this week's wt study

by thedog1 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    I can't bring myself to read a WT article. I will say that I have no problem with hard-workers that either choose not to go to college or have circumstances that just don't allow for it. But a group of people that poisons the idea yet they go to "worldly" doctors, lawyers, teachers, and tons of professional people in their lives- those people are leeches on society.

  • rawe

    Hi Billy,

    "Higher education, with its emphasis on academic study, often produces graduates who have few or no practical skills, leaving them unprepared to deal with the realities of life."

    My oldest daughter from about age 14 decided she wanted to be a registered nurse. Now at age 25, she has completed nearly two years as an R.N. The skills of this profession are a mix of class room book learning and hands on practice.

    In contrast my third daughter is in her 3rd year at St. John's College, which is a Great Books college. Basically she will come out with a background in philosophy. I sometimes joke with co-workers that you know employers just can't find enough philosophers! In reality though, academic study, is often not just learning things and gaining specific knowledge, but learning how to learn and how to communicate ideas. When such material is produced by Jehovah's Witnesses, we now know how dishonest they are being. They're not concerned at all about an individuals "practical skills", but instead know higher education often develops critical thinking skills, that in turn will cause people to see issues with the faith.



  • rmt1

    Wall Street Journal

    From College Major to Career (sort on unemployment percent)

  • eyeuse2badub

    SAD day yesterday…..

    So SAD (Special Assembly Day) at Madera Assembly Hall for so many reasons. I’m SAD that I went, but I wanted to be with my family to whom I’m trying subtly to present ttatt.

    SAD to see so many old friends getting ‘old’ in front of my eyes as they cling desperately to the mythological idea of “Armageddon is just around the corner”.

    SAD to see the same brothers used to present the parts on the program. Was like watching old TV re-runs.

    SAD to see the WTBTS shipping some 80 year old guy from Bethel out here to give a couple of rah-rah speechs.

    SAD to hear that our 1 day program “incurred expenses of $6,990.00 dollars”. (for what? the assembly hall that is 40 years old?)

    SAD to have the WT review brother spew such a vile slanted view of ‘higher education’.

    SADLY, it was like going out shopping for new tires for your car but when you get to the tire ‘super store’, all they had to ‘sell’ was old used tires and retreads. Truly a SAD day.

    Just saying!


  • rawe

    Hi Rm1,

    "From College Major to Career (sort on unemployment percent)"


    Hey, maybe this will work out for my 3rd daughter! :D



  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I began reading this piece of complete shit article and I believe my blood pressure instantly spiked.

    Wait until their donations dry up because their undereducated membership can't afford to put food on their tables.

  • thedog1

    hijosdelawatch, sad that somebody would be that rude to embarrass you in the wt study. I have always tried to avoid doing this. Some aspects of university life can pose a challenge to people in relation to values and beliefs, but I still think we should have freedom of choice without somebody breathing down our necks and making pointed, stupid comments about people not obeying Jehovah if they go to university. That is what free will is all about. Every time I conduct a WT study I try to take all viewpoints into consideration, and the circumstances of all present, as far as I can, to avoid making anybody feel accused or guilty about choices they make. Christianity is not about making people feel guilty, but encouraging people to follow Christ's example.

    As to your question, Sam, about what I want, it's a good question. I don't know at the moment. I am currently conducting a bible study with the son of a sister in the congregation. He was very zealous for a while, then started to miss all the meetings and do nothing about studying etc. Yesterday we had a study and now, even though he is not baptised yet, he wants to pioneer! He seems to have seen the light. This made me feel very schizophrenic as I have, as you know, been having a lot of doubts recently. Now I am in the position of trying to help somebody else to progress to baptism. Interesting dilemma. Can I encourage him to officially take on a set of beliefs that I myself do not completely believe in anymore?

  • AlphaMan

    Meanwhile, in my mind a change was happening. It's the first time I started thinking of it as a CULT. I cannot see it anymore as a mere religion with some false teachings.

    One of the most profound comments I've ever read on this board.

    Good luck young hijosdealwatch on your university studies and on getting out of the CULT.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    THE DOG1 - Guard your conscience and find a reason to ditch the study.

    I did this with someone I was studying with - a sister's unbelieving husband.

    I simply told him that "doing a question and answer book wouldn't open your heart and mind to the truth - study the Bible, and if you've any questions I can help you with, just ask."

    Worked a treat!

  • Oubliette

    "Higher education, with its emphasis on academic study, often produces graduates who have few or no practical skills, leaving them unprepared to deal with the realities of life."

    This is really stupid!

    What could be more practical than learning how to learn and how to think? Nothing!

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