so. Poor girl.

    Convoluted and twisted.

    Edit: WHOOOAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Just read the last part.

    What a f*#ked up life--hers is.

    For you--How rough it is to have those false accusations loom over!

    In the world outside it is similar to a false rape claim. Someone near and dear had that happen to him--The woman went to the law when her boyfriend caught her cheating with the young man (his first sexual encounter EVER). She rolled on him by saying it was rape. Almost went to court--but it was found to be baseless and she had done that before when she had cheated on her ex-husband.

    A real nightmare to have an intimate other take you down like that woman did to save herself. Save herself?

    The spiritual-sexual sick-ness of the Borg makes for a special creep factor. And the gossip grapevine. Don't you wish you could put weedkiller on it since there isn't a way for the whole story to be told? AAARRRGGGH!!!!!

    I've said it before, CAA, I love your wife.

    You are amazing, though. You are basically sound-It seems.

    But that is coming from someone who is Bat-$#!+ crazy.

    Now--let it go,if you can. It will redden your ears and raise your blood pressure for a long time. But cancers grow out of those painful memories--IMO.

    Take care, CAA.

  • confusedandalone

    I do appreciate it BU2B...

    THe thing is I feel like these few expewriences that I have been holding on to need to get out of me so I can complete my exit. I feeeel like I am out but these things still come to my mind because I never voiced them. Unfortunately my vomiting will continue for a smidge LOL

  • confusedandalone

    "I feel bad for you--but I think you were more sane than not in your reactions--normal. Maybe they laid the screws to her (!!!!)enough--because she sounds less so. Poor girl."

    I may have reacted normal... but it left me feeling like such a punk... I guess you are right though, at that age there is so much confusion in life that standing firm on anything can be difficult.

  • quellycatface

    My husband said yesterday that the worse "sluts" he'd ever met were at the KH. He's been to Uni and was in the military, so he's not exactly naive!!! Don't say too much about the sisters, does it???

    I am sorry for the time you've had. You are among friends here that won't judge you.

    Kind thoughts sent your way xx

  • confusedandalone

    " My husband said yesterday that the worse "sluts" he'd ever met were at the KH"

    It is as if they are packing all of the fun stuff in before they get married LOL... then they become prudes.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    You know, it's almost like the sisters (well, some of them anyway!) take advantage of the oppressed, sex-guilted male JW because they know the power they hold.... A young, inexperienced boy is easy to inflame ... Don't be too hard on yourself... And you know what, it isn't only the young males, let me amend that!

    Speaking as a female, I was quite aware of my sexual power (now fading as I get older!) .... that young sister was not naive, she knew how to play the game. I am sorry you were so hurt. :(

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Wow Confused, That Black Widow Bit$h was pure poison. I have never heard a story like yours before.

    In my old KHall , a sister latched onto a brother when she was 16. When she turned 18 she moved into his parents house as a boarder???

    Father was an Elder. His oldest son was a bit of a sleeping oaf. Really not marriage material so maybe his parents thought being nice to the girl would help his chances. He told his best man he didn't really love her or want to marry her, but he saw her 'boobs' and so he guesses he has to marry her now, so he did. So yes, she is married, and yes other girls her age are still single. She continued to pioneer, no restrictions for her. I have no idea if they even talked to anyone. She was always posturing herself as though she was the only female in the world with boobs. She demanded attention. She had her hand up all the time, commenting. She actually was rather sickening to watch.


    I am sorry for how this evil human being played you for her own entertainment.

    She is disgusting and evil and cruel and twisted.

    I hope you can start to heal. You have TOLD. Doesn't it feel better, now?

    Since this evil snake is at Bethel, I wonder what high octane games she is up to. Player's don't stop playing just because she is married.

    I would imagine she has all kinds of 'games' to play with innocent, hormone driven, female denied, Bethel boys. She is disgusting and enjoys hurting others.

    This snake searched you out, and bit you, but you survived.

    I am thankful that you feel well enough to unload your story(s) to us.

    There is a sister named Heidi who lives in California that I have always wondered how she 'made' her husband, fall in love with her. Your story makes me wonder.

    Take care of yourself and your precious wife. You are among friends. Thank you for sharing your story.


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