Can the jw organization be reformed?

by wannaexit 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • LaFrancia

    WANNAEXIT you have a P.M.

    You can make the translation for me. problem

    I understand that time is short

  • AlphaMan

    The only way the JW organization can be reformed is for a split in the current Governing Body to take place. After ousting whomever and laying blame on them, the remaining GB members can promise some type of reform that the JW's would be sucker to.

  • ablebodiedman


    Here is another scripture which convinces me that reform is inevitable:

    Romans 9:26

    and in the place where it was said to them, ‘YOU are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’"

    ‘YOU are not my people,’

    [Name of person] is no longer a Jehovah's Witness

    In the same place where this was said to them, they will eventually be called; "sons of the living God"

    This is why I spend time hanging out in the Ex-Jehovah's Witness community!


  • Ucantnome

    when i first started going out of the organization i thought something would come out that would change my view but it never did.

    now i can't see any way that it could change to a point that I would ever join in the preaching with them.

  • Fernando


    They are imposters.

    Their lust after the god of religion is incurable and terminal.

  • wannaexit

    Thank you Ablebodiedman- marked for careful reading.

  • wannaexit

    There is a definite movement within the ranks of Italian Jws towards reform from within. I don't know if its within the walls of the Italian Bethel or amongst individual members within the congregations spread throughout the Italian peninsula. I gleaned from the blog site

    I don't know the exact details--but there is something brewing at the Rome bethel. I have heard that 3 years ago it was taken over by the Selter branch in Germany. Then something happened and earlier this year Brooklyn send 3 North Americans to take over the administration.

    I personally feel as most of you, that the Watchtower organization is beyond reform. It's a human man- made entity that has successfully built up a rich empire. Right now it is nothing more than a financial corporation that uses cheap human labour looking after its own interest. When I think of reforms I always go back to George Orwell's Animal Farm.

    It has been mentioned that Ray Franz in the early years of his outsting was looking for a reform. But eventually he gave up on that idea, this is why he wrote his two books. I had the opportunity to speak with Ray many times and I don't believe that in his later years he had any faith in a reform of any kind.

  • wannaexit

    I few days ago I asked poster LaFrancia, a key member of the reform movement what is the" healthy part" of the organization.

    The following post is a translation of the answer he sent me in Italian via PM

    The healthy part of the organization that is whole is you, me , the honest publishers, the inactive brother, a sincere disfellowshipped, a genuine elder, a CO than doesn't always go along with the directives of the organization, but can distinguish betweenright and wrong. He could be a member of the governing body that is sincerely trying to change the status quo-----in other words the healthy part is all of us.

    I could continue indefiniely.....but in a nutshell the healthy part is made up of individuals that display qualities of honesty and humility, that sacrifice without personal gain or interest, and that put aside the theocratic directives that minimize one's own Bible trained conscience and put the Bible first.

    It could be reasonable to conclude that the healthy part is made up of more than half if not double that of the sick part. The only problem.....they do not have a voice. They cannot gather together to express themselves freely. The parameters of the organization do not allow this and we all know , someone that does is quickly accused of apostasy.

    I'd like to point out that we are not against the primary doctrines...but against the sharks and falcons that oppose theocratic reforms in harmony with the Bible, some of these doctrines have been mentioned on JWD and many of you are in favour.

    What would a reform like to see:

    1. Financial transparacy

    2. Elimination of judicial committee

    3. Elimination of non Christian rules with respects to disfellowshipping practices

    4. Giving publishes a voice on the process of appointing elders, CO's (if an elder is not suitable its the congregation, members that should have a say if he stays or should be done with the publishers vote as it was done in Russels' time. In this way the power is transferred from the top to the BASE of God's people, as they see fit at discerning the behaviour of those appointed.

    5. Elimination of DO's (these men don't serve theocracy)

    6. Reform the elders (Not all elders should be used for shepharding calls, only those displaying outstanding qualities of humility and tact and furthermore publishers should have a choice in deciding to accept a certain brother or not.

    7. Pedophiles: confessions of molestastions should not be accepted by the elders. Elders should ensure that the authorities are notified. Spiritual help to these individuals should come after a confession is made to the authorities

    8. Governing Body: the governing body shoud act on a 2/3 majority and introduce impeachment procedures.

  • LaFrancia

    ohhh............thank you wannaexit !!! uh george,no

    At the time of Franz ,internetdid not exist......

    Surely you know this or not ??We are only at the start one can predict the final outcome.

    The virus was inoculated (is a good virus) one can stop even the governing body.

    We are of the BASE of the people of God against wolves and sharKs ""theocratic"".....

    Thank you for your attention,I always have difficulty with English

  • NewYork44M

    Wannaexit, that sounds like good governance practices. What event would have to take place to force these changes? I suspect that you are not suggesting that they would make these changes on their own.

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