The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wallsofjericho

    They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke.

    so we have closed the call again? you are only part of the second group if you were anointed during the lifetime of the first group huh?

    so why would there be a continuation of anointing if they are no longer part of the "generation"? Are these ones the new "replacements" that were spoken of for so many years after 1935? Or are these "mentally unstable" losers?

    so ironic, the reducing number of anointed was the hallmark of how close the end was, the aging of the generation was another side of that same coin.

    Now they are talking about how old the 2nd group are in years now. These guys are so god dam lame

  • prologos

    According to par. 16 there are three groups of "anointed" identified:

    1) annointed in 1914, and dead

    2) knew the anointed of 1914 while being themselfs anointed and living now, and

    3) those that are partaking now, but did not know the 1914 group but know the present batch. (by watching the AGM on screen?)

    So Jesus might not have known it, but he had 3 groups in mind plus the so called OS.

    That third "anointed" group could easily be morphed into the generation too later, since it is all based on aquaintenceship.

    It's all in the family, the sequel.

  • Comatose

    So many points here I'd like to share with family... But, I know they wouldn't listen. Marking for later just the same.

  • TTATTelder

    Now the "dwindling number of annointed" can't be verified in the stats published by the Society. We can never know how many are part of the "overlapper class" as Data Dog put it.

    They can now say the number is dwindling regardless of how many "crazies" bite and sip each year.

    So they have delivered their one-two punch:

    1) They demoted the annointed last year by saying that they are just domestics in an attempt to reduce the appeal of partaking.

    2) They have explained away the significance of the total number by introducing this "overlapper" class as the only partakers that matter as far as the last day's prophecy is concerned.

    Makes you think that punch one didn't work. It will be interesting to see the memorial numbers for 2013. I guess we won't see those numbers until they release the 2014 yearbook.

  • prologos

    T-elder, but they also can hide the important number of OVERLAPPERS now, because the 3rd class, the newbie partakers who are not in the 2 groups

    is mixed in the overall count, (paragraph 6 above).

    Is there any other sect that counts communion participants?

    even the gospel writers did not get the count right 11? 12? 13?

    did the apostolic early church count partakers?

    count me out.

    WT writers have gone from writing a "final chapter" novel to buiding a plot that will carry them THROUGH the end.endlessly.


    Wow... 3 classes of partakers and the GC of [ other sheep ], and they are ALL domestics!! I don't cuss much, but what a crock of shit. If Peter was alive today, he would probably slay the GB with a sword... what utter bullshit. It's sad that there is no real humility among the GB. They are just a bunch of old charlatans. They are the blind guides that Jesus spoke of. I don't want to live forever if God supports people like this. I would rather face eternal non-existence than live in the JW theory of paradise. Any God who cannot exist without telling me to worship them 24/7 isn't worth living for. Fortunately, I do not believe in JEHOVAH of the Watchtower.


  • frankiespeakin

    1914 the generation that can take a licking and just keep on ticking:

  • flipper

    " Jesus words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least SOME of " this generation will by no means pass away " before seeing the start of the great tribulation. Uh-huh. Kinda like " millions now living will never die " ? Another con game approach ? Good lord. These WT Society leaders are so full of caca- poo-poo they're spiritually constipated up to their eyeballs. It's spewing out.... , oh never mind

  • frankiespeakin


    this generation will by no means pass away

    Maybe they might use this scripture to show that the generation could possibly stretch in to the future for centuries just because Jesus said it would never pass away or 'by no means pass away', but of course such an interpetation might cause many to slack off thinking no hurry and thus the Governing Body loose their cherished notion of keeping every body on their toes and ready for the master's return.

    If that ever did happen expect some more new light to keep people sedated and attending meetings and annual sales pep rallies live from Governing Body Central.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Not another thread about this. Can't we just start one big thread and stick to it?

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