Experiences: CAA needs to emotionally vomit... catharsis... release ... etc.

by confusedandalone 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LisaRose

    That's quite a story. In my years in I came to the conclusion that there were two kinds of Witnesses. The honest ones who sincerely try to do what is right, they obey the rules most of the time, but when they don't, they immediately get caught and/or confess and are severely punished. The others pick and choose what rules they want to break and never feel bad when they do. The never confess, but if caught they lie like a rug and seldom suffer any consequences. They will, however, turn others in for any infraction and will even make things up.

    So your story fits in with that theory.

  • jgnat

    You were taken in by a Siren and you were nearly dashed on the rocks. Kiss your wife every day for finding you and keeping you.


    Have I recommended http://www.thetimeparadox.com/ for you yet? The book helps put memory in perspective, and helped me tuck away my past in a safe place and move on. I've noted you've enjoyed moments of hedonist pleasure since your exit, which is great stuff, and planning for the future, which is also great.

    The people who glean the best from their past hang on to the traditions and positive memories.

  • Oubliette

    CAA: because I can no longer keep them bottled up and expect to move on.

    This is so true. And only an ex-JW can understand. Others may try, but they just can't do it. Maybe someone that's been in another cult could, but otherwise the average person just cannot relate.

  • cookiemaster

    Confusedandalone I read some of your stories here and they're very entertaining, but this one is by far the best. And here I tought I was naughty getting a handjob at a district convention but you, you got a blowjob just a few hundred yards away from JW Vatican. You sir are my hero !

  • sir82

    You just have to laugh every time the WT writes something about how disfellowshipping is "necessary" to "preserve the cleanliness" of the organization.

    I'd wager that well over 1/2 of the org. is currently doing, or at least have done, something that they should / could have been DF'ed for.

  • Crazyguy

    I think this girl knew how the game was really played in the org and was just looking to marry a bethlite for status and one that also new the game. When your conscience got to you then she knew you didn't know the game and dumped your ass. Being naive is a bitch some times.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It's not just that she was a player and a liar, but the reaction of your elders and family to you, the blowee, when she, the blower, got a "get out of jail free" card. Reminds me of a case where the married elder went through the judicial wringer while the single, pioneer sister conveniently moved and nothing judicial was done. Yeah, there's lots of crazies in the cult.

  • confusedandalone

    " Don't be too hard on yourself... And you know what, it isn't only the young males, let me amend that!" -I dont think I am still mad about what she did. More mad that I never did anything about it and let her get away with it without telling someone the TRUTH.

    " Since this evil snake is at Bethel," - SHe is no longer at Bethel.. Her and her husband are actually back in the territory in NJ i was in befopre I got married and moved away. I am sure however she is either still evil and snotty or hopefully settling down caused her to change. I would hope

  • confusedandalone

    " The others pick and choose what rules they want to break and never feel bad when they do. The never confess, but if caught they lie like a rug and seldom suffer any consequences." - This is the truest thing I have read in a while. The bad part about it is that for a period as an elder I went extremely tough on women that came in with the sad sob stories... That behavior is something that I feel bad about but I have moved on. Just frther proof that imperfect people have no right to judge others.

    " Have I reccommended http://www.thetimeparadox.com/ for you yet? " - you haven't. I will definitely take it for a spin. I have garnered alot more times these days with lack of meetings etc... lol. Subject matters seems strangely appropriate as well.

    " This is so true. And only an ex-JW can understand" - Indeed. IU talked to a guy I have become friends with and he said it sounds like you are still bitter with her. The thing is I am not. I am just freaking pissed that I allowed myuself to chicken out from doing what I feel should have been done.

    " And here I tought I was naughty getting a handjob at a district convention but you, you got a blowjob just a few hundred yards away from JW Vatican. " - I never really thought of it that way LOL. That evening I kept saying in a prayer "Jehovah I will never do this again I promise..... " then a day or two later I was back at it LOL

    " I'd wager that well over 1/2 of the org. is currently doing, or at least have done, something that they should / could have been DF'ed for." - My thoughts exactly... I always felt that somenow he knew I didn't need to be df'ed LOL

    " Being naive is a bitch some times." - Yup! Just thank the giant spaghetti monster that Presidents Day shuts shit down

    " the blowee, when she, the blower" - that college education is shining through, this mad me laugh very hardily lol

  • LivingTheDream

    confusedandalone -

    I had a similar experience with an elder's daughter after my Bethel stay. She also had huge boobs by the way and could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. (What is it with ex-Bethelites and big boobs anyway?)

    Ended up marrying her... bad decision.

    Just be glad you dodged that bullet and were free to find your true love. It could have been worse. You could still be stuck with her.

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