The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TTATTelder

    They just give the flock what they want to hear. Basically this can be summed up by the following two-word thoughts:

    "We Good" "They Bad" "End Soon" (said in a caveman voice lol)

    Just tickle the ears. Buy a few more months/years. Yada yada.

    I will say - it appears quite obvious that they are extremely sensitive and defensive over this 100 year anniversary.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Those with any functioning brain have been sitting on this "overlap" crap for two years now.

    They CANNOT openly say anything for fear of being branded as apostates.

    But there are many, many of them who are murmuring about it behind the scenes with their closest trusted friends.

    They have to whisper about it among themselves just to ascertain that they are not the only ones with these "WTF" thoughts.

    Still, they have to keep it quiet or they will ALL be branded as apostates. Most cannot risk losing family and friends.


    At best they are sitting quietly and waiting on the next dose of New Lite on the subject.

    HEY! Let's all go grab a burger and a few (too many) brewskis after the meeting!



  • westiebilly11

    ..the arrogance...'we understand'...but they never explain how/why they understand.....very much the blind leading those who can see....this constant times of the end stuff is wearing thin......I've heard it all in the past...'living in the times of the end'...'deep in the time of the end'..'on the precipice of the end'.....soon to come'....'about to come'..etc etc etc....wish they would back up their castles in the air with real scriptural explanantion...but of course..they can't!!!

  • steve2

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is not the first time this idea of scoping the overlap has been presented by the WTS. It, in itself, is not "new light".

    Well observed konceptual99. The GB are experts at "adjusting the understanding".

    Of course, to "get away" with this, they need a band of willing (and gullible "believers").

  • jambon1

    Never, ever will you hear the word 'generation' referred to like this. It's utterly hilarious.

    Go out and ask ten people in the street what a 'generation' is. They'll tell you what the rest of humanity thinks a generation is.

    Its incredible that people swallow this. Mind you, the definition & the teaching over the generation has been played about with more times than Bubbles the monkey so understandable that the rank & file JW just sits and takes it.


  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    a : a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor b : a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously c : a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period

    Examples of GENERATION

    1. She was worshipped by a generation of moviegoers.
  • tootired2care

    LOL...SFPW, is your sense of urgency renewed again now that it's no longer tied to dwindling numbers of annointed?


    It makes sense "IF" you accept the premise that the WTBTS is God's sole channel. The channel is progressively moving forward, tacking through the winds of the etheral plane. Since the "channel" cannot be wrong, "evidently" the generation is an overlapping one.. The alternative is simple not allowable. Until such time as an individual JW realizes that the "channel" does not have God's sole blessing, they will believe everything that they see in print. The alternative is too frightening to entertain. 2034 or bust!!


  • Xanthippe

    Sometimes I think about my siblings still in and I say to myself well if they believe this utter garbage.......... words fail me

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    tootired, I don't worship the true God with an expiration date in mind for obvious reasons.- (Matt 24:36) Besides, what's a generation, or even overlapping generations when one has the possibility of living for eterninity all the while learning about Jehovah? While it's true that this system of things is still functioning longer than we anticipated, everyday still brings us closer to it's impending collapse and the signs are all there to reassure us. Besides, encroaching upon 2014, we're still closer to the end than our brethren were in the late 1800s, the early 1900s, mid 1900, latter 1900s, the early 80's, etc.. We're getting there, even if it does appear to be delaying. It may not come until 1934 or later, but it will come.-2 Pet 3:8,9; Hab 2:3

    As Winston Churchill said, "that the task which has been set us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance."

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