this week's wt study

by thedog1 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The writer of this article may not have had a good night's sleep when he wrote this article. He made a couple of conflicting statements in paragraph 3 that made no sense.

    Either the basis for young ones' dedication to God is out of love for God or its' not!

    Part of paragraph 3 states: 'Indeed, even young ones who get baptized do so only after they make their own personal dedication to Jahovah, not simply to please their parents.'

    And then the next sentence says: 'The basis for Christian dedication is love of our heavenly Master, Jehovah.'

    The writer just stated in the previous sentence that the basis for a young person's dedication could be 'simply to please their parents'.

    Which is it? Do young ones dedicate their lives to Jehovah because they love God or do they get baptized to please their parents?

    I've been around the 'Truth' for many a decade and I know from experience that more often than not a young person's getting baptized is (1) to please their parents, (2) due to peer pressure and finally (3) they maybe but hightly unlikely get baptized out of love of God.

  • quellycatface

    I quote "the object of universities is not to make skilful lawyers, physicians or engineers.It is to make capable and cultivated human beings."

  • Xanthippe
    eduation internet porn being blind obedient. There you have all been to the latest convention. - zeb

    Lol thanks Zeb.

  • quellycatface

    No one should be made to feel marginalised for wanting to better themselves and secure a decent future for their families. If this includes higher education, promotion or relocating. I am so glad I'm not there today to listen to this crap. It's only fit for next weeks garbage.

    And Merry Christmas all you lovers of El Diablo xx

  • ohnightdivine

    I wanted to vomit while listening to the article. Sorry I posted a duplicate thread just a while ago, by the way..

    I just can't understand how he WT can feel so good about making people guilty about being educated and having decent work. If I got no food or money or health, would the 8 guys up there help me???

  • hijosdelawatch

    As I stopped pioneering some years ago in a needed congregation and I went into college to have a degree in a very worldly field with all its maths and science, I expected to have a very uncomfortable meeting. I'm living with my parents, thanks to them I can study.

    What I didn't expect was the rudeness and loneliness, even physical, I felt. I was seated there in the KH and next to me there was an elder sitting. When he saw I was there he left two seats free between us! I didn't know if I was becoming paranoid or it was related with me. What happened next was going to answer me this question.

    Once the WT study started, it was all directed to me. An Elder gave a comment and he said about the picture in pages 14,15: "I can only comment about the picture above, that's what I lived. Maybe, another brother could comment the second one, one who has disobeyed the organisation's advise". Both the WT conductor and the elder smiled.

    Another elder insisted: "It's not compatible being a Jehovah's Witness and pursuing a worldly career, even going to University". A sister whose daughter wants to go to college in 2 years tried to do a moderate comment. Immediately, the WT conductor said it was a proof of a brother's love for Jehovah's Organisation.

    Meanwhile, in my mind a change was happening. It's the first time I started thinking of it as a CULT. I cannot see it anymore as a mere religion with some false teachings.

    After the meeting, some elders wanted to speak with me. 'How was the meeting?', they asked me. 'Well, it was interesting, of course', I replied. What other thing could I say? They insisted to speak about this issue, they asked me why I'm not going to preach more even insisted a couple of times, not directly of course, it was not possible to me to become a MS if I follow this path. One of them was so impolite. He told me he feels so sad when he sees a brother going to university because it's a insult to those brothers and sisters who have sacrificed their lifes to Jehovah, giving to his Organisation all their time and money. Of course, it was his case. He didn't go to college nor learn a trade. Now, he's unemployed and it seems like he wants others to be like him.

    I know while living at home with my family I have to go to meetings, preaching some hours and act as if I were a "normal" JW. But last night I felt so alone. I'm in the middle of nowhere. I don't believe in them anymore but I can't left the so called truth yet. How bad I feel!

    It's a cult. What I saw in their eyes was hate, and blind obedience to human leaders. They suppress their opinions and the realitiy they see and just follow what the Governing body commands. I don't recognise there a loving God.

    Sorry for this long post. I just needed to express myself.

    PS: Sorry also for my English. It's not my mother tongue.

  • quellycatface

    You speak great English, hijosdelawatch. Appreciated your thoughts, especially about the lonliness and rudeness. I think alot of JW's lack basic social skills and are so wrapped up in their own "God's chose people trip" they can't see anything else.

    That elder's comment about insulting those who had "given" their lives to Jehovah was utter BS. What an arsehole.

    I know a pioneer couple who are both on disability allowance and live off the state 100%. They are better off like that than actually working. It's a joke. Self righteousness shoved right down your throat.

    Cherish your parents who are supportive of you and carry on with your studies.

    We are here for you.

  • Jen1

    Went to meeting today first time in ages could not come up with an excuse! Fading! Added bonus some horrible ones away! Brother who just moved in said I went to University before I got the truth but the course was very indepth and I would not have had time to serve Jehovah and do all my study, you cannot be a jw and go to university. But of course you can pioneer while doing cleaning work/window cleaning.

    Guess what, he has The best car. Fancy house. Fantastic fulltime job. No sign of him now as a baptized brother giving up any of it for part-time work, smaller house, more modest car!

  • KateWild

    Well done for going to university. Be careful about being an example of disobeying the GB, and encouraging others to disobey them. You know you body better than anyone. What is your relationship like with the brother who has the strongest most forceful personality?

    If you have a good realtionship with him, you will get some mileage to speak freely. If he is always nit picking at you and your wife about silly things, you need to be careful about speaking freely. Decide what you want for your future thedog1. You question the GB about their doctrine. You are right to do this. Now waht do you want?

    Love Kate xx

  • roger0518

    Just had this study today you know, i find it so hypocritical that the society discourages and sublimingly tells its followers to not go but instead spend 70 hours a month trying to convert people BUT then they want skilled university educated individuals to volunteer on project such as the new BRITAIN BRANCH Expansion.

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